VOL. 12 · NO. 1 | March 2010
International Forestry Review
J. Chen, J.L. Innes, A. Tikina
International Forestry Review 12 (1), 1-12, (1 March 2010) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.12.1.1
KEYWORDS: forest certification, certified wood products, price premium, forest economics, forest management, marketing
H.C. Peach Brown, J.P. Lassoie
International Forestry Review 12 (1), 13-26, (1 March 2010) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.12.1.13
KEYWORDS: Cameroon, non-wood forest products, common pool resources, markets, customary tenure
J. He
International Forestry Review 12 (1), 27-37, (1 March 2010) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.12.1.27
KEYWORDS: Commodity Chain, political ecology, Access to Resource, NTFP, Middlemen
J. Siry, F. Cubbage, D. Newman, R. Izlar
International Forestry Review 12 (1), 38-48, (1 March 2010) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.12.1.38
KEYWORDS: global forest resources, land ownership, public lands, private lands, sustainable forest management
L. Sun, B.E.C. Bogdanski, B. Stennes, G. Cornelis Van Kooten
International Forestry Review 12 (1), 49-65, (1 March 2010) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.12.1.49
KEYWORDS: Forest product markets, trade barriers, trade modelling, impacts of trade restriction, trade policy
T. Yemiru, A. Roos, B.M. Campbell, F. Bohlin
International Forestry Review 12 (1), 66-77, (1 March 2010) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.12.1.66
KEYWORDS: rural livelihoods, forest user groups, household income, forest dependency, co-management
A.M. Larson, D. Barry, Ganga Ram Dahal
International Forestry Review 12 (1), 78-96, (1 March 2010) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.12.1.78
KEYWORDS: property rights, community forestry, conservation, livelihoods, deforestation, INDIGENOUS PEOPLES
E. Aftab, G.M. Hickey
International Forestry Review 12 (1), 97-105, (1 March 2010) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.12.1.97
KEYWORDS: low forest cover countries, extinction, biodiversity, policy implementation, environmental impact assessment
P.T. Stancioiu, I.V. Abrudan, I. Dutca
International Forestry Review 12 (1), 106-113, (1 March 2010) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.12.1.106
KEYWORDS: Natura 2000, forest management, financial compensations, forest administration
Laura A. German, Alain Karsenty, Anne-Marie Tiani, Julian Evans, Abebe Haile Gebremariam, Million Bekele, Andrew Ridgewell
International Forestry Review 12 (1), 114-118, (1 March 2010) https://doi.org/10.1505/ifor.12.1.114
No abstract available
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