The International Coastal Symposium (ICS 2007)
VOL. 50 · NO. sp1 | Fall 2007

Articles (200)
T. Scott, P. Russell, G. Masselink, A. Wooler, A. Short
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 1-6, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: beach safety, rip currents, Beach type, High energy, macro-tidal
A. D. Short
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 7-11, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: beach hazards, surf zone, rip currents, Australia
N. Lazarow
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 12-20, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: coastal management, social science, economics, Surfing
P. Williams, C. Lemckert
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 21-24, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: coastal management, usage, perception
S. Hunt, G. Stuart, J. McGrath, S. Hossain
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 25-28, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: coastal planning, coastal engineering, Continuous Improvement
S. Lawson, S. Hunt, J. Bunt, M. Waddell
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 29-32, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: legislation, seawall, management
R.X.S. Nogueira, J.M.L. Dominguez
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 33-37, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: remote sensing, Geographic Information System, coastal management
P.R. Fernandez
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 38-42, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Marine protected area, management, governance
P. Fernández, C. Danese
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 43-46, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Rocky sea area, sustainable planning, coast creative action
I. Espejel, A. Espinoza-Tenorio, O. Cervantes, I. Popoca, A. Mejía, S. Delhumeau
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 47-51, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: User's perception, beach indexes, contamination weight, beach planning
G.T. Cirella, L. Tao, S. Mohamed
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 52-56, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: index of sustainability functionality, sustainability indicators, environmental management, sustainable development
W.R. Davies, G. Martinez
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 57-61, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Gippsland Lakes, time series analysis, Real time monitoring
M.S. Harris, T.P. Tinker, E.E. Wright
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 62-66, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: coastal erosion, Sediment budget, SDSFIE, beach volume, eCoastal, GIS
M. Tejada, G. C. Malvarez, F. Navas
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 67-71, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Integrated coastal zone management, vulnerability, Sensibility, New Information Technologies, Coastal land use change
F. L. Alves, C. P. da Silva, P. Pinto
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 72-76, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Decision support system, regional observatory, SDA Model
F. Dolique, M. Jeanson, J. Besson
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 77-81, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Storms, tropical sandy beaches, morphodynamics, topographic data, remote sensing, coastal recovery
Y. Yasumoto, T. Uda, Y. Matsubara, G. Hirano
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 82-87, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Comprehensive sediment management, longshore sand transport, wave-shelter zone, beach nourishment
D. P. Callaghan, P. Nielsen, R. Ranasinghe
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 88-92, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: beach erosion, Generalised extreme values, Generalised Pareto, Poisson distributions
David L. Revell, John J. Marra, Gary B. Griggs
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 93-98, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Regional sediment management, littoral cell planning, coastal hazards, Sediment budget, Watershed planning, ecosystem-based management
Brad Farmer, Andrew D Short
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 99-103, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Surfing reserves, Australia
J. Knight, H. Burningham
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 104-108, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: sand dunes, archaeology, Shell middens
T. F. Smith, C. Brooke, B. Preston, R. Gorddard, D. Abbs, K. McInnes, G. Withycombe, C. Morrison
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 109-113, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Climate vulnerability, resilience, Adaptation, Systems approaches
V. Palginõmm, U. Ratas, A. Kont
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 114-119, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Baltic Sea, Saaremaa Island, climate change, coastal settlements, Coastal zone management
L. McFadden, C. Green
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 120-124, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: systems, stakeholder, Learning-process, Integration
H. Calado, A. Quintela, J. Porteiro
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 125-129, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Small islands, Macaronesia, ICZM
A.M. Symonds, M.B. Collins
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 130-134, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: intertidal, hydrodynamics, erosion, coastal management
C.P. Silva, F. L Alves, R. Rocha
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 135-139, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Beach, coastal management, carrying capacity
T. Uda, Y. Hoshigami, S. Seino, H. Ozawa
