Marc De Meyer, Ramadhani O. Majubwa, Abdul Kudra Biyusa, Myriam Vandenbosch, Massimiliano Virgilio, Maulid Mwatawala
Journal of East African Natural History 112 (1), 1-19, (10 April 2023)
KEYWORDS: diversity, distribution, horticulture
A checklist of all records of dacine fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae) from Tanzania is provided, based on verified specimen records in natural history collections and literature records. In total, 117 Dacinae species are reported from the country, including six endemics. For each species the localities from which it was recorded are given, or a general distribution is provided. A list of geographic coordinates for the Tanzanian localities is included. The findings are shortly discussed in view of species richness, endemism and geographic distribution.