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Vitamin D supplementation may pose a significant health risk in species where levels of deficiency, sufficiency, and toxicity have not been clearly established, and species-specific research on vitamin D supplementation should be performed. This study documented the effect of vitamin D supplementation on serum vitamin D metabolites and other analytes of Ca homeostasis in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Six adult Asian elephants received PO supplementation with cholecalciferol at 300 IU/kg of body weight (BW) once a week for 24 wk. Serum was analyzed every 4 wk for 25-hydroxyvitamin D2/D3 [25(OH)D]; 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D2/D3 [24,25(OH)2D]; 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D]; parathyroid hormone (PTH); total Ca; ionized Ca (iCa); P; and Mg. After the supplement was discontinued, serum 25(OH)D2/D3 was measured every 4 wk until levels returned to baseline. At the start of the study, the average serum 25(OH)D3 was nondetectable (<1.5 ng/ml). With cholecalciferol supplementation, 25(OH)D3 increased at an average rate of 2.26 ng/ml per month and reached an average concentration of 12.9 ± 3.46 ng/ml at 24 wk. Both 24,25(OH)2D3 and 1,25(OH)2D increased over time with supplementation from an average of <1.5 to 12.9 ng/ml and from 9.67 to 36.4 pg/ml, respectively. PTH, iCa, Ca, P, and Mg remained within reported normal ranges throughout supplementation. After the supplement was discontinued, serum 25(OH)D3 demonstrated a slow decline to baseline, taking an average of 48 wk. Elephants demonstrated significant individual variation in response to supplementation and subsequent return to baseline. Supplementation of Asian elephants with a weekly dose of 300 IU/kg BW cholecalciferol for 24 wk appears to be effective and safe. Additional clinical studies would be necessary to investigate the safety of other routes of administration, dosages, and duration of vitamin D supplementation, as well as associated health benefits.
Female veiled chameleons, Chamaeleo calyptratus, have a high fecundity and fast maturation, which makes them a suitable model species for squamate reproduction. The authors investigated the morphological follicular development of a group of 20 healthy adult animals over a 12-mon period using ultrasonography (US) and CT. Four stages of follicular development could be distinguished by imaging diagnostics and were confirmed by histology: previtellogenesis, vitellogenesis, gravidity, and atresia. Using a linear ultrasound transducer (18 MHz), previtellogenic follicles could be visualized as small, round, hypoechoic structures. Identification of this stage was unreliable on CT. On US, vitellogenic follicles remained round and showed increasing echogenicity from the hypoechoic center outwards, displaying vinyl-like hyperechoic banding in later stages. On CT, early vitellogenic follicles were round, hyperdense structures, which reduced in density as they grew. A hyperdense inner ring with a hypodense central point characterized late vitellogenesis. Following ovulation, eggs became distinctly oval on both CT and US, with formation of a hyperdense or hyperechoic outer ring, respectively. Atresia followed in cases where no ovulation occurred, and was divided into yolky and cystic atresia. Sonographically, early yolky atretic follicles became unevenly shaped, packed against one another, and developed heterogenous content. Late atretic follicles were homogenous and reduced in size. Reduction of density and uneven shape were also observed on CT. Cystic atretic follicles developed an anechoic cavity with a dense peripheral accumulation of content. In many animals 2–3 generations of atretic follicles were observed without indication of impairment to the development of the newest batch of follicles. Thus, follicular atresia need not necessarily lead to a pathological condition in veiled chameleons, at least not within a few consecutive cycles.
The goals of this study were to compare ocular morphology, determine the reference intervals of selected ophthalmic tests, ocular measurements, intraocular pressure, and tear production, and to establish possible relationships in the visual ecology of three different Neotropical nonhuman primates (NHP). Nineteen black-tufted marmosets (Callithrix penicillate), 24 Guianan squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus), and 24 night monkeys (Aotus azarae infulatus) were included in the study. Schirmer tear test, ocular dimensions, ocular ultrasonography, intraocular pressure, central corneal thickness, and corneal touch threshold were determined. The ratio of the average corneal diameters and axial diameters (CD/AGL) were established. No significant difference was noted between males and females, nor left and right eyes, for all three species for all measurements (P > 0.05). CD/AGL ratio was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) in night monkeys (a nocturnal species) as compared to black-tufted marmoset and Guianan squirrel monkeys (two diurnal species). The reference intervals will aid veterinary ophthalmologists to more accurately diagnose pathological changes in the eyes of these species. In addition, ocular dimension comparison will allow other NHP species to be evaluated and examined in relationship to behavioral traits (nocturnal versus diurnal).
