Martial Caridroit, Taniel Danelian, Luis O'Dogherty, Jessie Cuvelier, Jonathan C. Aitchison, Lauren Pouille, Paula Noble, Paulian Dumitrica, Noritoshi Suzuki, Kiyoko Kuwahara, Jörg Maletz, Qinglai Feng
Geodiversitas 39 (3), 363-417, (29 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: Radiolaria, Paleozoic, catalogue, taxonomic revision, type species, Paléozoïque, révision taxonomique, espèces types
The purpose of this paper is to present a revised classification of Paleozoic radiolarians at the genus level in the form of a series of plates displaying the images of the type species of each genus. These photos are supplemented by an indication of the status of the genus decided by an international team of specialists in this fossil group (Chapter “The catalogue”). The catalogue itself is presented by orders and families. It is also possible to find a genus using the alphabetical list or the list according to the classification (Appendices 1 and 2). After some remarks that illustrate the complex task undertaken to reach a consensus, a “guide for users” is proposed.