VOL. 44 · NO. 2 | June 2010

Articles (6)
Letters (5)
Erratum (1)
James W. Wiley
Journal of Raptor Research 44 (2), 87-100, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-08-100.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: ashy-faced owl, Tyto glaucops, barn owl, Tyto alba, diet, Dominican Republic, Hispaniola, niche overlap, prey diversity
Christopher J. Farmer, Jeff P. Smith
Journal of Raptor Research 44 (2), 101-112, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-09-31.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: migration counts, monitoring techniques, North America, population, raptors, seasonal dynamics, trend
Heather M. Rogers, Marc J. Bechard, Gregory S. Kaltenecker, Alfred M. Dufty Jr.
Journal of Raptor Research 44 (2), 113-119, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-09-59.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Sharp-shinned Hawk, Accipiter striatus, Cooper's Hawk, Accipiter cooperii, northern goshawk, Accipiter gentilis, adrenocortical stress response, Corticosterone, migration
Carlos Rodríguez, Luis Tapia, Florian Kieny, Javier Bustamante
Journal of Raptor Research 44 (2), 120-128, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-09-34.1
KEYWORDS: Lesser Kestrel, Falco naumanni, diet, pellet analysis, phenology
Darcy L. Ogada, Felicia Keesing
Journal of Raptor Research 44 (2), 129-135, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-09-49.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Africa, decline, Furadan, livestock, poisoning, raptors, vulture
Nicolantonio Agostini, Michele Panuccio
Journal of Raptor Research 44 (2), 136-142, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-09-48.1
KEYWORDS: Western Marsh Harrier, Circus aeruginosus, Mediterranean, migration, orientation, water-crossing
Short Communications
R. William Mannan
Journal of Raptor Research 44 (2), 143-145, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-09-62.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Cooper's Hawk, Accipiter cooperii, floater, home range, natal dispersal, nesting
No abstract available
Freddy Rodríguez-Santana
Journal of Raptor Research 44 (2), 146-150, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-09-12.1
KEYWORDS: Cooper's Hawk, Accipiter cooperii, Swainson's hawk, Buteo swainsoni, Short-tailed Hawk, Buteo brachyurus, Cuba, migration, raptor counts
No abstract available
David H. Ellis, R. Wayne Nelson
Journal of Raptor Research 44 (2), 151-154, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-09-55.1
KEYWORDS: Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, diet, foraging, predation, sand lance
No abstract available
Yva Stoyanova, Nikolai Stefanov, Josef K. Schmutz
Journal of Raptor Research 44 (2), 154-156, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-09-20.1
KEYWORDS: Egyptian Vulture, Neophron percnopterus, Bulgaria, tool use
No abstract available
Joseph B. Buchanan
Journal of Raptor Research 44 (2), 156-158, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-09-36.1
KEYWORDS: Merlin, Falco columbarius, Dunlin, Calidris alpina, COOPERATION, hunting behavior
No abstract available
Felipe Siverio, Pedro López, Domingo Trujillo
Journal of Raptor Research 44 (2), 159-161, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-09-58.1
KEYWORDS: osprey, Pandion haliaetus, nest material, rhizoliths
No abstract available
Juan Manuel Pérez-García, José Antonio Donázar, Fernando Hiraldo, José Manuel Sayago
Journal of Raptor Research 44 (2), 161-163, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-09-30.1
KEYWORDS: Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Bubo bubo, brood size, reproductive rate
No abstract available
Journal of Raptor Research 44 (2), 164, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.3356/0892-1016-44.2.164
No abstract available
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