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 140-146, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: land use, beach erosion, shoreline recession, disaster potential, man-made activities
D.C. Patterson
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 147-151, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Onshore transport, longshore transport, Seaway, spit, Nerang River entrance, beach nourishment, bypassing, management
A. Vespremeanu-Stroe, Ş. Constantinescu, F. Tătui, L. Giosan
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 157-162, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: shoreline retreat/advance, longshore sediment transport (LST), Storms, multi-decadal climate variability, Black Sea
M. Pérez-Arlucea, P. Álvarez-Iglesias, B. Rubio
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 163-167, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Pb-Cs dating, sedimentation rates, depositional architecture, Incision-aggradation events, Millennial, centennial events
A. Houghton, R. Whitehouse, C. Calkoen, F. Wouters
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 168-172, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: synthetic aperture radar, Integrated Supply Chain, Seabed morphology
P.C. Longdill, T.R. Healy, K.P. Black, S.T. Mead
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 173-179, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: GIS, Bay of Plenty, mussel farming
T. Kutser, L. Metsamaa, E. Vahtmäe, R. Aps
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 180-184, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: remote sensing, MODIS, suspended matter, Port dredging
E. Vahtmäe, T. Kutser
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 185-189, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: remote sensing, benthic macroalgae, water depth
U.A. Ozden, T. Topal
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 190-194, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Armourstone, durability, Rubble mound breakwater, quality
K. Al-Banaa, P. L.-F. Liu
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 201-205, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: solitary wave, reflection, transmission and dissipation coefficients, weakly nonlinear solitary waves, porosity, tsunami, Storm surge
G. Tsujimoto, T. Kakinoki, Y. Hamaura, T. Shigematsu, K. Uno
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 206-210, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: k-εmodel, PTV,wave motion, numerical simulation
S. A. Salmon, K. R. Bryan, G. Coco
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 211-215, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Foreshore morphology, Beachface, Swash excursions, Intertidal slope
J. Vidinha, F. Rocha, C. Andrade, C. Gomes, C. Freitas
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 216-220, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: littoral sands, Beach face, berm, dune, Clays
H. Michallet, F. Grasso, E. Barthélemy
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 221-225, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: irregular waves, equilibrium beach profile, infragravity waves
I. Buynevich, A. Bitinas, D. Pupienis
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 226-230, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Curonian Spit, GPR, reflection geometry, truncation, slipface, medieval
M. C. Freitas, C. Andrade, T. Ferreira, A. Cruces, M. F. Araújo
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 231-236, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Holocene, peat, sedimentology, geochemistry, Piezometric level
K. Udo, S. Yamawaki
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 237-241, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Rise of sea level, littoral drift, Blown sand, Wave run-up, sediment transport
P. E. Haines, B. G Thom
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 242-246, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Entrance morphodynamics, ICOLL, intermittently open estuaries, coastal lakes, Sea level rise
W. Al-Nassar, S. Neelamani, K. Al-Banaa, A. Al-Ragum, J. Ljubic
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 253-257, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: wave reflection, transmission, Water particle velocity at the toe, Rubble mound breakwater
V. Martins, P. Gonçalves, C. Sequeira, J. Jouanneau, O. Weber, F. Rocha
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 258-262, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: hydrographical regime, up-welling, down-welling, climate oscillations
R. Silva, C. Coelho, F. Veloso-Gomes, F. Taveira-Pinto
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 263-267, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: coastal erosion, Coastline model, Scenarios evaluation
T.V. Nguyen, H. Tanaka
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 268-272, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: three-dimensional model, sensitivity analysis
Jin-Hai Zheng, Jia Zhou, Jin-Yan Liang, Jin-Yu Lin
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 273-276, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Tidal motion, Sediment siltation, numerical model, Meizhou Bay
H. Mirfenderesk, R. Tomlinson
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 277-281, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: tide, circulation, modelling, hydrodynamic model
A.I. Stamou, C. Memos, K. Spanoudaki
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 282-286, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Tidal flows, Wind driven flows, flushing time, Artificial islands
A. Joorabchi, H. Zhang, M. Blumenstein
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 287-291, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: flood, Back-propagation, Time-series prediction
H. Song, L. Tao