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has housed fennec foxes (Vulpes zerda) at its facilities since the early 1900s and currently has one of the largest populations managed by the fennec fox Species Survival Plan. Of the 83 foxes held by WCS institutions between 1980 and 2019, 52 medical records and 48 postmortem reports were available for review. Common causes of morbidity included trauma and dermatologic disease, especially atopic dermatitis. Average age at death for animals surviving past 10 wk was 9.76 yr. Common causes of death or euthanasia were neoplasia (15/48, 31%) and infectious disease (14/48, 29%), with neoplastic processes incidentally identified in an additional seven animals. Significant antemortem cardiac changes were identified in 22 animals. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) was diagnosed in nine animals, consistent with previous documentation of HCC as one of the most common neoplasms in this species. Four animals were suspected to have succumbed to vaccine-induced canine distemper virus after receiving a modified live vaccine. No canine distemper infections have been documented after 1981 in this population and since the use of a canarypox-vectored recombinant vaccine. Recommendations for management of this species include routine screening for hepatic neoplasia in adult animals, regular cardiac evaluations including electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, and dermatologic examination as described by the current consensus statement on canine atopic dermatitis. This descriptive morbidity and mortality report is the first for the fennec fox.
Cardiovascular disease is a frequent cause of death in the critically endangered Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis). This warrants the use of anesthetic protocols with minimal cardiovascular adverse effects. In this study, 12 adult male woodchucks (Marmota monax) were used as models for Vancouver Island marmots. The objective was to compare the physiological effects of two premedication protocols during induction and maintenance of anesthesia with sevoflurane. The two premedications were ketamine 10 mg/kg and midazolam 0.5 mg/kg (KM) or ketamine 10 mg/kg, midazolam 0.5 mg/kg, and butorphanol 1.0 mg/kg (KMB), administered intramuscularly prior to mask induction. Each marmot underwent three anesthetic events and protocols were assigned using a blinded randomized crossover design. Heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, and body temperature were recorded throughout, and blood gases were assessed following induction. Resistance to induction was scored and time to induction was recorded. Although mask induction with sevoflurane was successful in all events (mean induction time of 2.1 min), KMB premedication resulted in a faster induction (mean induction time reduced by 1.2 ± 0.3 min) and lower resistance scores. Both protocols resulted in significant cardiovascular and respiratory depression; however, animals that received KMB were more hypercapnic than KM by 8.8 ± 2.8 mm Hg (P = 0.03) (mean venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide [PvCO2] for all: 79.9 mm Hg). In conclusion, if shorter induction times are desired, KMB premedication is preferred. However, cardiorespiratory variables including blood pressure should be monitored, and endotracheal intubation is recommended to allow for ETCO2 monitoring and provision of intermittent positive pressure ventilation.
Amebiasis caused by Entamoeba invadens is an important disease in reptile collections, causing severe morbidity and mortality. Surveillance of the parasite at the Singapore Zoo was carried out over a 4-yr period by PCR testing on reptiles that presented with lethargy and enteritis for disease investigation. Asymptomatic reptiles sharing the same enclosures as positive individuals were also tested as part of outbreak investigation. Animals in the collection that tested positive for the parasite were treated with metronidazole at various doses, with the addition of paromomycin for two cases, until a negative PCR test result was obtained at the end of the treatment course. A total of 97 samples from 49 individuals across 19 species of reptiles were obtained, of which 24 samples (24.7%) from 19 animals were positive for E. invadens. Of these positive samples, 11 samples were for disease investigation, eight samples for outbreak surveillance, and five samples for treatment monitoring. Treatment was initiated for 10 animals, four of which were showing clinical signs of disease. The parasite was cleared in nine of these 10 animals (90%), with eight animals receiving metronidazole as a sole therapeutic agent. A total of nine animals died of the disease, four of which (44.4%) presented dead or died within 24 h of presentation. Necrotizing enteritis was a consistent postmortem finding resulting in gastrointestinal perforation in two cases, and coelomic adhesions and hepatic trophozoites were each seen in five animals. The results suggest that the management of Entamoeba epizootics in the collection requires prompt outbreak investigation. Diagnosis of the disease with advanced diagnostic tools like PCR, endoscopy, and ultrasonography and treatment with metronidazole in both symptomatic and asymptomatic animals may reduce mortalities during an outbreak.
