VOL. 73 · NO. 6 | August 2009
Journal of Wildlife Management
Editor's Message
Michael J. Chamberlain
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 815-816, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2009-202
No abstract available
Management and Conservation
Paul M. Lukacs, Gary C. White, Bruce E. Watkins, Richard H. Kahn, Bradley A. Banulis, Darby J. Finley, A. Andrew Holland, Justin A. Martens, Jack Vayhinger
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 817-826, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-480
KEYWORDS: Bayesian estimators, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus, Population modeling, process variance, program MARK, radiotelemetry, survival, VARIANCE COMPONENTS
Leigh-Ann Woolley, Joshua J. Millspaugh, Rami J. Woods, Samantha Janse van Rensburg, Bruce R. Page, Rob Slotow
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 827-835, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-412
KEYWORDS: allometry, dimorphism, foraging strategy, limitation, Loxodonta africana, nutrition, seasonal restriction, South Africa
Caroline van Duyne, Erica Ras, Anneleen E. W. de Vos, Willem F. de Boer, RenéJ. H. G. Henkens, Dorj Usukhjargal
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 836-843, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-027
KEYWORDS: Canis lupus, diet, livestock depredation, Mongolia, Przewalski horses, spatial analyses, wolves
Eigil Reimers, Leif E. Loe, Sindre Eftestøl, Jonathan E. Colman, Bjørn Dahle
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 844-851, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-133
KEYWORDS: disturbance, wild reindeer, tourism, response behaviors, Rangifer tarandus, Norway, hunting
Tian-Tian Feng, Frank T. van Manen, Na-Xun Zhao, Ming Li, Fu-Wen Wei
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 852-858, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-186
KEYWORDS: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, China, geographic information system (GIS), giant panda, habitat conservation, habitat model, habitat use, Mahalanobis distance, Qinling Mountains
Esther S. Rubin, Chris J. Stermer, Walter M. Boyce, Steven G. Torres
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 859-869, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-240
KEYWORDS: Bighorn Sheep, Biomapper, California, expert-based model, GARP, habitat model, Ovis canadensis
Maxime Lavoie, Pierre-Yves Collin, Florent Lemieux, Hélène Jolicoeur, Pierre Canac-Marquis, Serge Larivière
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 870-875, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-275
KEYWORDS: Quebec, northern limit, management, Lynx rufus, harvest, bobcat
Todd C. Atwood, Eric M. Gese, Kyran E. Kunkel
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 876-884, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-325
KEYWORDS: antipredator behavior, functional response, habitat attributes, predation, risk enhancement, spatial modeling
Brian L. Cypher, Curtis D. Bjurlin, Julia L. Nelson
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 885-893, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-576
KEYWORDS: California, endangered species, Kit Fox, radiotelemetry, road effects, Vulpes macrotis mutica
Shevenell M. Webb, Mark S. Boyce
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 894-903, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-341
KEYWORDS: Alberta, development, forestry, furbearers, harvesting, landscape change, marten, Martes americana, oil and gas, trapping
Michael A. Gregg, John A. Crawford
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 904-913, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-410
KEYWORDS: brood, Centrocercus urophasianus, Chick, forbs, greater sage-grouse, insects, Lepidoptera, radiotelemetry, survival
Kate H. Martin, Mark S. Lindberg, Joel A. Schmutz, Mark R. Bertram
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 914-923, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-587
KEYWORDS: Alaska, Aythya affinis, boreal forest, Breeding probability, female survival, lesser scaup, Yukon Flats
Diederik W. Van Liere, Nick J. M. Van Eekeren, Maarten J. J. E. Loonen
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 924-931, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-157
KEYWORDS: Anser, charcoal, clover, crop damage, Deterrence, feeding preference, greylag geese, ryegrass
Rebecca L. Bentzen, Abby N. Powell, Robert S. Suydam
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 932-938, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-411
KEYWORDS: concealment, king eider, nesting associations, nest-site choice, seclusion, Somateria spectabilis
Jonathan B. Cohen, Sarah M. Karpanty, James D. Fraser, Bryan D. Watts, Barry R. Truitt
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 939-945, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-042
KEYWORDS: Calidris canutus rufa, Delaware, migration, New Jersey, population estimation, radiotelemetry, Red knot, Shorebirds, stopover, Virginia
Lisa A. Ellis, Shaylon D. Stump, Dominique M. Weddle
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 946-954, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-297
KEYWORDS: Empidonax traillii extimus, nest success, productivity, reservoir inundation, riparian habitat, Roosevelt Lake, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher
John D. Lloyd, Gary L. Slater, Skip Snow
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 955-964, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-009
KEYWORDS: Brown-headed Nuthatch, Eastern Bluebird, Everglades, POPULATION GROWTH, populations, Pradel model, reintroduction, Sialia sialis, Sitta pusilla
Jeanine C. Bond, Samuel A. Iverson, N. Beth Maccallum, Cyndi M. Smith, Howard J. Bruner, Daniel Esler
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 965-972, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-236
KEYWORDS: breeding ecology, geographic variation, Harlequin Duck, Histrionicus histrionicus, known-fate models, radiotelemetry, survival
Human Dimensions of Wildlife Management
Laura A. Kammin, Patrick D. Hubert, Richard E. Warner, Philip C. Mankin
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 973-979, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-074
KEYWORDS: farm programs, Illinois, private land wildlife habitat program, private lands programs, survey, wildlife habitat
T. Bruce Lauber, Eric J. Taylor, Daniel J. Decker
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 980-988, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-064
KEYWORDS: federal agencies, membership, organizational commitment, participation, professional commitment, scientific societies
Tools and Technology
R. Douglas Holt, L. Wes Burger, Stephen J. Dinsmore, Mark D. Smith, Scott J. Szukaitis, K. David Godwin
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 989-995, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-073
KEYWORDS: Colinus virginianus, Mississippi, northern bobwhite, program MARK, radiomarking, radiotelemetry, survival
Duane R. Diefenbach, Mary Jo Casalena, Michael V. Schiavone, David Swanson, Michael Reynolds, Robert C. Boyd, Robert Eriksen, Bryan Swift
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 996-999, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-477
KEYWORDS: band loss, butt-end band, leg band, Meleagris gallapavo, rivet band, wild turkey
Hal Whitehead
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 1000-1009, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-303
KEYWORDS: abundance, acoustics, density, distance sampling, one-dimensional, survey, transect
Garth Herring, Dale E. Gawlik
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 1010-1013, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-398
KEYWORDS: sample storage, glucocorticoids, fecal steroids, fecal metabolites, Corticosterone, avian ecology
Sathya K. Chinnadurai, Joshua J. Millspaugh, Wayne S. Matthews, Kirsten Canter, Rob Slotow, Brian E. Washburn, Rami J. Woods
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 1014-1020, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-430
KEYWORDS: adrenal activity, assay validation, fecal glucocorticoid assay, herbivore, physiological stress, radioimmunoassay, stress, South Africa
Richard Bischof, Andreas Zedrosser, Sven Brunberg, Jon E. Swenson
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 1021-1024, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-509
KEYWORDS: animal welfare, brown bear, Data collection, Morphometrics, principal components analysis, Sweden, Ursus arctos
Book Reviews
James H. Shaw
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 1025-1026, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2009-177
No abstract available
Carla G. Heister
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (6), 1027-1028, (1 August 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2009-201
No abstract available
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