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 292-296, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Homotopy analysis method, Forchheimer equation, porous media
D. Hurther, H. Michallet, X. Gondran
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 297-301, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: irregular waves, equilibrium beach profile, ADVP, surf zone suspension, surf zone turbulence
S. Kato, S. Aoki, H. Torii
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 302-306, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Mixed-grain size sand, particle size distribution, SSC
G.R. Lekshmi, S. A. Sannasiraj
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 307-311, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Plunging, spilling, spectral redistribution
D. Strauss, H. Mirferendesk, R. Tomlinson
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 312-316, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: wave models, wave refraction, wave measurement, Wind growth
M. H. Kazeminezhad, A. Etemad-Shahidi, S. J. Mousavi
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 317-321, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Fuzzy Inference System, MIKE 21, spectral wave model, ANFIS
S. Neelamani, K. Al-Salem, K. Rakha
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 322-328, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Gumbel and Weibull distribution, significant wave height, mean wave period, hindcasted wave data
B. Cañellas, A. Orfila, F. J. Méndez, M. Menéndez, L. Gómez-Pujol., J. Tintoré
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 329-333, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: extreme wave climate, HIPOCAS, spatial variability
J.-H. Zheng, D.-S. Jeng, H. Mase
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 334-337, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Coastal defence, Sandy coast, sediment transport, Laboratory investigation
S. J. Williams, D.-S. Jeng
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 338-342, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Interfacial wave, Porous bed, two-layer flow
H. Achiari, J. Sasaki
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 343-347, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Neareshore current, bed shear stress, sediment grain size
Tae-Min Ha, Yong-Sik Cho, Moon-Kyu Choi, Woo-Chang Jeong
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 348-352, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Dispersion Effects, Boussinesq equations, shallow-water equations
K.C. Spiers, T.R. Healy
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 353-357, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Rippled Scour Depression, Wave Focussing, side-scan sonar
H.S. Yoon, C.I. Yoo, W.B. Na, I.C. Lee, C.R. Ryu
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 358-363, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Nakdong River estuary, Sand barriers, Geomorphologic evolution
J. P. Sierra, X. Gironella, A. Sánchez-Arcilla, J. Sospedra, J. M. Alsina
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 364-368, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: morphodynamics, Bottom evolution, Wave flume
Hong Zhang, Dong-Sheng Jeng, Deaho Cha, Michael Blumenstein
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 374-378, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: liquefaction, artificial neural networks, parametric study, wave-induced
J.M. Alsina, A. Sánchez-Arcilla, X. Gironella, T.E. Baldock
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 379-383, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Bed-load sediment transport scaling, Suspended-load sediment transport scaling, morphodynamic modeling, Mixing length boundary layer models
C.A. Kuo, J.W. Lai, C.T. Kuo, C.H. Chien
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 384-388, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: equilibrium beach profile, equivalent slope, roughness, wave duration
Jian-Fei Lu, Dong-Sheng Jeng
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 389-393, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: linear water waves, pile, boundary element method, porous media
V. Sriram, S.A. Sannasiraj, V. Sundar
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 394-399, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Nonlinear diffraction, Arbitary Lagrangian and Eulerian, Finite Element Metho, wave- structure interaction, solitary wave
E. Pranzini
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 400-409, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: coastal morphology, Beach ridges, Dunes, beach erosion, River input, human impact
B. D. Morris, G. Coco, K. R. Bryan, I. L. Turner
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 410-414, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: estuary, tidal inlet, monitoring, bathymetry, Australia, New Zealand
C. Liu, L. Tao
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 415-419, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: particle image velocimetry (PIV), image process, Central principal axis
K. Reichert, B. Lund
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 427-431, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: X-band radar, Directional wave spectra, wave transformation
M.A. Hemer, J.A. Church, J.R. Hunter
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 432-437, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: climatology, waves, Australia
H. Lahijani, V. Tavakoli, M. Hosseindoost
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 438-442, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: sea-level, climate change, late Holocene, Iranian Coasts
Ellen P. Mallman, Mark D. Zoback
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 443-449, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: land loss, wetland, oil and gas production
C. Volkmer-Ribeiro, I. Ezcurra de Drago, M. Parolin
