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Weber, L., Printzen, Ch., Bässler, C. & Kantelinen, A. 2021. Seven Micarea (Pilocarpaceae) species new to Germany and notes on deficiently known species in the Bavarian Forest. – Herzogia 34: 5 –17.
We report new records of 19, predominantly rare, Micarea species, mostly from dead wood in mixed montane forests characterized mainly by Norway spruce, European beech and silver fir in the Bavarian Forest National Park on the German-Czech border. Their ecology and key morphological features are discussed. Micarea contexta, M. fallax, M. melanobola, M. pseudomicrococca, M. pusilla, M. soralifera and M. tomentosa are reported for the first time from Germany. Micarea anterior, M. byssacea, M. elachista, M. laeta, M. micrococca and M. nowakii, in addition to the aforementioned, are reported as new for the Bavarian Forest National Park.
Konoreva, L. A., Chesnokov, S. V., Stepanchikova, I. S., Spribille, T., Björk, C. & Williston, P. 2021. Nine Micarea species new to Canada including five species new to North America. – Herzogia 34: 18 –37.
Nine species of the genus Micarea are reported for the first time from Canada including five (M. contexta, M. fallax, M. pseudomicrococca, M. pusilla, M. tomentosa) which are new to North America. Most of them are part of the Micarea prasina complex. Canadian records of further rare or taxonomically challenging species (M. botryoides, M. inopinula, M. prasina s. str.) are revised. The Canadian records are discussed in the context of their wider distribution, and differences to related or morphologically similar species are indicated.
Malíček, J., Bouda, F., Konečná, E., Sipman, H. & Vondrák, J. 2021. New country records of lichenized and non-lichenized fungi from Southeastern Europe. – Herzogia 34: 38 –54.
One hundred and ten lichenized and three non-lichenized fungi are reported from southeastern Europe, mostly from the Balkan Peninsula. Caloplaca phaeothamnos is new to Europe. Caloplaca brachyspora, Chaenotheca cinerea, Gyalecta liguriensis, Peltula placodizans, Pleurosticta koflerae, Polyblastia forana, Protoparmelia oleagina, Protoparmeliopsis achariana, P. vaenskaei and Verrucaria breussii are new to southeastern Europe. New country records are reported for Albania (57 species), Bosnia and Herzegovina (4), Bulgaria (15), Croatia (3), Greece (14), Kosovo (6), Montenegro (1), North Macedonia (5), Romania (1) and Serbia (12). Many of these records are from old-growth and primeval forests. They underline the high potential for nature and biodiversity protection of many localities on the Balkan Peninsula.
Zakeri, Z., Yazizi, K. & Aptroot, A. 2021. Lecidea soredioatrobrunnea sp. nov. from Turkey, the first saxicolous true Lecidea with soredia. – Herzogia 34: 55 –61.
The new sterile saxicolous species Lecidea soredioatrobrunnea is described. It is characterized by a greenish grey, areolate thallus with distinct soralia. The new species is known from Turkey. Phylogenetic analysis with the mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU) sequences revealed that it clustered with a high degree of certainty inside Lecidea s. str., but it differs from all other Lecidea species by bearing soredia.
Tumur, A., Mamut, R. & Seaward, M. R. D. 2021. An updated checklist of lichens of Xinjang Province, China. – Herzogia 34: 62–92.
The earliest list of 67 species, 19 varieties and 17 forms of lichens for Xinjiang Province in northwestern China by Wei in 1991 was extended by Abbas in 2002 to 278 species, 3 subspecies, 15 varieties and 17 forms, and by Xahidin in 2005 to c. 398 species. The present study of the largest province in China, based on a comprehensive literature survey supported by a study of herbarium material, lists 596 taxa composed of 580 species, 4 subspecies and 12 varieties; of the 160 lichen genera, Cladonia has the highest number of species with 40, followed by Acarospora (30), Aspicilia (24) and Peltigera (24).
Xie, C.-M., Zhao, Z.-T., Cheng, P.-F. & Zhang, L.-L. 2021. Additional species of Pyrenula (Pyrenulaceae) from China. – Herzogia 34: 93 –100.
