Panida Rahong, Chotiwut Techakijvej, Chitchol Phalaraksh
Journal of Vector Ecology 48 (2), 78-88, (21 July 2023)
KEYWORDS: biological control agents, mosquito larvae, Aquatic predators, small habitats, large habitats, predator and mosquito distribution, Thailand
Controlling mosquito-borne disease is a major global challenge due to the rise of insecticide-resistant mosquitoes. In response, we conducted a study in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand, which is one of the largest and the most popular cities for tourists in Southeast Asia, to explore the potential of local species as biological control agents for mosquito larvae. Mosquito larvae and aquatic predators were sampled from large and small habitats, while relevant physico-chemical parameters were measured. The study identified 560 predators and 1,572 mosquitoes, with most mosquito species belonging to the genus Culex. Additionally, the study identified 16 predator taxa, including four fish taxa and 12 taxa of predatory aquatic insects belonging to four orders: Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Odonata, and Diptera. The study found that several locally occurring predator species, namely Poecillia, Laccophilus, Lutzia, Toxorhynchites splendens, Agrionoptera, and Pseudarion, shared habitats with mosquitoes, indicating their potential as effective biological control agents for mosquito control. Conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and pH were the important physico-chemical parameters that affect both predators and mosquito larvae. Consequently, promoting native predators and reducing mosquito larvae through habitat management would be a sustainable and ecologically friendly approach in large habitats where it is not possible to remove mosquito oviposition sites. In smaller habitats, releasing local aquatic predators and removing oviposition sites may be a suitable strategy.