VOL. 99 · NO. 1 | June 2010
Journal of East African Natural History
Samuel Andanje, Bernard Risky Agwanda, Grace W. Ngaruiya, Rajan Amin, Galen B. Rathbun
Journal of East African Natural History 99 (1), 1-8, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2982/028.099.0101
KEYWORDS: Boni Forest, distribution, elephant-shrew, Macroscelidea, Rhynchocyon
Dino J. Martins
Journal of East African Natural History 99 (1), 9-17, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2982/028.099.0104
KEYWORDS: pollination, seed dispersal, Euphorbia, cyathia, Ant-plant interactions, Euphorbiaceae, Hymenoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera
Karyn Tabor, Neil D. Burgess, Boniface P. Mbilinyi, Japhet J. Kashaigili, Marc K. Steininger
Journal of East African Natural History 99 (1), 19-45, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2982/028.099.0102
KEYWORDS: East Africa, KBAs, Landsat ETM , habitat monitoring, protected areas
Patrick K. Malonza, Stefan Lötters, G. John Measey
Journal of East African Natural History 99 (1), 47-63, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2982/028.099.0103
KEYWORDS: Eastern Arc Mountains, Gymnophiona, distribution, Anura, life history
A. Muthama Muasya, Paul M. Musili, Alexander Vrijdaghs
Journal of East African Natural History 99 (1), 65-75, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.2982/028.099.0105
KEYWORDS: CYPERACEAE, Kyllinga, new species, floral ontogeny, taxonomy, Kenya
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