An outbreak of the nematode Strongyloides sp. occurred in a population of 18 male and 29 female panther chameleons (Furcifer pardalis) at the Singapore Zoo. The parasite was first detected in one individual during routine microscopic examination of feces using the direct examination and magnesium sulfate flotation methods. The parasite was later found to have a closest match (98.96%) with Strongyloides sp. Okayama by DNA sequencing. Over a period of 6 mon, 97.9% (46/47) of the panther chameleons tested positive for the parasite, and 25.5% (12/47) of the animals died due to the disease. All the animals that died were female. Of the positive tests, magnesium sulfate flotation identified the parasite 98.1% (105/107) of the time, compared to direct fecal microscopy, which identified the parasite only 43.9% (47/107) of the time. Parasite eggs were detected in 100% (105/105) of the positive magnesium sulfate flotation tests but only 66.0% (31/47) of the positive direct fecal microscopy tests. Parasite larvae were detected in 61.7% (29/47) of the positive direct fecal microscopy tests but only 9.5% (10/105) of the magnesium sulfate flotation tests. Treatments with fenbendazole and pyrantel pamoate at published doses were ineffective at eliminating the parasite. Ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg PO q2wk for two doses) was successful at treating the parasite, with all animals testing negative for the parasite at the end of the treatment course without any observed adverse reactions. However, complete eradication of the parasite could not be achieved, as Strongyloides sp. could still be detected in the population on routine coproscopy intermittently over 3 yr. There were no further mortalities due to the disease with prompt treatment with ivermectin. Strongyloidiasis may cause high morbidity in panther chameleons, but severe disease leading to mortality can be prevented with the use of ivermectin.
Lana Krol, Freeland H. Dunker, Elise LaDouceur, Ethan Biswell, Geoffrey F. Dilly, J. Charles Delbeek, Rebecca Albright, Elora H. López-Nandam, Nicholas Reinbold, Anthony Igel, Lisa Larkin, Jessica Hill
A coral reef system at the Steinhart Aquarium in San Francisco, CA, USA experienced a population explosion of pycnogonid sea spiders (Arthropoda: Class Pycnogonida) with subsequent deleterious health effects on the corals in the system. Sixteen coral colonies across three species (Stylophora pistillata, Pocillopora damicornis, and Acropora tenuis) were chosen from this system for milbemycin oxime immersion therapy trials, with the goal of decreasing or eradicating the sea spider population with minimal detrimental effect to the corals. Corals underwent two milbemycin immersion treatments, administered 1 wk apart, at the previously published aquatic invertebrate dose of 0.016 parts per million (ppm; mg/L), but therapy did not reduce the number of sea spiders. Doubling the dose to 0.032 ppm milbemycin and repeating this immersion therapy 1/wk for three treatments successfully reduced the sea spiders. Histopathology was used to assess the health of the corals and tolerance to therapy, and posttreatment biopsies confirmed that there were no adverse effects to any of the three species of coral. Repeated 1/ wk treatments of milbemycin oxime immersion therapy at 0.032 ppm appears to be both safe and effective for reducing the numbers of pycnogonid sea spiders in the stony corals S. pistillata, P. damicornis, and A. tenuis.
