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As the expansion of solar power spreads through much of the United States, members of the solar industry are working to change how solar energy facilities are designed and presented to the public. This includes the addition of habitat to conserve pollinators. We highlight and discuss ongoing efforts to couple solar energy production with pollinator conservation, noting recent legal definitions of these practices. We summarize key studies from the field of ecology, bee conservation, and our experience working with members of the solar industry (e.g., contribution to legislation defining solar pollinator habitat). Several recently published studies that employed similar practices to those proposed for solar developments reveal features that should be replicated and encouraged by the industry. These results suggest the addition of native, perennial flowering vegetation will promote wild bee conservation and more sustainable honey beekeeping. Going forward, there is a need for oversight and future research to avoid the misapplication of this promising but as of yet untested practice of coupling solar energy production with pollinator-friendly habitat. We conclude with best practices for the implementation of these additions to realize conservation and agricultural benefits.
Following the introduction of cattle, exotic dung beetles (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae, Geotrupidae, Scarabaeidae) were imported into the Antipodes (Australia and New Zealand) and North America (primarily the United States) to accelerate the degradation of cattle dung on pastures. The history of dung beetle introductions between the two regions is similar but has not previously been assessed: this is important as new introductions are continuing in the regions. Here, we review these introduction programs, report on their current status, and discuss methodological advances. In doing so, we examine the accidental introduction of exotic (i.e., adventive) species and the contribution of both deliberately introduced and adventive species to endemic dung beetle faunas. Further, we provide a list of pest and parasite species whose populations can be reduced by dung beetle activity. We also identify a combined total of 37 introduced and 47 adventive dung beetle species that have become established in the Antipodes and North America, with exotic species dominating dung beetle assemblages from pasture habitats. Climatic and edaphic matches, the size of founding populations, abiotic and biotic stressors, and the time of year when releases are made are all critical determinants that affect the success of dung beetle introduction programs. Finally, we discuss opportunities, plus the risks and challenges associated with dung beetle introductions. We hope that this review will aid in the success of future introduction programs, either to enhance ecosystem services in areas that they are needed, or potentially to reestablish native species in regions where they have been extirpated.
Fire is a natural disturbance that occurs in many temperate and tropical ecosystems worldwide. As ubiquitous members of these ecosystems, spiders (Araneae) are often affected by fire, and their response to this disturbance has been shown to be dependent on taxonomy, functional diversity, seasonality, and a variety of environmental factors. We examined the effect of fire on ground-dwelling spider assemblages in temperate forests in central Indiana over 5 yr and found that spider assemblages were significantly affected by fire disturbance. Overall spider abundance decreased, whereas species richness and diversity remained unaffected. We also found that spider response depended heavily on the family and/or guild to which the spider belonged. We suspect that altered habitat heterogeneity, the patchy nature of fire's effect on leaf litter, and the high rate of recolonization by spiders all played important roles in these observed patterns.
Oedaleus decorus asiaticus (Bei-Bienko, 1941) has been regarded as one of the most dominant locusts in the northern grassland, the adjacent area of agriculture and animal farmland, in China. The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of vegetation type on the oviposition behavior of this pest in an open field and the hatching success of the offspring in the following year. The results showed that vegetation type did have a significant effect on whether any egg pods were laid by O. d. asiaticus. Once the females laid eggs, vegetation type and cage number had a significant effect on the number of egg pods laid. The highest number of egg pods was found in the Cleistogenes squarrosa treatment, followed by Stipa krylovii and then Leymus chinensis, while the Artemisia frigida treatment contained the lowest number of egg pods. The O. d. asiaticus eggs laid in S. krylovii and C. squarrosa treatments had a significantly higher hatching success rate (over 53%) than the other two grasses (below 40%). In short, habitats with C. squarrosa and S. krylovii grasses are likely to be preferred by ovipositing females, thus population monitoring efforts of O. d. asiaticus should focus on these habitats.
