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VOL. 75 · NO. 1 | January 2011

Journal of Wildlife Management
Frank R. Thompson III
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 1-2, (1 January 2011)
No abstract available
R. Bruce Bury
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 3-5, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: bycatch, flotation devices, fyke traps, hoop traps, mortality, turtles
James D. Nichols, Mark D. Koneff, Patricia J. Heglund, Melinda G. Knutson, Mark E. Seamans, James E. Lyons, John M. Morton, Malcolm T. Jones, G. Scott Boomer, Byron K. Williams
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 6-18, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: adaptive management, climate change, Nonstationarity, structured decision-making, uncertainty
Howard K. Reinert, William F. Munroe, Curt E. Brennan, Matthew N. Rach, Samuel Pelesky, Lauretta M. Bushar
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 19-29, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: behavior, conservation, Crotalus horridus, ecology, forest management, habitat, logging, Pennsylvania, snake, timber rattlesnake
Michael J. Adams, Christopher A. Pearl, Stephanie Galvan, Brome McCreary
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 30-35, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: Bullfrogs, colonization, Fish, local extinction, non-native species, northern red-legged frog, occupancy, Rana aurora, Wetlands
John D. Willson, Christopher T. Winne, Brian D. Todd
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 36-45, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: aquatic snakes, behavioral responses, detection probability, mark-recapture, minnow trap, Nerodia fasciata, population estimation, robust design, Seminatrix pygaea, temporary emigration
Lisa M. Potter, David L. Otis, Todd R. Bogenschutz
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 46-51, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: Colinus virginianus, habitat management, Iowa, landscape composition, nest success, northern bobwhite, predation, reproduction
Michael Lohr, Bridget M. Collins, Paul M. Castelli, Christopher K. Williams
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 52-60, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: habitat use, mid-Atlantic, New Jersey, northern bobwhite, range periphery, survival
Michael J. Rader, Leonard A. Brennan, Kyle A. Brazil, Fidel Hernández, Nova J. Silvy
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 61-70, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: bobwhite, Colinus virginianus, drought, nesting habitat, nest predation, population, predator control, simulation, South Texas, stochastic modeling
Christopher P. Hansen, Joshua J. Millspaugh, Mark A. Rumble
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 71-77, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: Black Hills National Forest, Bonasa umbellus, detection probability, drumming surveys, occupancy modeling, ruffed grouse
Craig R. Ely, Dennis G. Raveling
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 78-91, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: Anser albifrons, California, diet, distribution, food habits, Greater White-fronted Geese, habitat, nutrition, winter ecology
Erika K. Lok, Daniel Esler, John Y. Takekawa, Susan W. De La Cruz, W. Sean Boyd, David R. Nysewander, Joseph R. Evenson, David H. Ward
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 92-100, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: habitat, Melanitta perspicillata, satellite telemetry, Southeast Alaska, spring migration, stopover, Surf Scoter
Thomas F. Fondell, Paul L. Flint, James S. Sedinger, Christopher A. Nicolai, Jason L. Schamber
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 101-108, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: Black Brant, Branta bernicla nigricans, gosling growth, intercolony variation, population limitation, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
Paul J. Doherty, Julie A. Heath
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 109-115, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: abandonment, Beach, Charadrius melodus, disturbance, exclosures, hatchability, human, New York, Piping Plover, predator
Peter J. Blank, Galen P. Dively, Douglas E. Gill, Charles A. Rewa
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 116-125, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: agriculture, birds, buffer, Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), Filter strip, Maryland
H. Jeffrey Homan, Randal S. Stahl, George M. Linz
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 126-131, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: bioenergetics, DRC-1339, European Starlings, Feeding trial, metabolic rate, Sturnus vulgaris, winter
Guy Rotem, Haim Berger, Roni King, Pua Bar (Kutiel), David Saltz