We report hematology and biochemistry reference intervals (RI) for the critically endangered Cuban crocodile (Crocodylus rhombifer). In November 2019, we sampled 43 adult crocodiles (6 male, 37 female) under human care at the Zapata Swamp Crocodile Farm in Matanzas, Cuba. These crocodiles are part of a breeding program for the species registered by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Visual health evaluations were performed immediately after manual restraint, and blood was collected from the postoccipital sinus. We performed packed cell volume (PCV), total solids (TS), complete blood counts (CBC), and biochemistry profiles for each crocodile on the day of sampling. Mean PCV (n = 42) was 21.1 ± 5.0% and TS (n = 42) 7.3 ± 1.2 mg/dl, respectively. Absolute white blood cell (WBC) (n = 40) was 9.6 ± 5.7 x 109/L. Similar to other crocodilian species, the dominant leukocyte was lymphocytes (70.7 ± 10.4%), followed by heterophils (18.7 ± 9.7%). Two of the crocodiles had a high heterophil:lymphocyte ratio (0.87 and 0.74), although on visual exam they were both considered healthy. The range of creatine kinase was 41–1,482 U/L, and the higher values may be a reflection of muscle exertion at time of handling. Limitations to the study included skewed sex ratios and high lipemia and hemolysis in most samples collected. These are the first reference intervals reported for this species, including the first descriptions of WBC morphology. These data are valuable for the management of animals at the Zapata Swamp Crocodile Farm, for comparison with free-living Cuban crocodiles in Cuba, and for comparison with those managed under human care outside of Cuba.
The first objective of this study was to establish clinically relevant techniques for cardiac echocardiography in nonanesthetized Galapagos (Chelonoidis nigra complex) and Aldabra (Aldabrachelys gigantea) tortoises. A second objective was to establish guidelines for determining normal echocardiographic anatomy and function in both species. Select echocardiographic reference values were defined for 17 healthy Galapagos tortoises and 27 healthy Aldabra tortoises. Tortoises were either placed in ventral recumbency on an elevated surface or allowed to stand in a natural position by using food distraction. An ultrasound probe was applied in the left or right cervicobrachial window and was positioned in two long axis views to evaluate the three chambers of the heart and the associated great vessels, the presence of pericardial effusion, the atrioventricular inflow velocities, and pulmonic and aortic outflow velocities. The heart rate was 28 ± 12 (median ± SD) bpm, and the ejection fraction was 60.5 ± 10%. Thirty-four of 44 tortoises had identifiable physiologic pericardial effusion. All tortoises were successfully imaged using the techniques described, with consistent identification of cardiac structure and assessment of function. This study provides echocardiographic reference intervals for the clinical evaluation of suspected cardiac disease in captive-managed Galapagos and Aldabra tortoises.
Currently, there are limited antemortem tests available to evaluate renal function in Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Although few reports of renal pathology in manatees exist in the veterinary literature, debilitated animals that present to rehabilitation centers are frequently dehydrated, may have sustained renal trauma secondary to watercraft injury, and may experience ischemic events related to coagulation disorders leading to renal compromise. Clinicians remain limited to the analysis of blood urea nitrogen, creatinine levels, and urinalysis (if urine is obtained) to determine the extent of renal insufficiency, which may not accurately reflect renal function. This poses a diagnostic challenge for clinicians in discerning how critical renal compromise is to the animal's overall health and prognosis. For the first phase of this study, retrospective symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) values were determined from banked serum or plasma samples from 14 wild Florida manatees that had been collected while the animals were under rehabilitation in zoological institutions prior to their deaths. Values of SDMA for nine samples from eight manatees with known renal disease, as determined by histopathology, were compared to SDMA values for seven samples from six manatees with no reported renal lesions on histopathology. Values of SDMA from wild Florida manatees with known renal disease (mean 33.56 µg/dl ± 13.15, P= 0.017) were statistically significantly elevated when compared to SDMA values from manatees with no reported renal lesions (mean = 18.71 µg/dl ± 6.9) on histopathology. For the second phase of the study, serum or plasma samples were obtained from wild manatee populations from two geographically separate presumed-healthy wild manatee populations (n = 57). Although the upper limit was higher, serum SDMA concentrations from presumed-healthy wild manatees were comparable to those reported in small animal and equine medicine at 5.88–16.97 µg/dl.