Paralobesia viteana (Clemens), grape berry moth, is a major pest of grapes in Eastern North America. There is substantial regional variation in the response of male P. viteana to sex pheromone-baited monitoring traps in Michigan vineyards. Males are readily captured in traps in the southwest region, whereas in the northwest very few males are captured, despite larval infestation in grapes in both regions.Y-tube olfactometers and field experiments determined the response of male moths from northern and southern populations to the pheromone blend used in monitoring lures and to females from both regions. InY-tube choice tests, males responded similarly to the standard pheromone blend, and males did not preferentially choose females from either region. In field trials, traps baited with unmated females were deployed to test the preference of resident males for females from the two regions and for standard pheromone lures. In southwest Michigan vineyards, significantly more males were caught in traps with a 1.0-µg standard pheromone lure than in traps with captive females collected from vineyards in both regions or in traps with a blank lure control. A similar pattern of male captures among lure treatments was observed in northwest vineyards, although many fewer males were trapped and differences among treatments were not significant. We conclude that the observed regional differences in male response to pheromone traps are not caused by variation in pheromone-mediated behavioral responses, suggesting that other biotic and/or abiotic differences determine the regional variation in captures of this species.
The hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae Adelges tsugae Annand) poses a serious threat to hemlocks in eastern North America, and ongoing research is focused on the identification and development of biological controls to protect and manage hemlock resources. Three predators native to the Pacific Northwest of North America that have been the focus of much research are Leucopis argenticollis (Zetterstedt), Leucopis piniperda (Malloch) (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae), and Laricobius nigrinus (Fender) (Coleoptera: Derodontidae). This study addresses the knowledge gap of adult Leucopis spp. emergence patterns, with comparisons to the timing of larval La. nigrinus drop for pupation. Adult Leucopis spp. emergence was observed in the lab from field-collected, adelgid-infested foliage from Washington state in 2019 and 2020. Adult Leucopis spp. were collected daily as they emerged from foliage collections and identified to species using morphological features; a subset was validated using DNA barcoding. Accumulated heating degree days were calculated to compare a standardized emergence timing across collections made at different locations and temperature regimes. The abundance of the two Leucopis spp. and of the combined Leucopis spp. and La. nigrinus varied among sites and years, and no species was consistently more abundant than the other. Evaluations of seasonal emergence trends of the three species determine the predator complex behaves in a temporally stratified and predictable way. Emergence of adult Le. argenticollis was observed first, followed by La. nigrinus larval drop, with Le. piniperda emerging at the end of larval drop, and finally a second emergence of Le. argenticollis.
A potential barrier to the establishment of weed biological control agents is interference from other management tactics that induce plant defenses. Methods that suppress the weed such as feeding by other biological control agents or mechanical removal are especially disposed to inducing plant defenses and potentially limiting agent establishment. Here, we focused on the invasive weed Lygodium microphyllum (Cav.) R. Br. (Schizaeales: Lygodiaceae, Old World climbing fern) and one of its biological control agents, the mite Floracarus perrepae Knihinicki and Boczek (Acariformes: Eriophyidae). We experimentally induced plant defenses in potted plants via damage or application of jasmonic acid, a hormone typically involved in plant defenses, and measured the responses of the mite in a screenhouse. Localized damage to the pinnae (e.g., leaflets) via cutting or larval feeding from a second biological control agent, Neomusotima conspurcatalis (Warren) (Lepidoptera; Crambidae), reduced F. perrepae gall formation, but not the number of mites per gall. In contrast, damage to rachises (e.g., stems) did not affect galling, likely because plant defense responses were not systemic. Application of jasmonic acid reduced gall formation but not the numbers of mites within galls. Taken together, we found that localized damage interfered with gall formation but not within-gall reproduction. However, these effects on the mite from induced plant defenses are likely short-lived, and therefore interference between management tactics is unlikely to affect F. perrepae establishment and performance.