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 449-452, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Luján River, sponge spicules, diatoms, coastal water bodies
A.T. Williams, V. Sellers, M.R. Phillips
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 453-458, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: checklists, fuzzy logic
J. Pais-Barbosa, F. Veloso-Gomes, F. Taveira-Pinto
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 459-463, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Coastal features, morphology, geographical information technology
Colin D. Woodroffe
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 464-468, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Coral reefs, mangroves, sea-level rise, climate variability
Daniel M. Hanes, Patrick L. Barnard
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 469-473, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: sand waves, tidal delta, littoral, sediment transport
K.M. Cronin, R.J.N. Devoy, J. Gault
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 474-479, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: sediment transport, process-based modelling, abstracted modelling
S.M Khalil, C.W Finkl
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 480-485, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Anastasia Formation, Bar, bathymetry, Beach, coastal erosion, coastal geological framework, Coral reef, reef, shore protection
A.B. Fortunato, A. Oliveira
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 486-490, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Numerical oscillations, Óbidos lagoon
D. Taylor, K. Hall, N. MacDonald
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 491-496, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: numerical modelling
K.E. Parnell, S.C. McDonald, A.E. Burke
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 502-506, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: fast ferries, wake wash, gravel beaches, New Zealand
Chang S. Kim, Hak Soo Lim
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 507-510, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: sediment transport, Erosion modelling, Seabed mining, Bed change
Y. Shibutani, M. Kuroiwa, Y. Matsubara
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 511-515, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: shoreline change, One-line model, beach nourishment
T. Kakinoki, G. Tsujimoto, K. Uno
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 516-519, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: tidal current, morphological change, salient
C. Donnelly
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 520-526, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: barrier islands, Beach profiles, storm impacts, hurricane impacts
K. Hu, P. Ding, J. Ge
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 527-533, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Storm-induced wind, Wind-waves, nesting, Tide simulation, Surge setup
B. Castelle, I.L. Turner, B.G. Ruessink, R.B. Tomlinson
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 534-539, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Subaerial beach, intermediate beach, video imagery, wave buoy
P. Ciavola, C. Armaroli, J. Chiggiato, A. Valentini, M. Deserti, L. Perini, P. Luciani
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 540-544, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: LiDAR surveys, wave forecasting, beach recovery, video imagery
J.L. Lee, D.Y. Lee
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 545-549, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: typhoon waves, mild-slope equation, wavelength modulation, graphical user interface
K. Rakha, K. Al-Salem, S. Neelamani
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 550-554, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: wave hindcast, WAM Model, RMA Model, Hydrodynamic Data
Z. Y. Jing, Z. L. Hua, Y. Q. Qi, X. H. Cheng
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 555-563, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: QuikSCAT winds, Coast of Zhejiang and Fujian
N. H. Zaker, P. Ghaffari, S. Jamshidi
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 564-569, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Stratification, temperature, salinity, density, seasonal variation
C. Carbonel, A. Galeão
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 570-575, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Wind-driven flows, Petrov-Galerkin formulation, Brazilian coast
R.S. Lee, T.R. Pritchard, P.A. Ajani, K.P. Black
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 576-584, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Algal bloom, coastal upwelling, plankton succession
O.H. Pilkey, J.A.G. Cooper
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 585-587, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: mathematical models, Bruun Rule, ordering complexity
D. J. Hanslow
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 588-593, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: coastal erosion, coastal management, coastal hazards, Coastal risk, accretion, recession, Shoreline, High water mark
J.T. Backstrom, D.W.T. Jackson, J.A.G. Cooper
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 594-598, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Headland embayment, morphodynamics, Storms, Northern Ireland
C. Brunel, F. Sabatier
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 604-609, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: long-term, shoreline erosion, GIS
S. A. Figueiredo, P. Cowell, A. Short
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 610-614, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: washouts, pocket lagoons, ICOLL
L.S. Esteves, J.J. Williams, M.A. Lisniowski, H. Perotto
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 615-619, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: streamer trap, surf zone, Brazil
