St. Augustine Inlet is located on the NE coast of Florida, connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the Tolomato and Matanzas rivers. The inlet is unique because it was relocated in the 1940s, resulting in considerable perturbations to the adjacent coastal system, especially the downdrift (southern) shoreline. The relatively low, permeable, and short north jetty has allowed sediment to move around, through, and over the jetty, resulting in deposits on the interior lagoon/bay and on the ebb shoal system. Since 2001, dredging has occurred on the ebb shoal and bypassed to the downdrift side of the inlet on St. Augustine Beach. At present, dredging and bypassing have occurred on an irregular schedule, although questions remain about what a reasonable schedule would be to prevent excessive problems on both the updrift and downdrift beaches. This article presents an evaluation of a potential approach for use in addressing the dredging and bypassing schedules to assess how various intervals of dredging/bypassing can affect an idealized downdrift beach having the same net sand transport as that near the St. Augustine Inlet.
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1 November 2011
Addressing an Optimal Schedule for Inlet Bypassing
Todd L. Walton, Jr.,
Robert G. Dean

Journal of Coastal Research
Vol. 27 • No. 6A
November 2011
Vol. 27 • No. 6A
November 2011
analytical model
sediment bypassing
shoreline recession