Pollination provided by bees is a critical ecosystem service for agricultural production. However, bee populations are at risk from stressors such as habitat loss, pesticides, and disease. On-farm wildflower plantings is one mitigation strategy to provide habitat and resources for bees. In many instances, government programs can subsidize the installation of these plantings for private landowners. Semi-natural habitat (SNH) in the landscape is also important for bee conservation and may alter the effectiveness of wildflower plantings. In this study, we tested the effectiveness of wildflower plantings and interactions with SNH in the landscape for promoting bee abundance and richness. Bee surveys were conducted over 2 yr at 22 sites in eastern Virginia and Maryland. Wildflower plantings, averaging 0.22 ha in size, were installed and maintained by cooperators at 10 of the sites. In total, 5,122 bees were identified from 85 species. Wildflower plantings did not alter bee communities independently, but bee abundance was greater on farms with plantings and 20–30% SNH in the landscape. Bee abundance and richness had nonlinear responses to increasing SNH in the landscape. The positive effects for richness and abundance peaked when SNH was approximately 40% of the landscape. Similar to predictions of the intermediate-landscape complexity hypothesis, increases in bee abundance at wildflower sites were only detected in simplified landscapes. Results indicate that small wildflower plantings in the Mid-Atlantic U.S. only provided conservation benefits to bee communities under specific circumstances on the scale studied, and that conserving SNH across the landscape may be a more important strategy.
Interseeding cover crops into standing grains can promote both agronomic and environmental benefits within agroecosystems. Producers must decide which cover crops are the best fit for their goals, and whether diverse cover crop mixtures provide benefits that are worth the increased seed cost. Broadcast seeding is an accessible strategy to try interseeding but can lead to patchy establishment; it is unknown how much seed loss is due to seed predators. In a two-year study, six cover crop species—planted as either single species or mixtures—were interseeded into standing corn. We evaluated seed predation at the time of seeding, agronomic impact through cover crop, and weedy biomass at the end of the season, and conservation impact through activity-density of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Cover crop seeds were vulnerable to seed predation, primarily by vertebrate seed predators, and seed loss varied across cover crop species. Cover crop biomass did not differ according to cover crop diversity and weedy biomass was not affected by cover crop presence or species. Cover crop diversity effects on carabid activity-density were inconsistent: carabids were higher in diverse mixtures in 1 year of the study, but only predicted by vegetative cover, not by cover crop, in the second year. Interseeding cover crops into corn has potential benefits for ground beetles, although the value of mixtures must be further explored.
Insecticide overuse in crop production systems often results in detrimental effects on predators and parasitoids, which regulate important insect pests. The natural enemies are also unable to survive in monocrop landscapes with the absence of shelter or food sources. Diversified vegetation, especially with flowering plants, can enhance natural enemy abundance and diversity, thus strengthening biological control, enabling farmers to reduce insecticides. In this study, we conserved bund vegetation and manipulated the existing rice landscapes with flowering plants to provide food and shelter for the biological control agents. Our study revealed significant positive relationships between predator densities and bund plant diversity. The abundance of predators significantly increased in the eco-engineered plots, especially at the flowering peaks compared to the insecticide-treated and control plots, while parasitoids were more diverse in both the eco-engineered and control plots. There were no significant differences in planthopper and leafhopper densities among the treatments during the rice early and maximum tillering stages, suggesting effective natural control of these herbivore pests in the eco-engineered plots at the early rice-growing season. However, at the heading stage relatively higher planthopper and leafhopper populations in the control and eco-engineered plots than in the insecticide-sprayed plots were recorded, suggesting perhaps the need for insecticide interventions if exceeding the threshold at this time. Our study indicates that manipulating the habitats surrounding the rice fields to enhance natural enemies is a sustainable practice in rice production as it can enhance the natural suppression of pests and thus reducing the need for insecticide.