C. R. de Gouveia Souza
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 620-625, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: shore-drift cells, foreshore processes, São Paulo beaches
M. O' Connor, J. A. G. Cooper, D. W. T. Jackson
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 626-630, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Morphological Feedback, Storms, tidal inlet, ebb delta, erosion, External forcing, Ireland
T. E. Baldock, P. Manoonvoravong, K. S. Pham
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 631-635, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: long waves, transport distributions, morphodynamic feedback experiments
T. Butt, P. Russell, J. Miles, I. Turner
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 636-640, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: ADVECTION, Backwash, bore turbulence, energetics, In-exfiltration, uprush
M. P. Barnes, T. E. Baldock
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 641-645, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: shear plate, dam break, uprush
N. P. Benfer, B. A. King, C. J. Lemckert
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 646-651, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: hypersalinisation, hypersaline, diurnal inequality, longitudinal salinity gradient, residence time
Suying Ou, Hong Zhang, Dong-xiao Wang, Jie He
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 652-657, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: continental shelf, shape, South China Sea, river discharge, wind, buoyant plume, Pearl River Estuary
A. Etemad-Shahidi, A. H. Azimi
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 663-667, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Ocean outfall, numerical modelling, dilution, CORMIX, VISJET
K. R. Bryan, H. W. Tay, C. A. Pilditch, C. J. Lundquist, H. L. Hunt
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 668-672, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Dissipation rate, waves, bed roughness, Coromandel Peninsula
J. J. Williams, P. A. Carling, P. S. Bell
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 673-677, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Gravel dunes, armor layer, secondary dunes
T. Soomere, E. Quak
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 678-682, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Oil spill, Coastal zone management, smart ship routing
A.C. Narayana
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 683-687, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Peat deposits, south-west coast of India, late Quaternary
K. Panayotou, C.D. Woodroffe, B.G. Jones, B. Chenhall, E. McLean, H. Heijnis
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 688-692, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Estuary evolution, barrier estuary, wave-dominated, river-dominated, coastal geomorphology, estuarine sedimentation, south-eastern Australia
M. Yuhi, K. Hayakawa
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 693-699, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Nearshore bar, Cross-shore migration, Eroding coast
H. Takebayashi, S. Egashira, H.S. Jin, T. Sasaki
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 700-704, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: river mouth sandbar, Numerical analysis, flood, highest water level, bar flushing
A. Vila-Concejo, A.D. Short, M.G. Hughes, R. Ranasinghe
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 705-709, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Estuarine beaches, flood-tide shoal, sandwave dynamics, coastal erosion, coastal management
H. Burningham, J. R. French
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 710-715, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: sand-gravel, inlet, estuary mouth, Ebb-Tidal Delta, Suffolk coast
L. Steeghs, T. Healy
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 716-720, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: accretion, sediment transport
R.D. Shand
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 721-730, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Sand-bar, multi-bar coast, bifurcation, surf zone, Nearshore, morphodynamic
D.W.T. Jackson, G. Anfuso, K. Lynch
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 738-745, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: wave force, SWAN, Tidal control
K. Uno, S. Nakano
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 746-750, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: sediment, Tidal flow simulations, friction velocity, river mouth bar
C. Coughlan, C.E. Vincent, T.J. Dolphin, J.M. Rees
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 751-756, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: numerical modelling, longshore transport, coastal erosion
F. Jose, D. Kobashi, G. W. Stone
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 757-761, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Cold fronts, wave climate, wave attenuation, significant wave height, numerical modelling, Ship Shoal, Louisiana
T. D. Shand, W.L. Peirson, R. J. Cox
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 767-772, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: wave group, depth-limited wave breaking, shoaling, wave kinematics
C. Newell, T. Mullarkey
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 773-777, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Mild Slope, radiation stress, Elliptic Equation, Parabolic Equation, Breaking
G.W. Graham, S.J. Bass, W.A.M. Nimmo Smith, A.J. Manning
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 778-783, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: Salt marsh, Spartina anglica, sediment dynamics, flocculation, turbulence, annular flume
J.H. Yuk, S. Aoki
Journal of Coastal Research 50 (sp1), 784-788, (30 June 2007)
KEYWORDS: simulation, topographic and bathymetric changes, water quality