Pyrenula acutispora, P. adacta, P. aggregata, P. cayennensis and P. confoederata are new to China. Pyrenula dermatodes and P. fetivica are new to Heilongjiang Province and P. fetivica and P. mamillana are new to Guangxi Province. Except for the two species reported from Taoshan National Forest Park in the cool-temperate province of Heilongjiang, all records originate from a virgin forest at Mt. Shengtang in the subtropical province of Guangxi. Detailed taxonomic descriptions with illustrations are provided.
Diederich, P. 2021. Notes on lichenicolous taxa of the asexual fungal genera Intralichen and Trimmatostroma, with a revised key and descriptions of four new species. – Herzogia 34: 101–126.
The genus Intralichen comprises several mainly intrahymenial lichenicolous species of unknown phylogenetic affinities, each reported from a very large host-spectrum, with many reports obviously representing wrong identifications. We suggest restricting the use of each of these species names to collections growing on the same host genus as the type specimen, i.e., all other reports from different hosts are considered uncertain. Intralichen christiansenii is considered as a synonym of I. lichenicola, a species confined to Candelariella species. Intralichen lichenum s. str. is a poorly known and rarely collected species from Arthoniales hosts, while similar populations on Strangospora are treated as I. aff. lichenum. Intralichen baccisporus has not been revised, as sufficient material from the many Teloschistaceae genera was not available. Morphologically similar species growing on the thalli, not in the hymenium, of various lichen hosts are included in the genus Trimmatostroma, although most lichenicolous species do not seem to be related to the generic type. The new species Trimmatostroma acetabuli (on Pleurosticta acetabulum), T. denigrans (on Lecanora horiza), T. rouxii (on Opegrapha durieui and other saxicolous Arthoniales) and T. vandenboomii (on Myriolecis albescens) are described. Fertile material of T. arctoparmeliae has been studied, with the result that this species is combined as Sphaerellothecium arctoparmeliae. A revised key to all known lichenicolous species of Intralichen and Trimmatostroma is given.
Zhurbenko, M. P. 2021. New species of lichenicolous fungi on Solorina. – Herzogia 34: 127–137.
Three species of lichenicolous fungi growing on Solorina are described as new to science: Acaroconium lavrinenkoae, with pale orange, ±superficial pycnidia with a medium brownish orange ostiolar area, and light or greyish orange, comparatively long, mainly oblong conidia, occasionally truncated at one end; Didymellopsis solorinae, with 2(– 4)-spored asci; and Thamnogalla episolorina, with fusiform to subcylindrical, comparatively long ascospores. Additionally, one discocarpous and two pyrenocarpous ascomycetes found on Solorina are informally described.
Berger, F. & Brackel, W. v. 2021. Lichenohendersonia physciicola sp. nov., a new coelomycete on Physcia. – Herzogia 34: 138 –141.
The lichenicolous coelomycete Lichenohendersonia physciicola, growing on Physcia is described as new from Austria and Bavaria and compared with the other species of the genus Lichenohendersonia.
Shivarov, V. V., Varga, N., Lőkös, L., Brackel, W. v., Ganeva, A., Natcheva, R. & Farkas, E. 2021. Contributions to the Bulgarian lichenicolous mycota – an annotated checklist and new records. – Herzogia 34: 142–153.
An annotated checklist of 45 taxa of lichenicolous fungi from Bulgaria is presented. Arthonia parietinaria, Athelia arachnoidea, Cercidospora caudata, C. epipolytropa, Didymocyrtis cladoniicola, Endococcus verrucosus, Illosporiopsis christiansenii, Lichenoconium erodens, L. lecanorae, Pronectria subimperspicua, Pyrenochaeta xanthoriae and Stigmidium tabacinae are reported for the first time from Bulgaria. To assess the expected diversity of lichenicolous fungi in Bulgaria, we applied a Lichenicolous Index (LI) to compare with other regions with better knowledge about lichenicolous mycota. At the current stage of the known number of lichens in Bulgaria we expect between 225 and 315 lichenicolous fungi for the country.
