Correction. In the article, “Developmental Times and Life Table Statistics of Aulacorthum solani (Hemiptera: Aphididae) at Six Constant Temperatures, With Recommendations on the Application of Temperature-Dependent Development Models” by S. E. Jandricic, S. P. Wraight, K. C. Bennett, and J. P. Sanderson, published in Environmental Entomology, Volume 39, Number 5, October 2010, pp. 1631–1642, the following corrections are noted.
Tables 2 and 8: The values for reproductive rate (Ro), intrinsic rate of increase (rm), and subsequently doubling time (DT) and generation time (GT), were incorrectly calculated for Aulacorthum solani due to an error in application/summation of the Euler equation. These incorrect values were reported in Tables 2 and 8 and also appeared in the text of the abstract, results, and discussion sections. Tables with the corrected rm, DT, GT and Ro values are reprinted here (with the inclusion of rm, R0 and mean total adult fecundity at 30° C, which were not presented in the original paper). Additionally, rm, DT and R0 were incorrectly reported for the Lee et al. (2008a,b) reference at 25 °C in Table 2; these values have also been corrected in the reprint of Table 2. In light of these errors, the last 2 sentences in the 7th paragraph of the discussion section (pg. 1640) should be disregarded.
Additionally, we restate, for the sake of clarity, that mx (mean number of offspring per surviving aphid based on age from birth) was used in the calculation of rm in the Euler equation, despite our visual presentation of fecundity based on age of adult aphids (day of adulthood) in Figure 3.
Table 3. The total nymphal mortality of Aulacorthum solani reared at 10° C was incorrectly reported to be 33.33% in Table 3 and in the text of the results section. The correct total nymphal mortality at this temperature is 18.52%, as only 5 aphids died during nymphal development (not 9, as reported in Table 3). However, the proper mortality data (censored for missing aphids) was used in the survival curve (Figure 2); therefore this figure is correct as is. Furthermore, the correct nymphal morality was also used in the life table calculations (with missing aphids removed from the data prior to analysis).
Table 7. We would further like to clarify that the mean total fecundity at different temperatures presented in Table 7 (and also in Table 2, which compares our study with others) are the least squared means (i.e. adjusted means) of total offspring produced per adult aphid. In SAS, the least squared means were used in the general linear model and Tukey-Kramer test on multiple means due to an unbalanced design. Therefore, these numbers differ slightly from the arithmetic means (which were 74.59, 75.55, 69.42, 38.64 and 0.50, respectively, for 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C).
The authors would sincerely like to thank H. Chi for his contributions to the corrections of the errata.