General anesthesia is often required in elasmobranch species for medical procedures. A variety of anesthetic drugs have been administered to elasmobranchs with wide variability in efficacy and safety. A retrospective review of 47 anesthetic procedures using IV propofol in eight different elasmobranch species at the Georgia Aquarium from 2010 to 2022 was performed. Cases involving seven sand tiger sharks (Carcharias taurus), four largetooth sawfish (Pristis perotteti), one longcomb sawfish (Pristis zijsron), four blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus), three silvertip sharks (Carcharhinus albimarginatus), one sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus), five cownose rays (Rhinoptera bonasus), and one blotched fantail stingray (Taeniura meyeni) were evaluated. Induction dose of IV propofol (median: 2.5; 25–75%: 2.3–3.0; range: 1.7–4.0 mg/kg), time to desired effect (median: 4.0; 25–75%: 2.0–5.0; range: 0.5–15.0 min) and anesthetic duration (median: 76.0; 25–75%: 61.5–119.0; range: 27–216 min) were reported in all species. In six procedures (12.7%), maintenance of desired anesthetic plane required a supplemental dose of propofol IV (1 mg/kg) or addition of tricaine methanesulfonate (70 mg/L) as an immersion bath. The most common side effects were apnea and prolonged recovery. The IV propofol was efficacious and provided a procedural plane of anesthesia for a clinically relevant period of time in the majority of elasmobranch species, but observation for and management of complications is warranted.
The endemic Grand Cayman or blue iguana (Cyclura lewisi) is endangered. Beginning in 2015 significant morbidity and mortality occurred in captive and wild blue iguanas within Grand Cayman's Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park (QEIIBP). Investigation identified a novel Helicobacter sp., provisionally named Helicobacter sp. Grand Cayman Blue Iguana 1 (GCBI1), as the cause. Invasive green iguanas (Iguana iguana) are believed to play a role in GCBI1 transmission to the blue iguana; however, the origin and transmission pathways have not been determined. To assess the likelihood of blue iguanas asymptomatically harboring GCBI1, in May 2022 population-level screening of captive blue iguanas at QEIIBP was conducted on half (n = 102) of the captive blue iguana population (n = 201) including half of each age class. Helicobacter sp. GCBI1 is closely related to a chelonian Helicobacter sp. and 10 sympatric wild north Antillean sliders (Trachemys decussata angusta) were sampled in October 2019. Combined choana/cloacal swabs were screened by a GCBI1-specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay. All samples were negative, suggesting that GCBI1 is not present asymptomatically in the captive blue iguana population or in north Antillean sliders. These results provide support for the hypothesis that GCBI1 is periodically introduced to captive and wild blue iguanas from another species or source.
Pharmacokinetics of single, separate doses of IV flunixin meglumine (1 mg/kg), IV meloxicam (0.5 mg/kg), oral flunixin meglumine (1 mg/kg), oral meloxicam (1 mg/kg), and oral gabapentin (15 mg/kg) in three adult black rhinoceroses (Diceros bicornis) were determined from serial blood collection made over 72 h. The concentration versus time profiles were analyzed for each drug and route in each individual rhinoceros, and individual pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated for each medication administered. Meloxicam had near complete bioavailability in each trial, while flunixin meglumine was generally lower. Oral meloxicam was noted with similar half-life values between all animals (range 9.22–14.52 h) tested, while oral gabapentin had a larger range (range 10.25–24.85 h). Oral flunixin meglumine achieved a lower Cmax (range 170.67–664.38 ng/ml) in this study compared with the mean Cmax (1,207 ng/ml) reported in a similar study in white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum), but some overlap in range of values was noted. Oral flunixin meglumine Tmax (range 1.05–10.78 h) and half-life (range 3.88–14.85 h) values in black rhinoceroses was similar to mean values reported in white rhinoceroses (3 and 8.3 h, respectively).