Crop diversification often promotes farm sustainability. However, proper management of newly introduced crops is difficult when pests are unknown. Characterizing herbivore dynamics on new crops, and how they respond to agronomic factors, is crucial for integrated pest management. Here we explored factors affecting Lygus spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) herbivores in quinoa crops of Washington State. Quinoa is a newly introduced crop for North America that has multiple varieties and a range of agronomic practices used for cultivation. Through arthropod surveys and discussions with growers, we determined that Lygus spp. was the most abundant insect herbivore and likely contributed to low quinoa yields in previous seasons. We assessed how different varieties (Pison and QQ74), irrigation regimes (present and not), and planting methods (direct-seeded and transplanted) affected Lygus population dynamics. Lygus phenology was correlated with timing of quinoa seed-set in July and August, corresponding to a period when quinoa is most susceptible to Lygus. Both irrigation and planting manipulations had significant effects on Lygus abundance. Irrigation reduced Lygus abundance compared with nonirrigated plots in 2018. Planting method had a significant effect on Lygus populations in both 2017 and 2018, but effects differed among years. Variety had a significant effect on Lygus abundance, but only in nonirrigated plots. Overall, our study shows that Lygus is a common insect herbivore in quinoa, and careful selection of variety, planting method, and irrigation regime may be key components of effective control in seasons where Lygus abundance is high.
Noctuid pests, including tobacco budworm (Chloridea virescens (Fab.)) and bollworm (Helicoverpa zea (Boddie)), are significant pests of southern row crops including cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), corn (Zea mays L.), and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Moench.). This pest complex is seasonally monitored through Hartstack traps that are baited with synthetic lepidopteran pheromones across the southern United States. We examined bycatch from the noctuid traps deployed across the Mississippi Delta in 2015, 2016, and 2017 for the presence of bees. The most abundant species collected were honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), bumble bees (Bombus spp.), and long-horned bees (Melissodes spp.); these three genera accounted for 82.4% of specimens collected. We also evaluated the proportion of local- and landscape-level habitats on the abundance and richness of the bees caught as bycatch. The proportion of natural and semi-natural habitat affected the abundance and richness of bees collected at the landscape level, but not at more local scales. Additional research is needed to better understand these interactions between bycatch and landscape factors to minimize non-target collections.
Wireworms have become a significant menace to cereals in the Northern Great Plains. Therefore, research toward developing effective control methods such as biological control with entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) is warranted. Two strains, each of two EPN species, Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) and Steinernema riobrave Cabanillas, Poinar, and Raulston in the form of infected Galleria mellonella (L.) cadavers were evaluated against wireworms in field and greenhouse. In field experiments, none of the four EPN strains were found effective against wireworms. However, in the greenhouse test, three of the strains, S. carpocapsae (All and Cxrd) or S. riobrave (355) applied in cadavers killed 50–68% of the sugarbeet wireworm, Limonius californicus (Mannerheim) was associated with 8–24% plant damage at 35 d after treatment (DAT), when seeds were treated with imidacloprid. The mortality range was 40–56% with 57–75% plant damage observed at 35 DAT, when seeds were planted without imidacloprid treatment. Synergistic effect among imidacloprid and S. carpocapsae (Cxrd) or S. riobrave (355) was observed in regard to L. californicus mortality. Additionally, effects of soil texture, moisture, and temperature on the infection rate of EPNs against L. californicus were examined in the laboratory. Limonius californicus mortality was not significantly affected by either soil moisture or soil types maintained at field capacity moisture levels. However, soil temperature showed a significant effect on L. californicus mortality. Overall, imidacloprid enhanced the infection and killing ability of EPNs against L. californicus and S. carpocapsae (All and Cxrd) strains were the virulent strains in different soil experiments.
Allium leafminer, Phytomyza gymnostoma (Diptera: Agromyzidae), is an invasive species first recorded in the Western Hemisphere in 2015 and has expanded its range into northeastern and MidAtlantic states. Its host range encompasses Allium species grown for food and ornamentals, weedy species, species used for pollinator provisioning, and species of conservation concern. Using field and laboratory studies, we advanced methods for rearing, developed a phenology model for spring emergence, describe pupal development, and report on parasitism. Spring emergence was best detected by scouting wild alliums as opposed to emergence cages, and modeled using 350 degree-days above a lower threshold of 1.0°C. Spring adult flight occurred for about 5 wk. Larval development required 22 and 20 d at 17.5 and 25°C, respectively. Pupal development progressed along a color gradient, and an initial presence of fat cell clusters and an air bubble, followed by an exarate pupa. Pupal developed at 3–5% per day at 3°C and reached 25% per day at 21.5°C, but development was not successful at 30°C. Although parasitism rates were low, we documented two Chalcidoidea parasitoids, Halticoptera circulus (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) and Chrysocharis oscinidis Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Together, these data provide baseline information to advance IPM for this invasive species both in crops and noncrop areas.
