H.S. Yoon, C.I. Yoo, W.B. Na, I.C. Lee, C.R. Ryu
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 358-363, (30 June 2007) https://doi.org/10.2112/JCR-SI50-070.1
KEYWORDS: Nakdong River estuary, Sand barriers, Geomorphologic evolution
Yoon, H.S., Yoo, C.I., Na, W.B., Lee, I.C. and Ryu, C.R., 2007. Geomorphologic evolution and mobility of sand barriers in the Nakdong estuary, South Korea. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 50 (Proceedings of the 9th International Coastal Symposium), 358 – 363. Gold Coast, Australia, ISSN 0749.0208
This study discusses the characteristics of the spatiotemporal changes of the sand barriers in the Nakdong estuary for the last century, focussing on geomorphologic evolution and mobility of the sand barriers in the view of coastal engineering. The Nakdong estuary, the research subject, has a complexly changing natural environment by interaction between ground and marine elements such as water wave, tidal current, sediment, etc. Moreover, recently, unnatural geomorphologic changes have been radically increased in the area possibly due to rapid coastal developments such as reclamation, new harbour construction, etc. Because of those matters above, its sand barriers have developed a quite unstable condition. Therefore, to identify the development process of geomorphologic changes, a close examination on historical spatiotemporal changes of the sand barriers is required. This study, based on six marine charts published between 1927 and 1995, analyses the lengths and areas of the sand barriers for the last hundred years and studies the cause of the changes by investigating the changes of water depths for the last two years and doing ocean-physical on-the-spot observations. In conclusion, the sand barriers of the Nakdong estuary grow towards the open sea by 7.4 to 26 m in annual average, maintaining a fixed distance between 1,241 and 1,279 m and their areas are expected to increase about 28,800 m2 annually. It is believed that the causes of the spatiotemporal changes are the waves from the open sea and the discharge of the Nakdong River, which is mainly affected by the Nakdong estuarine bank.