Alexandra Juhasz, Emma Chapman, Amy Martin, Lucas J. Cunningham, Sam Jones, Bridget Johnson, Naomi Davies Walsh, Jen Quayle, Jonathan Cracknell, E. James LaCourse, J. Russell Stothard
Knowsley Safari (KS), Prescot, United Kingdom houses a variety of captive exotic ungulates. As part of their animal welfare plan, a prospective coprological survey was undertaken for liver fluke. In June 2021, 330 fecal samples, representative of 18 exotic ungulate species, were processed by sedimentation and filtration, with examination by coproscopy. Finding fascioliasis in all five vicuña alone, with fecal egg counts ranging from one to eight eggs per gram, anthelminthic treatment was attempted twice, with three coprological reviews. While the first anthelminthic treatment (oxyclozanide) was equivocal, the second anthelminthic treatment (triclabendazole) was proven effective upon two later follow-ups. An initial malacological survey of 16 freshwater sites in KS, first found Galba truncatula at two sites in June 2021, then upon more extensive searching subsequently within the vicuña's enclosure. It appears that F. hepatica was locally acquired, being the first report of fascioliasis within captive vicuñas in the United Kingdom. To develop a better fluke-management plan, regular coprological and malacological surveillance is justified, perhaps with molecular xenomonitoring of snails, alongside prompt administration of appropriate flukicide as required.
The time course of serum firocoxib concentrations was described after administration of two single oral doses (0.01 and 0.1 mg/kg) of commercially available firocoxib tablet (n = 4) and paste (n = 2) formulations to six healthy adult female African (Loxodonta africana) elephants. Firocoxib was quantitated by high-performance liquid chromatography. Firocoxib serum concentrations were below detectable levels after administration of 0.01 mg/kg of both formulations. A dose of 0.1 mg/kg (n = 4) of the tablet formulation had the following mean ± SD of pharmacokinetic parameters: area under the curve (AUC) 1,588 ± 362 h × ng/ml, maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) 31 ± 6.6 ng/ml at 6.4 ± 1.8 h, and disappearance half-life (T1/2) 66 ± 59 h, Elephant compliance to oral administration of the paste formulation was challenging, with only two elephants accepting administration of the paste at 0.1 mg/kg. Pharmacokinetic parameters determined included AUC of 814 h × ng/ml, Cmax of 44 ng/ml at Tmax of 7.0 h, and T1/2 of 36.4 h. Based on mean AUC, the relative bioavailability of paste compared to tablet formulations was 50%. Limitations of this study were the small number of participants and elephant compliance with the paste formulation. This study supports an oral dose of 0.1 mg/kg every 24 h. Multidose and IV trials are indicated to confirm firocoxib dosing requirements for African elephants.
Aspergillosis is the primary fungal disease affecting captive penguins globally. Its diagnosis remains challenging, and currently no tests are both sensitive and specific for the detection of early infection. The present study evaluated a recently developed Aspergillus lateral-flow device (AspLFD) for the detection of Aspergillus spp. antigen in plasma and glottis mucus from captive penguins. In a pilot retrospective study, banked frozen plasma samples from captive penguins were reviewed: samples from 11 gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua papua) and 4 king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were used in the analysis. Positive plasma AspLFD test results were found in 80% (four of five) of the aspergillosis-positive cases tested. All of the aspergillosis-negative cases tested negative (10 of 10) on the AspLFD test. In a cohort prospective study, paired plasma and glottis swab samples were opportunistically and nonrandomly collected from captive gentoo penguins. In total, 26 penguins were tested. In the negative control group, AspLFD test was negative on plasma and swab in 100% of birds (14 of 14). In the aspergillosis-positive group, AspLFD test was positive on plasma samples from 33% (4 of 12) of birds, on swab samples from 50% (6 of 12) of birds, and on either plasma or swab samples from 75% (9 of 12) of birds. The AspLFD is currently used for the diagnosis of aspergillosis in humans and also shows promise for use in penguins. Larger prospective studies are recommended.
As part of routine captive management of the species, sea otter (Enhydra lutris) males are often castrated to prevent reproduction, to preserve limited spaces for future nonreleasable stranded individuals, and to minimize potential aggression among cohorts. To determine the relative stage of testicular development, testicles from 14 castrated, rehabilitated northern sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) were submitted for histologic examination. Eight of the otters (aged 201, 304, 344, 352, 360, 373, 401, and 1,423 d old) had evidence of varying degrees of sexual maturity. Histologic grading of maturity of individual testicles showed inactive testes, spermatocytes with some maturation of spermatogenic precursors, and fully active spermatogenesis. Spermatozoa were seen in the otters that were 401 and 1,423 d old (1.1 and 3.9 yr old). Sexual maturity for wild male sea otters in Alaska has been previously reported to occur from 3 to 5–6 yr. Social maturity, or the ability to breed and reproduce, may occur a few years later than the onset of physiologic maturity; age, weight, territory quality, and the length of time holding a territory may influence a male otter's mating success. Early testicular development in rehabilitated sea otters may be related to abundant resources, lack of competition, and decreased environmental pressures. Additionally, these findings have implications for husbandry and management practices in short- and long-term care facilities.