Diurnal temperature fluctuations in nature can have a significant effect on many ectodermic traits. However, studies on the effects of diurnal temperature fluctuations on organisms, especially the effects on specific life stages, are still limited. We examined the immediate effects of the same average temperature (25°C) and different temperature amplitudes (±4, ±6, ±8, ±10, ±12°C) on the development and survival of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). We also assessed carry-over effects on adult longevity, reproduction, development, and survival of offspring across generations. The effect of moderate temperature amplitudes was similar to that of constant temperature. Wide temperature amplitudes inhibited the development of pupae, reduced total reproduction, lowered intrinsic rates of population growth, and slowed the development and survival of eggs on the first day, but the proportion of females ovipositing on the first three days increased. Insects coped with the adverse effects of wide temperature amplitudes by laying eggs as soon as possible. Our results confirmed that a logistic model based on daily average temperature cannot predict development rates under wide temperature amplitudes. These findings highlight the effect of environmental temperature fluctuations at the pupal stage on the development and oviposition patterns of P. xylostella and should be fully considered when predicting field occurrence.
Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) is a polyphagous pest of global relevance due to the damage it inflicts on agricultural crops. In South American countries, this species is one of the principal pests of maize and cotton. Currently, S. frugiperda is also emerging as an important pest of soybeans and winter cereals in Brazil. Chemical control is one of the main control tactics against S. frugiperda, even though resistance against numerous modes of action insecticides has been reported. To support insect resistance management programs, we evaluated the fitness costs of resistance of S. frugiperda to the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor chlorpyrifos. Fitness costs were quantified by comparing biological parameters of chlorpyrifos-resistant and -susceptible S. frugiperda and their F1 hybrids (heterozygotes) on non-Bt cotton, non-Bt maize, non-Bt soybean, and oats. The results revealed that the chlorpyrifos-resistant genotype showed lower pupa-to-adult and egg-to-adult survivorship and reduced larval weights on oats; longer neonate-to-pupa and egg-to-adult developmental periods, and lower pupal weights and fecundity on maize; lower pupal weights on soybean; and reduced fecundity on cotton compared with the chlorpyrifos-susceptible genotype. Fitness costs also affected fertility life table parameters of the resistant genotype, increasing the mean length of a generation on cotton and maize and reducing the potential for population growth on all hosts. These findings suggest fitness costs at the individual and population levels of chlorpyrifos resistance in S. frugiperda, indicating that removal of the selective agent from the environment would result in reduced resistance and opportunities for the restoration of susceptibility.
The pink stem borer, Sesamia cretica Lederer is considered as the main insect pest of maize and sugarcane worldwide. Reproductive and life table parameters of two populations of S. cretica were studied at 10 constant temperatures ranging from 12 to 36 (±1)°C, 50 ± 10% RH and a photoperiod of 0:24 (L:D) h for the larval stage and 16:8 (L:D) h for the other stages. At 12°C, no eggs hatched and at 15, 35, and 36°C only the incubation period was completed. The longest (135.81 and 156.49 d) and shortest (49.61 and 52.09 d) female life span were observed at 20 and 32°C for the Varamin and Rey populations, respectively. The highest (181.66 and 180.94 eggs/female) and lowest (13.40 and 32.85 eggs/female) total fecundity of the Varamin and Rey populations were found at 20°C and 34°C, respectively. At the same time, these two populations had the highest intrinsic rate of increase (r) (0.0343 and 0.0349 d-1) at 30 and 27°C, respectively. Similarly, both Varamin and Rey populations had the highest finite rate of increase (λ) at 27°C (1.0349 and 1.0355 d-1, respectively). It was found that the geographical populations of S. cretica were different in terms of the life table parameters at the same temperatures, and this issue can affect the results of forecasting studies. Accordingly, it is suggested that in the major corn-growing areas, a comprehensive study should be performed on different pest populations to address their commonalities and differences for future managing programs.