Gey, S., Müller, J. & Reimann, M. 2021. Bruchia vogesiaca – Wiederfund für Deutschland nach über 100 Jahren. – Herzogia 34: 154 –161.
Bruchia vogesiaca konnte für Deutschland nach über 100 Jahren wiederentdeckt und für die deutschen Alpen und das Allgäu erstmals nachgewiesen werden. Es wird über die Fundumstände und den Fundort berichtet und in einer Diskussion über den Wiederfund eingegangen.
Kropik, M., Zechmeister, H. G. & Moser, D. 2021. First insights into the distribution and ecology of Tortula schimperi in Austria. – Herzogia 34: 162–172.
Tortula schimperi was described in 2005, but knowledge on its distribution and ecology is still fragmentary for Europe. Here we present data on its distribution and ecology in Austria based on a revision of 122 herbarium specimens of Tortula subulata and its synonyms. Locations of Tortula schimperi were most common in the eastern part of Austria. The examined specimens of Tortula schimperi and Tortula subulata differed significantly in terms of altitude and climate (annual precipitation sum, mean annual temperature). Tortula schimperi exhibited a much narrower ecological amplitude with emphasis on drier and warmer sites and slightly acidic substrates at lower altitudes. The study provides the first data on Tortula schimperi in Austria, which can serve as a basis for further investigations throughout Europe.
Schanz, M., Meve, U. & Feulner, M. 2021. Verlängertes sommerliches Trockenfallen von Bächen gefährdet die Vorkommen der reliktischen Moose Tetrodontium repandum, Geocalyx graveolens und Harpanthus scutatus in Nordbayern. – Herzogia 34: 173 –188.
Die tief eingeschnittenen Rhätsandsteinschluchten im Gebiet westlich von Bayreuth sind ein herausragender Lebensraum für azonal verbreitete, seltene und bedrohte Moosarten wie Tetrodontium repandum, Geocalyx graveolens und Harpanthus scutatus. Das Kleinklima der tiefen Rhätschluchten mit den Elementen Kaltluftstau, hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit, bachnahe Standorte sowie Felseigenschaften wie Großporigkeit der Sandsteinfelsen sind Voraussetzungen für das Vorkommen der montan verbreiteten Felsbewohner. Angesichts des Klimawandels und den insbesondere 2018 und 2019 damit verbundenen sommerlichen Trocken- und Hitzeperioden, stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit das Fortbestehen der untersuchten 27 Standorte von Tetrodontium repandum, Geocalyx graveolens und Harpanthus scutatus, allesamt Arten, die keine längere Austrocknung überstehen, gefährdet ist. Es wurden die Trockenschäden (prozentualer Anteil abgestorbener Moosrasen) sowie Standortparameter wie Größe der Population, Exposition, Felsneigung, Entfernung zum Bach und Begleitarten erfasst. An drei Wuchsorten wurden außerdem über fünf Monate hinweg mithilfe von Datenloggern stündlich Temperatur sowie Luftfeuchtigkeit aufgezeichnet. Die mittleren Temperaturen an den Schluchtstandorten lagen für den Messzeitraum ca. 3° niedriger als außerhalb der Schluchten. Die mittlere Luftfeuchte zeigte deutlich geringere Schwankungen als an einer Referenzmessstelle knapp 5 km entfernt und lag bei 80 % am Schluchtrand und 96 % am Bachufer. Mit einem durchschnittlichen Anteil von 31 % abgestorbenen Moosrasens war Tetrodontium repandum am stärksten von Trockenschäden betroffen. Bei Geocalyx graveolens waren durchschnittlich 9 % der Lager abgestorben, bei Harpanthus scutatus konnten dagegen keine Trockenschäden festgestellt werden. Geocalyx graveolens zeigte eine signifikante Zunahme der Trockenschäden mit der Entfernung der Wuchsorte zum Bach. Tetrodontium repandum zeigte deutlich mehr Trockenschäden an bachfernen Standorten sowie eine signifikante Abnahme der Populationsgröße mit der Entfernung zum Bach. Diese Studie identifiziert das zukünftig sich verlängernde Austrocknen der Bäche während sommerlicher Hitzeperioden als entscheidenden Gefährdungsfaktor für azonal verbreitete Moosarten in Oberfranken. Es ist daher von besonderer Bedeutung für den Schutz der Arten, die Drainierung im Einzugsbereich der Bäche zu reduzieren, um dem Versiegen der Bäche entgegenzuwirken.