Although the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a widespread free-living species in Europe and is often treated as a patient in wildlife rescue centers, peer-reviewed published reference intervals (RI) for hematologic and biochemistry variables are not available. The aim of this study was to determine routine RI for common clinical analyses for this species. After rescue events, single blood samples were collected from 14 female and 18 male adult red foxes and submitted for standard hematologic and biochemistry analyses. The RI were determined by either parametric (normally distributed data) or robust (nonnormal data) statistical methods and showed values close to those reported for specimens of similar fox species, but they were not comparable to historical veterinary clinical data gathered from animals following surgeries or pathology sample collections. Sex did not significantly affect the blood variables, except for iron, which was higher in males. This is the first study reporting RI for a large number of blood analytes in free-living red foxes in Italy. The proposed hematologic and serum chemistry RI, which are specific to red foxes that have recovered after veterinary treatments, represent a set of healthy clinical values that will be helpful for both veterinary care and environmental monitoring.
Ellis C. Greiner, Dawn M. Zimmerman, Kristina M. Delaski, Norman O. Dronen, Elizabeth E. Hammond, Brian Stacy, Jim Grillo, Robert MacLean, Joan Maurer, Ben Okimoto, Michael Douglass, Jennifer Yu, Drury R. Reavill
Air sac trematodes (Digenea: Cyclocoelidae) were detected in 23 avian species from eight aviaries in the United States. Most of the infected host species were passeriform birds, but a few species in other orders also were infected. Four species of adult flukes were encountered: Circumvitellatrema momota, Morishitium sp., Psophiatrema greineri, and Szidatitrema yamagutii. Findings from retrospective review of medical records, necropsy records, and author observations are presented. Potential terrestrial snail intermediate hosts were collected from three indoor aviaries. A high prevalence (47%) of larval trematode infections was demonstrated in one species of nonnative snail (Prosopeas achatinacea); one larva was isolated and matched to the adult species (C. momota) from birds using PCR. Problems with introducing potentially infected wild-caught birds into aviaries, and exchanging captive individuals between aviaries where they potentially may carry infections, are discussed.
Four clinically healthy red wolves (Canis rufus) developed hyperkalemia during routine anesthetic procedures. All cases were anesthetized using a combination of dexmedetomidine (10–24 mcg/kg), ketamine (2–3 mg/kg), and either midazolam (0.25–0.5 mg/kg) or butorphanol (0.2–0.48 mg/kg). Additional anesthetics were given to effect. Total anesthetic time ranged from 60 to 420 min. Three out of four cases were treated using terbutaline (0.01 mg/kg SC), which successfully resolved the hyperkalemia. No bradyarrhythmias were seen in any cases where electrocardiography (ECG) was monitored (3/4). All cases recovered from anesthesia, with one prolonged recovery. All animals are clinically healthy at the time of writing. Factors including anesthetic duration, the use of α-2 agonists, hyperthermia, and genetics are discussed as possible triggers for hyperkalemia. Serial blood gases, with electrolyte measurements, are recommended during anesthesia of red wolves, particularly when anesthetic time may be prolonged or the patient suffers from hyperthermia. Terbutaline appears to be a successful treatment should hyperkalemia arise.