Understanding host use by psyllids (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) benefits from comparative studies of behavior on host and nonhost plant species. While most psyllid species develop on one or a few closely related plant species, some species are generalized enough to develop on species across plant families. We used electropenetography (EPG) technology to compare probing activities of an oligophagous psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli (Šulc)) and a host-specialized psyllid (Bactericera maculipennis) on two species of Solanaceae (potato, Solanum tuberosum L. and matrimony vine, Lycium barbarum L.) and two species of Convolvulaceae (field bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis L. and sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas). Bactericera cockerelli develops on all four species, albeit with longer development times on Convolvulaceae. Bactericera maculipennis develops only on Convolvulaceae. Bactericera cockerelli fed readily from phloem of all four species, but the likelihood of entering phloem and duration of time in phloem was reduced on suboptimal hosts (Convolvulaceae) relative to behavior on Solanaceae. We observed instances of cycling between bouts of phloem salivation and ingestion in assays of optimal (Solanaceae) hosts not observed on Convolvulaceae. The Convolvulaceae-specialized B. maculipennis (Crawford) failed to feed from phloem of nonhosts (Solanaceae). Both psyllid species readily ingested from xylem of all plant species, irrespective of host status. Our finding that phloem feeding by B. maculipennis did not occur on potato has implications for understanding epidemiology of phloem-limited psyllid-vectored plant pathogens. Our results also showed that EPG assays detect subtle variation in probing activities that assist in understanding host use by psyllids.
Two stem-boring moths, the yellow stemborer (YSB) Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker), and the striped stemborer (SSB), Chilo suppressalis (Walker), damage rice in Asia. YSB is the dominant species in much of tropical Asia. Both species are oligophagous on domesticated and wild rice. We investigated the roles of host plant preferences and larval performance in determining the larval densities of both species in rice plots. In screenhouse experiments, YSB showed significant preference–performance coupling. Adults preferred high-tillering rice varieties during early vegetative growth. In contrast, SSB did not demonstrate oviposition preferences under the same screenhouse conditions, but did oviposit less on the wild rice Oryza rufipogon Griff. than on domesticated rice varieties during a choice experiment. Despite differences in preference–performance coupling, larval survival and biomass across 10 varieties were correlated between the two species. YSB and SSB larvae occurred in relatively high numbers on rice varieties with large tillers (IR70, IR68, and T16) in wet and dry season field experiments. However, whereasYSB was the dominant species on IR68 and IR70, it was relatively less abundant on T16, where SSB dominated. Results suggest that YSB preferentially attacked fast-growing rice varieties with high tiller numbers early in the crop cycle. Meanwhile SSB, which has weak preference–performance coupling, occurred in rice plants with large tillers that were relatively free of YSB later in the crop cycle. These factors may allow the species to coexist. We discuss the implications of proximate and ultimate factors influencing stemborer co-occurrence for the sustainable production of rice in tropical Asia.
