Isoenzymes are very suitable markers for the study of the inter-breed diversity of the silkworm Bombyx mon L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae). More than 250 breeds are raised in Bulgaria, which are not very well studied with regard to their isoenzymic polymorphism. Polymorphism of nonspecific esterases from pupal haemolymph was analyzed, as well as of phosphoglucomutase from different organs of larvae, pupae and imago, from eight introduced breeds. Electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels was used. A polylocus control of nonspecific esterases, and possible monolocus control of phosphoglucomutase was ascertained. Biallele and triallele polymorphism of phosphoglucomutase locus and in three of the esterase loci was determined. The allelic frequencies of the polymorphic loci in each breed were analyzed. Inter-breed differences were found in different allelic frequencies, different heterozygosity and polymorphism.