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 132-136, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: anthropogenic, Canis aureus, food, home range, jackal, movement persistence, utilization distribution
Mark A. Hayes, Robert A. Schorr, Kirk W. Navo
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 137-143, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: Colorado, Corynorhinus townsendii, Four Corners region, hibernacula, mines, Townsend's Big-eared Bat
MacKenzie R. Jeffress, Craig P. Paukert, Brett K. Sandercock, Philip S. Gipson
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 144-150, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: detection probability, Kansas, Lontra canadensis, River Otter, scat, sign surveys, Tracks
Jason A. Schmidt, Robert A. McCleery, Paige M. Schmidt, Nova J. Silvy, Roel R. Lopez
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 151-158, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: capture—recapture, lagomorph, pellet count, population estimation, rabbit density, Syhilagus palustris hefneri
Priscilla K. Coe, Bruce K. Johnson, Michael J. Wisdom, John G. Cook, Martin Vavra, Ryan M. Nielson
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 159-170, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: Cervus elaphus, elk, habitat use, model validation, resource selection models
Glen A. Sargeant, Duane C. Weber, Daniel E. Roddy
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 171-177, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: Cervus elaphus, chronic wasting disease, cougar, elk, population dynamics, Puma concolor, reproduction, South Dakota, survival, Wind Cave National Park
David D. Gustine, Perry S. Barboza, Layne G. Adams, Richard G. Farnell, Katherine L. Parker
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 178-188, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: caribou, Chisana, isotopes, nitrogen, nutrition, protein status, Rangifer
Pamela E. Hengeveld, Marco Festa-Bianchet
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 189-197, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: artificial selection, Bighorn Sheep, British Columbia, harvest regulations, horn growth, management strategies, Ovis canadensis, trophy hunting
Jesse L. Kolar, Joshua J. Millspaugh, Bruce A. Stillings
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 198-203, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: Antilocapra americana, fidelity, migration, movement, North Dakota, pronghorn, radio-tracking
A. David M. Latham, M. Cecilia Latham, Nicole A. McCutchen, Stan Boutin
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 204-212, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: Anthropogenic disturbance, boreal forest, incidental predation, northeastern Alberta, shared predator, Spatial overlap, white-tailed deer, wolf-caribou dynamics
Troy W. Grovenburg, Christopher C. Swanson, Christopher N. Jacques, Robert W. Klaver, Todd J. Brinkman, Benjamin M. Burris, Christopher S. Deperno, Jonathan A. Jenks
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 213-220, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: habitat, landscape, Minnesota, mortality, neonate, Odocoileus virginianus, predation, South Dakota, survival
Christopher N. Jacques, Timothy R. Van Deelen, Wayne H. Hall, Karl J. Martin, Kurt C. Vercauteren
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 221-231, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: bias, hunting, mortality, Odocoileus virginianus, radiotelemetry, survival, white-tailed deer
Todd J. Brinkman, David K. Person, F. Stuart Chapin, Winston Smith, Kris J. Hundertmark
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 232-242, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: abundance, Alaska, density, DNA, fecal pellets, forest, logging, mark—recapture, Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis, Sitka Black-Tailed Deer
Sarah E. Reed, Allison L. Bidlack, Aimee Hurt, Wayne M. Getz
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 243-251, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: carnivore, detection distance, detection dog, environmental conditions, monitoring, non-invasive, scat survey
Michael A. Weston, Glenn C. Ehmke, Grainne S. Maguire
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 252-255, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: Australia, beach closure, disturbance, hooded plover, incubation, Thinornis rubricollis.
Jerrold L. Belant, Dwayne R. Etter, Paul D. Friedrich, Melinda K. Cosgrove, Bronwyn W. Williams, Kim T. Scribner
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 256-260, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: American Marten, harvest, Martes americana, maximum canine root area, sex determination
John H. Young
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 261, (1 January 2011)
No abstract available
Todd R. Bogenschutz
Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (1), 262, (1 January 2011)
No abstract available
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