Wheat stem sawfly, [Cephus cinctus (Hymenoptera: Cephidae)], females display complex behaviors for host selection and oviposition. Susceptible hollow stem wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars release a greater amount of attractive compound, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate and receive a greater number of eggs compared to resistant solid stem wheat cultivars. However, barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is becoming a more common host for C. cinctus in Montana. Therefore, how do host selection and oviposition behaviors on barley cultivars compare to what happens when encountering wheat cultivars? To answer this question, we carried out greenhouse experiments using two barley cultivars: ‘Hockett’ and ‘Craft’. Between these cultivars at Zadoks stages 34 and 49, we compared host selection decisions using a Y-tube olfactometer, compared oviposition behaviors on stems, and counted the number of eggs inside individual stems. In Y-tube bioassays, we found a greater number of C. cinctus females were attracted to the airstream passing over ‘Hockett’ than ‘Craft’ barley cultivars. Although the frequencies of oviposition behaviors were similar between these cultivars, the number of eggs was greater in ‘Hockett’. Volatile profiles indicated that the amount of linalool was greater in the airstream from ‘Craft’ than in ‘Hockett’ at Zadoks 34 while the amount of (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate was greater in airstream from ‘Hockett’ at both Zadoks 34 and 49. These results suggest that volatiles of barley plants influenced host selection behavior of ovipositing C. cinctus females, while other discriminating behaviors do not differ between cultivars.
Plant structural traits can act as barriers for herbivore attachment, feeding, and oviposition. In particular, epicuticular waxes (EWs) on the aerial surfaces of many land plants offer protection from biotic and abiotic stresses. In rice (Oryza sativa L.), mutations that reduce EWs have been previously reported. However, whether such mutations affect rice water weevil (Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel) and fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda Smith) performance has not been investigated yet. These pests cause significant economic problems in important rice-producing areas of the United States. The aim of our study was to characterize the EWs of EW mutants and wild-type rice plants by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and compare the resistance of mutant and wild-type plants against rice water weevil and fall armyworm. We hypothesized that mutants with reduced EWs would have weaker resistance to pests than wild-type plants. Three mutant lines (6-1A, 7-17A, and 11-39A) and their wild-type parent (cv. ‘Sabine’) were used to test this hypothesis. Levels of EWs were significantly lower in mutant lines than in the wild-type, and qualitative differences in EW composition were also observed. Reduction in EWs significantly affected performance of insects in experiments conducted under greenhouse conditions. Experiments with rice water weevils were conducted in arenas in which females were given a choice of the mutants and the wild-type for oviposition. Number of first instars emerging from the three EW mutants (an indication of oviposition preference) was higher on the three EW mutants than on wild-type plants with normal wax levels. Similarly, in no-choice experiments using whole plants or detached leaves, weight gains of armyworms on leaves were higher on the mutant lines than on the wild-type. These results indicate that EW traits are involved in rice resistance to weevils and armyworms. Understanding the plant traits that contribute to resistance to rice pests will be helpful for the development of resistant varieties for reducing pest insect damage.
Plant-soil feedbacks can mediate aboveground plant–herbivore interactions by impacting plant chemistry. Given that soil legacies and agricultural practices are closely tied, a better understanding of soil legacy cascades and their application in pest management are needed. We tested how cover crop legacies alter resistance to fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda Smith, Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in maize (Zea mays L., Poales: Poaceae). We compared herbivore performance and behavior of fall armyworm larvae on maize grown after four cover crop treatments: a leguminous mycorrhizal cover crop (pea: Pisum sativum L., Fabales: Fabaceae), a nonleguminous mycorrhizal cover crop (triticale: x Triticosecale Wittm. Ex A. Camus, Poales: Poaceae), a nonleguminous nonmycorrhizal cover crop (radish: Raphanus sativus L., Brassicales: Brassicaceae), and no cover crops (fallow). Soil inorganic N was highest in pea treatments and lowest in triticale treatments, while maize AMF colonization was greatest when grown after mycorrhizal cover crops compared to nonmycorrhizal or no cover crops. Cover crop legacies altered the emission of maize volatiles and fall armyworm larvae oriented toward odors emitted by maize grown after radish more frequently than triticale in olfactometer assays. Additionally, larvae performed better and consumed more leaf tissue when feeding on maize grown after radish and poorest on plants grown after triticale. When damaged by fall armyworm, maize grown after triticale expressed higher levels of lipoxygenase-3 (lox3), while plants grown after radish upregulated maize proteinase inhibitor (mpi) gene expression. Our results highlight the importance of appropriate cover crop selection and suggest that triticale could strengthen maize resistance to fall armyworm.
