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1 December 2011 The Seashore for our Prosperity Promotion, Preservation and Sustainable Development
Vlatko Ignatoski, David Bajić
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IGNATOSKI, V and BAJIĆ, D., 2011. The Seashore for our Prosperity Promotion, Preservation and Sustainable Development. In: Micallef, A. (ed.). MCRR3-2010 Conference Proceedings, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, No. 61, pp. 394–397. Grosseto, Tuscany, Italy, ISSN 0749-0208.

The article describes former and current activities of the association related so far to 2 projects. The first project, still under progress, is systematic filming of the entire coast including islands. This should be an original testimony of the current coasts state intended to be left to future generations. The message is that they are going to leave it to their inheritors one day and hence they have to preserve it as well. The second project, currently under preparation is related to the cleaning of coast from shored rubbish that unfortunately can be observed in great quantities on many locations. The intention is not only to clean the coast from rubbish, but also to promote the beauty of our coast by engagement of volunteers formvthe whole world as well as to raise the culture of environment preservation through the activities of the associated School of Ecology.

©Coastal Education & Research Foundation 2011
Vlatko Ignatoski and David Bajić "The Seashore for our Prosperity Promotion, Preservation and Sustainable Development," Journal of Coastal Research 2011(10061), 394-397, (1 December 2011).
Published: 1 December 2011
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