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30 June 2007 A monitoring network for assessing the impact of extreme marine meteorological events on tropical beaches
F. Dolique, M. Jeanson, J. Besson
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Dolique, F., Jeanson, M. and Besson, J., 2007. A monitoring network for assessing the impact of extreme marine meteorological events on tropical beaches. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 50 (Proceedings of the 9th International Coastal Symposium), 77 – 81. Gold Coast, Australia, ISSN 0749.0208

Since 2003, a monitoring network of the dynamics of sandy beaches has been in operation in three tropical sites: Martinique (French West Indies), Tahiti and Moorea (French Polynesia) and Mayotte (Mozambique Channel). The objective of this network is to measure the impact of extreme weather-related marine events (storms, cyclones, strong swells, surges...) on beaches with varied structural settings and sedimentary environments. The methodology consists in the installation of observatories on the dynamics of sandy beaches in different morphological and sedimentary contexts. A “state zero” is established from a combination of satellite imagery, low altitude digital imagery and topographic and hydrodynamic measurements. These measurements are reiterated after an extreme event in order to apprehend the importance of morphological change, impact dampening and recovery. The monitoring is then continued over regular intervals with the aim of determining rates of morphological and sediment budget recovery until equilibrium is restored.

This experimental network design will subsequently be extended to other tropical beaches located on the propagation paths of cyclones.

F. Dolique, M. Jeanson, and J. Besson "A monitoring network for assessing the impact of extreme marine meteorological events on tropical beaches," Journal of Coastal Research 50(sp1), 77-81, (30 June 2007).
Published: 30 June 2007
coastal recovery
remote sensing
topographic data
tropical sandy beaches
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