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VOL. 55 · NO. 1 | March 2021
Jessi L. Brown, Geoffrey Bedrosian, Kent R. Keller
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 1-16, (10 March 2021) Open Access
KEYWORDS: golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, fire effects on habitat, invasive plants, long-term studies, multivariate analyses, nestling diet, prey remains
Michael T. Henderson, Travis L. Booms, Bryce W. Robinson, Devin L. Johnson, David L. Anderson
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 17-32, (10 March 2021) Open Access
KEYWORDS: gyrfalcon, Falco rusticolus, Arctic, breeding, cliff-nesting raptor, habitat suitability, nest attendance, nest site characteristics, reproductive rate
Michael T. Henderson, Adam J. Eichenwald, Devin L. Johnson, Travis L. Booms, Christopher J. W. McClure, Alanna L. Pyke, David L. Anderson
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 33-44, (10 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: gyrfalcon, Falco rusticolus, Arctic, Lagopus, ptarmigan, predator-prey, prey selection
Marion Clément, Julia Shonfield, Erin M. Bayne, Robert Baldwin, Kyle Barrett
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 45-55, (10 March 2021) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Barred Owl, Strix varia, autonomous recording units, call playback, detection probability, survey methods
Madison Reynolds, John Shook, Greg Breed, Knut Kielland
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 56-64, (10 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: great horned owl, Bubo virginianus, Alaska, Arctic, call survey, density, point count, range limit, survey methods
Raphaël Goulet, David M. Bird, David Hancock
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 65-78, (10 March 2021) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, British Columbia, diet, nest-site characteristics, productivity, species recovery, urban ecology, wildlife-human interactions
Israel Moreno-Contreras, Erick Rubén Rodríguez-Ruíz, Luis A. Sánchez-González, Adolfo G. Navarro-Sigüenza
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 79-92, (10 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Harlan's Red-tailed Hawk, Buteo jamaicensis harlani, ecological niche modeling, migration, temperature, Winter season
Janelle M. Taylor, Robert N. Rosenfield, Robert K. Murphy, David A. Grosshuesch
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 93-98, (10 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Cooper's Hawk, Accipiter cooperii, forest expansion, habitat, land use change, North Dakota
Shakeel Ahmad, Fathul Bari, Muhammad Kabir, Muzaffar Ali Baig, Tanveer Khan, Romaan Hayat Khattak, Ejaz Ur Rehman
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 99-105, (10 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Egyptian Vulture, Neophron percnopterus, dump site, endangered species, monitoring, Kotli District, Pakistan, Poonch River Mahasheer National Park, rubbish dump
David H. Ellis, Henning Dunker
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 106-111, (10 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, color morph, Norway, plumage
W. Grainger Hunt, Nick Dunlop, J. Michael Lockhart
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 112-114, (10 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, cartwheeling, Fighting, grappling, territory
Kate G. Slankard, Michael D. Patton, Loren F. Taylor, James O. Barnard
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 115-118, (10 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: barn owl, Tyto alba, Argos transmitter, natal dispersal, raptor, satellite telemetry, survival, tracking
Alejandro Martínez-Abraín, Juan Jiménez, Miguel Ferrer
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 119-123, (10 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: cliff nesting, facultative behavior, human attitudes, human persecution, nesting substrate, population recovery, tree nesting
Carlos A. Iudica, Luis Felipe Andrade, Steven R. Sheffield
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 124-126, (10 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Galapagos Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus galapagoensis, marine iguana, Amblyrhynchus cristatus, diet, Galapagos Islands, Isla Isabela, raptor
Yolanda González, Sandra Hervías-Parejo, Estefanía Pereira, Antonio Vulcano, Soledad Álvarez, Cátia Gouveia, Marta Nunes, Laura Castelló, Isabel Fagundes, Nádia Coelho, Guillermo Delgado, Manuel Nogales
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 127-129, (10 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Eurasian Sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus, Madeira Laurel-Pigeon, Columba trocaz, breeding periods, diet, nesting territories, prey, raptor
Gary A. Falxa, John D. Alexander, Daniel C. Barton, Eric Cannizzaro, Simone A. Lupson-Cook, Nathaniel E. Seavy, Marlene A. Wagner, David F. Whitacre
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 130-135, (10 March 2021) Open Access
Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1), 136, (10 March 2021)
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