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VOL. 74 · NO. 8 | November 2010
Editor's Message
Frank R. Thompson III
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1627, (1 November 2010)
No abstract available
Charles C. Schwartz, Steven L. Cain, Shannon Podruzny, Steve Cherry, Leslie Frattaroli
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1628-1638, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: activity budget, American black bear, brown bear, encounters, global positioning system (GPS), intra-guild predation, National Park, Ursus americanus, Ursus arctos
Annelie C. Crook, Michael J. Chamberlain
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1639-1647, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: den availability, denning, den selection, Louisiana, Louisiana black bear, Ursus americanus luteolus
John R. Squires, Nicholas J. Decesare, Jay A. Kolbe, Leonard F. Ruggiero
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1648-1660, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: Canada lynx, ecological scale, forest management, habitat selection, logistic regression, Lynx canadensis, Montana, resource selection
Oliver Berry, Roger Kirkwood
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1661-1670, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: eradication, immigration, invasive species, microsatellite, recruitment, reproductive rate, Vulpes vulpes
M. Anouk Simard, Tim Coulson, André Gingras, Steeve D. Côté
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1671-1685, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: cervids, demography, density-dependence, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), North Atlantic Oscillation index (NAO), population ecology, reproduction, snow, survival, white-tailed deer
Shawn P. Haskell, Warren B. Ballard, Mark C. Wallace, Mary H. Humphrey, David A. Butler
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1686-1692, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: behavior, bobcat, fawns, mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus eremicus, O. virginianus, postpartum, predation, Texas, white-tailed deer
Timothy R. Van Deelen, Brian J. Dhuey, Christopher N. Jacques, Keith R. McCaffery, Robert E. Rolley, Keith Warnke
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1693-1700, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: antlered, antlerless, earn-a-buck, hunting, incentive, Odocoileus virginianus, white-tailed deer, Wisconsin
Javier Pérez-González, A. Márcia Barbosa, Juan Carranza, Jerónimo Torres-Porras
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1701-1708, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: Cervus elaphus, environmental resources, female aggregation, mating system, mediterranean ecosystems, spatial analyses
Stephen M. Arthur, Laura R. Prugh
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1709-1721, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: Alaska, apparent competition, Aquila chrysaetos, Canis latrans, coyotes, Dall's sheep, Golden Eagles, Lepus americanus, Ovis dalli, snowshoe hares
Matthew F. McCollister, Frank T. van Manen
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1722-1731, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: driver safety, fencing, habitat connectivity, transportation infrastructure, wildlife passageways, wildlife–vehicle collisions
Keith G. Hay
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1732-1736, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: beaver, Castor canadensis, colony composition, Colorado, extirpation, food cache, habitat morphology, habitat suitability, localized management, reoccupation
Tarnya E. Cox, Peter J. Murray, Graham P. Hall, Xiuhua Li
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1737-1744, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: behavior, desensitization, diet, feces, habituation, phylogenetics, predator, repellent, semiochemicals
Nathan D. Berg, Eric M. Gese
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1745-1751, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: density, fecal pellet, Lepus americanus, mark–recapture, snowshoe hare, Wyoming
Aaron N. Facka, Gary W. Roemer, Verity L. Mathis, Michael Kam, Eli Geffen
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1752-1762, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: black-tailed prairie dog, Chihuahuan Desert, conservation plan, Cynomys ludovicianus, historic range, population collapse, population dynamics, reintroduction
John E. Depue, Merav Ben-David
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1763-1767, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: arid environments, habitat selection, latrines, logistic regression, Lontra canadensis, River Otter
William L. Harrower, Karl W. Larsen, Kari A. Stuart-Smith
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1768-1775, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: Accipiter gentilis, British Columbia, forestry, northern goshawk, postfledging area, radiotelemetry, resource selection
Nathan M. Tarr, Theodore R. Simons, Kenneth H. Pollock
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1776-1783, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: barrier island, disturbance, habitat use, migration, off-highway vehicle, roosting, sanderling, shorebird, stopover
Erin A. Roche, Jonathan B. Cohen, Daniel H. Catlin, Diane L. Amirault-Langlais, Francesca J. Cuthbert, Cheri L. Gratto-Trevor, Joy Felio, James D. Fraser
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1784-1791, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: apparent survival, Charadrius melodus, conservation, cross-seasonal effects, Piping Plover, Population biology, program MARK, shorebird
Stephen M. Mullin, Mark A. Colwell, Sean E. McAllister, Stephen J. Dinsmore