The increasing demand for insect-pollinated crops highlights the need for crop pollination paradigms that include all available pollinators. In North America, Cucurbita crops (pumpkin, squash) depend on both wild (solitary and Bombus spp.: Hymenoptera: Apidae) and managed honey bees (Apis mellifera L. 1758: Hymenoptera: Apidae) for pollination. Temporal and spatial differences in abundance may determine which bee taxa are the most important pollinators of Cucurbita crops. We surveyed bees visiting Cucurbita crop flowers on 19 farms over four years (2015–2018) during the crop flowering period (July 1–August 30 from 06:00–12:00). All the farms surveyed had hoary squash bees (Eucera pruinosa (Say, 1867), and most also had some combination of honey bees, bumble bees (Bombus spp.), or other wild bees present on their Cucurbita crop flowers. All four bee taxa were present on about two-thirds of farms. Spatially and temporally, wild bees were more abundant on Cucurbita crop flowers than managed honey bees. Hoary squash bees were the most abundant wild bees, maintaining their abundance relative to other wild bee taxa year-over-year. Male hoary squash bees were both more frequently and consistently seen visiting crop flowers than females in all years. Peak activity of hoary squash bees and bumble bees coincided with the daily crop pollination window, whereas peak activity of honey bees and other wild bees occurred after that window. In addition to elucidating the ecological interactions among wild and managed pollinators on Cucurbita crops, our work provides a novel practical way to evaluate pollinator abundance using a crop-centered benchmark framework.
Urbanization is rapidly growing worldwide, yet we still do not fully understand how it affects many organisms. This may be especially true for wild bees that require specific nesting and floral resources and have been threatened by habitat loss. Our study explores the response of wild bee communities to an urbanization gradient in the Chicagoland region of Illinois. Specifically, we explored how both landscape scale impervious surface and local floral diversity across an urbanization gradient influenced 1) the composition of local bee communities, 2) the richness of native and non-native bees, and 3) the composition of bee functional traits. Over the course of our study, we documented 2,331 bees belonging to 83 different species, 13 of which were not native to North America. We found that impervious surface influenced the overall composition of bee communities. In particular, highly urban areas were composed of more non-native bee species and fewer native bee species. Additionally, bee richness and native bee richness responded positively to floral resources. Bee functional trait responses were variable, with floral diverse sites supporting greater richness of ground nesting, eusocial, and generalist bees regardless of landscape-level impervious surface. Importantly, our study provides evidence that urban areas can support diverse bee communities, but urban and suburban bee communities do differ in composition. Thus, bee conservation efforts in urban areas should focus on creating floral diverse habitats to help support more bee species, specifically native bee species, while also considering which bees are best supported by these conservation efforts.
The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera:Thripidae), is an important, worldwide vector of two tospoviruses (Family Bunyaviridae; Genus Tospovirus), Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) and Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). In the Salinas Valley of California, INSV causes severe necrosis, stunting, and crop losses to lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Because broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica L.) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) are major rotation crops with lettuce in the Salinas Valley, it is critical to understand if these Brassicas influence the dispersal dynamics of F. occidentalis. In 2013 and 2014, surveys were conducted evaluating yellow sticky cards and plant samples in lettuce, broccoli, and cauliflower fields in three regions of the Salinas Valley. F. occidentalis were collected on sticky cards from April to November and on foliage in all three regions. Two-choice oviposition assays as well as no-choice and two-choice feeding assays were conducted where F. occidentalis adults were exposed to leaves of lettuce, broccoli, and cauliflower. A significantly greater number of eggs was found on lettuce than on broccoli or cauliflower leaves in the choice assay, whereas for the broccoli and cauliflower choice assay, the number of eggs retrieved was low and not significantly different between hosts. The number of F. occidentalis feeding spots and leaf area injury ratings were similar on broccoli and lettuce leaves but were significantly lower on cauliflower than on lettuce and broccoli leaves. The implications of these results on thrips and plant virus management are discussed.
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