Trypanosoma cruzi is a protozoan parasite primarily transmitted by triatomine insects (Hemiptera: subfamily Reduviidae) and is the cause of Chagas disease (CD). This report describes three cases of CD in a mob of five slender-tailed meerkats (Suricata suricatta) living in an outdoor exhibit at one zoological institution in Texas. The index case was a 9.5-yr-old female that presented with ataxia, lethargy, and pleural effusion. This case was diagnosed with CD postmortem via cytology, T. cruzi PCR of whole blood and lung fluid, and histology. Blood was opportunistically collected from the remaining four meerkats 28 d after the death of the index case and tested by PCR and serology. The second case was a clinically normal 7.5-yr-old male that tested PCR and antibody positive and the third case was a clinically normal 9-yr-old female that tested PCR positive. The second animal presented depressed, with pneumonia, and with continuous shivering 53 d after blood collection, and clinically improved after treatment with antibiotics and supportive care. Fifteen days later, the animal was found minimally responsive and died shortly thereafter. Histologic examination revealed Trypanosoma sp. amastigotes in the myocardium and the tissue was positive for T. cruzi DNA. The third meerkat, which received two separate courses of benznidazole over a span of almost 2 yr, was monitored routinely by PCR and serology and appeared clinically normal until found dead on exhibit 93 d after completion of the second treatment. Myocardium was positive for T. cruzi DNA. To the authors' knowledge, this case series is the first to document Chagas disease in meerkats and features associated cytologic and histologic findings.
Two adult male leopard sharks (Triakis semifasciata) under managed care were diagnosed with suspected dilated cardiomyopathy. Clinical signs included lethargy, inappetence, and regurgitation. On cardiac ultrasound, fractional shortening was 14% and 10%, respectively (versus 21%–31% in four healthy conspecifics). Ventricular end-diastolic diameter to body weight ratio was 1.72 cm/kg in Case 1 (versus 0.52–1.24 cm/kg in four conspecifics). These results collectively suggested a dilated cardiomyopathy. Treatment was implemented with oral pimobendan at 0.3 mg/kg q48h for 1 mon. The pimobendan dose was increased to 0.5 mg/kg 3/wk, following plasmatic dosage of pimobendan and its metabolite. After 3 mon, fractional shortening increased to 38% and 20%, respectively, sharks regained a normal appetite, and body weight increased by 50% in one individual. After 2 yr, both individuals remained clinically normal, and no adverse effect was noted with pimobendan administration. Pimobendan plasma concentration suggested that this medication was well absorbed in this species.
Kathryn S. Leach, Sam Rivera, William Devlin, Ilana Kutinsky, Roberta Boyd, Marietta D. Danforth, Gregg Rapoport, Lynn Yakubinis, Rita McManamon, Brittany McHale, Hayley W. Murphy
A 37-yr-old male vasectomized hybrid orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus × abelii) was diagnosed with left ventricular dysfunction during a preventative health care examination. Treatment was initiated with carvedilol. The following year, this orangutan was evaluated for intermittent lethargy. Following observation of an irregular cardiac rhythm during an echocardiogram, a lead II electrocardiogram revealed atrial fibrillation and ventricular arrhythmia. Additional treatment included amiodarone, furosemide, spironolactone, clopidogrel, and aspirin. An improved activity level was noted, and follow-up testing showed restoration of a sinus rhythm, reduced frequency of ventricular arrhythmia, and improved left ventricular function. The orangutan died 27 mon after initial diagnosis of heart disease, and a complete necropsy was performed. This article describes successful diagnosis and management of structural and arrhythmic heart disease in an orangutan, emphasizing the role of cardiac disease screening and behavioral training in apes, as well as the value of matching thorough antemortem and postmortem cardiac evaluation.
Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, is a zoonotic, vector-borne, protozoan hemoflagellate with a wide host range. An 11-yr-old, captive-bred male De Brazza's monkey (Cercopithecus neglecus) presented with weight loss despite normal appetite. Examination revealed hypoglycemia, nonregenerative anemia, and many trypanosomes on a blood smear. A whole blood sample was PCR-positive for T. cruzi discrete typing unit TcIV and the monkey seroconverted using two different methods. The monkey was treated with the standard human dose of benznidazole twice daily for 60 d; however, blood obtained over the next 1.5 yr posttreatment remained PCR-positive for T. cruzi. A second course of benznidazole at a higher dose but lower frequency for 26 wk was required for the monkey to convert to sustained PCR-negative status. The monkey recovered with no apparent lasting effects.
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