Zechmeister, H. G. & Kropik, M. 2021. Raritäten aus der Xerothermflora Ost-Österreichs: Wiederfunde von vier in Österreich verschollenen Moosarten. – Herzogia 34: 189 –196.
Im österreichischen Anteil des Nationalparks Thayatal wurden die bislang in Österreich verschollenen Arten Pyramidula tetragona (Brid.) Brid., Cephaloziella stellulifera (Taylor ex Spruce) Schiffn., Oxymitria incrassata (Brot.) Sérgio & Sim-Sim und Riccia papillosa Moris wiedergefunden. Die letzten Fundangaben von C. stellulifera and P. tetragona gehen auf das 19. Jahrhundert zurück, jene von O. incrassata und R. papillosa stammen aus der Mitte des letzten Jahrhunderts. Im Nationalpark Thayatal wuchsen alle vier Arten auf Kahlstellen oder schwach übererdeten Felsköpfen in sonnigen, heißen Trockenrasen über Gneisen bzw. Kalk-Silikat-Schiefer.
Guerra, J. 2021. Notes on the taxonomy, chorology and habitat of Pohlia greenii Brid. (Bryophyta) in the Iberian Peninsula. – Herzogia 34: 197–202.
Pohlia greenii Brid. is currently known in the Iberian Peninsula only from a few localities in the Pyrenees. A review of specimens and the discovery of new Iberian localities in the Sistema Central and Sierra Nevada allows us to provide new data on their taxonomic identity and chorology. Although it has been generally recognised in Europe as P. elongata var. greenii (Brid.) A.J.Shaw, all the data analysed suggest that it is a morphologically recognisable species, which grows in siliceous rock crevices at high altitudes in the Iberian Peninsula. The species is briefly characterised and illustrated.
Diederich, P. & Schultz, M. 2021. The identity of Verrucaster lichenicola Tobler. – Herzogia 34: 203–207.
The genus and species Verrucaster lichenicola, described by Tobler in 1913 for waxy pycnidia with hyaline, aseptate conidia on Cladonia bacillaris, was poorly known, as the type was missing and no additional similar specimen available. The recent discovery of the type in HBG allowed us to understand that it represents pycnidia of Cladonia, not of a lichenicolous fungus. The names thus become younger synonyms of Cladonia and C. macilenta.
Müller, J. 2021. Leptodontium gemmascens – ein seltenes Laubmoos neu für Brandenburg. – Herzogia 34: 208 –215.
Das europaweit seltene Laubmoos Leptodontium gemmascens wurde erstmals in Brandenburg gefunden. Zwei Vorkommen wurden entdeckt, eines in einer Reitgras-Brache im Ostteil des Havelländischen Luches, eines in einem Gehölzsaum in der Nieplitz-Niederung. Die Art wuchs auf verrottenden Grasresten von Calamagrostis bzw. Festuca auf sandigen Böden. Die Funde sind sehr ungewöhnlich, da es weder historische noch aktuelle Funddaten der Art in der Region gibt und die bekannten Vorkommen eher im atlantischen Westeuropa zu finden sind.
Wagner, B., Němcová, L. & Wirth, V. 2021. Lecanora ochroidea in der Tschechischen Republik aufgefunden. – Herzogia 34: 216 –218.
Bei einer lichenologischen Untersuchung von Kamenná hůra bei Merboltice wurde die subatlantische Flechte Lecanora ochroidea aufgefunden, eine neue Art für die Tschechische Republik. Die Basaltanhöhe Kamenná hůra liegt im Böhmischen Mittelgebirge und ist als Naturschutzgebiet geschützt. Sie ist für ihre umfangreichen Blockhalden und Eishöhlen am nördlichen Fuß bekannt. Die Population der Flechte Lecanora ochroidea wächst in einer Blockhalde an einem Südhang.
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