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1792-1798, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: apparent survival, Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus, demography, fecundity, immigration, mark–recapture, POPULATION GROWTH, Snowy Plover
Ruth Cox, David Newborn, David Baines, Christopher J. Thomas, Thomas N. Sherratt
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1799-1805, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: Anthelmintic resistance, fenbendazole, medicated grit, nematode, red grouse, Trichostrongylus
Jennifer Carpenter, Cameron Aldridge, Mark S. Boyce
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1806-1814, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: Centrocercus urophasianus, Critical habitat, energy development, greater sage-grouse, resource selection functions, winter habitats
Joshua L. Dooley, Todd A. Sanders, Paul F. Doherty
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1815-1824, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: Anas platyrhynchos, closure, Colorado, disturbance, hunting, mallard, radiotelemetry, regulations, South Platte River
Thomas R. Stanley
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1825-1833, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: Conservation Reserve Program, edge effects, grassland birds, nest survival, Pawnee National Grassland, shortgrass prairie, small mammals
Aaron L. Holmes, Richard F. Miller
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1834-1840, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: Ammodramus savannarum, Artemisia tridentata, Bromus tectorum, ecological site, Grasshopper Sparrow, grassland, sagebrush-steppe, state-and-transition models, Succession
Todd A. Grant, Elizabeth M. Madden, Terry L. Shaffer, Johnida S. Dockens
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1841-1851, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: fire effects, grassland bird, habitat, mixed-grass prairie, North Dakota, prescribed fire, vegetation
Albert Tintó, Joan Real, Santi Mañosa
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1852-1862, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: Catalonia, conservation, electrocution of birds, endangered species, mediterranean ecosystems, mitigation measures, power lines, predictive models, raptors, Spain
Christopher R. Ayers, Christopher E. Moorman, Christopher S. Deperno, Fred H. Yelverton, Huixia J. Wang
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1863-1868, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: Anthraquinone, Branta canadensis, Canada geese, FlightControl® PLUS, mowing, repellents, turfgrass
Flemming R. Merkel
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1869-1874, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: Arctic, Common Eider, community-based nest counts, population increases, Somateria mollissima, West Greenland
Andrea B. Coombs, Jeff Bowman, Colin J. Garroway
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1875-1881, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: cavity nest, deciduous, energetics, Glaucomys, microclimate, Ontario, Poecile, temperature, winter, woodpecker
Brett T. McClintock, Larissa L. Bailey, Kenneth H. Pollock, Theodore R. Simons
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1882-1893, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: auditory detection, aural detection, detection probability, False negative, false positive, imperfect detection, monitoring, site occupancy, species occurrence
Craig L. Gardner, James P. Lawler, Jay M. Ver Hoef, Audrey J. Magoun, Kalin A. Kellie
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1894-1903, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: detection probability, distribution mapping, Gulo gulo, hierarchical spatial modeling, Interior Alaska, occurrence probability, track survey, wolverine
Roland Hausknecht, Helmut Bayerl, Roman Gula, Ralph Kuehn
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1904-1910, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: Canis lupus, genetic monitoring, genotyping errors, Lutra lutra, noninvasive sampling, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)
Helen M. Blackie
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1911-1916, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: brushtail possum, fix success, Global Positioning System (GPS) collar, habit, malfunction, performance, Sirtrack, Televilt, Trichosurus vulpecula
Robert A. Montgomery, Gary J. Roloff, Jay M. Ver Hoef, Joshua J. Millspaugh
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1917-1925, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: Geographic Information Systems (GIS), habitat patches, positional error, resource use, telemetry
Thomas W. Seamans, Scott Beckerman, John Hartmann, James A. Rader, Bradley F. Blackwell
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1926-1930, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: Great Lakes, Larus delawarensis, patagial tags, Ring-billed Gulls, tagging bias
Mitch D. Weegman, Richard M. Kaminski, Guiming Wang, Michael L. Schummer, Andrew W. Ezell, Theodor D. Leininger
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1931-1933, (1 November 2010)
KEYWORDS: acorns, bottomland hardwoods, estimation, oak, Quercus, recovery rate, red oak, sweep net, waterfowl
Robert McCleery
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1934, (1 November 2010)
No abstract available
Gabriel R. Karns
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1935-1936, (1 November 2010)
No abstract available
Carla G. Heister
Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1937-1938, (1 November 2010)
No abstract available
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