VOL. 44 · NO. 1 | January 2019

Original Papers
Hiroaki Saito, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Teruaki Hino, Masaharu Motokawa
Mammal Study 44 (1), 1-11, (5 January 2019) https://doi.org/10.3106/ms2017-0056
KEYWORDS: backfill sediment, behavior, concrete check dam, movement detection method
Mohsen Chammem, Yamna Karssene, Mohsen Jarray, Fengqing Li, Touhami Khorchani
Mammal Study 44 (1), 13-21, (4 December 2018) https://doi.org/10.3106/ms2018-0004
KEYWORDS: dietary selection, food availability, Lepus capensis, microhistological analysis, southern Tunisia
Shun Kobayashi, Jumlong Placksanoi, Artchawakom Taksin, Chittima Aryuthaka, Tetsuo Denda, Masako Izawa
Mammal Study 44 (1), 23-32, (16 November 2018) https://doi.org/10.3106/ms2018-0028
KEYWORDS: Callosciurus, niche, resource use, tree squirrel, tropical seasonal forest
József Lanszki, Nikolett Nagyapáti, Anita Kurys
Mammal Study 44 (1), 33-40, (21 December 2018) https://doi.org/10.3106/ms2018-0048
KEYWORDS: dietary shift, feeding habit, intensifying agriculture, Vulpes vulpes
Matti T. Heino, Janne Granroth, Jouni Aspi, Henry Pihlström
Mammal Study 44 (1), 41-50, (21 December 2018) https://doi.org/10.3106/ms2018-0036
KEYWORDS: extinction, haplotypes, mtDNA, Sunda Islands
Jadab Kumar Biswas, Masaharu Motokawa
Mammal Study 44 (1), 51-63, (25 January 2019) https://doi.org/10.3106/ms2018-0033
KEYWORDS: allometric analysis, coefficient of variation, intraspecific variation, Rodentia
Short Communications
Anna Kosmowska, Jerzy Romanowski
Mammal Study 44 (1), 65-67, (4 December 2018) https://doi.org/10.3106/ms2017-0083
KEYWORDS: honest signaling, multimodal signaling, scent marking
Jun-Soo Kim, Jong-U Kim, Jong-Hoon Jeon, Jong Koo Lee, Woo-Shin Lee
Mammal Study 44 (1), 69-75, (21 December 2018) https://doi.org/10.3106/ms2017-0075
KEYWORDS: Home range overlap, stray cat management, trap-neuter-release method, use of home range
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