John R. I. Wood
Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 23 (3), 385-395, (4 November 2014)
KEYWORDS: Acanthaceae, Haplanthodes, Hemigraphis, Justicia, Ruellia, Rungia, Stenosiphonium, Strobilanthes
A wider concept of Justicia L. and Strobilanthes Blume (Acanthaceae) is now generally accepted as the characters used to distinguish related genera, namely an elastic placenta and greater ovule numbers, are not diagnostic and appear to be derived characters. In consequence the following new combinations are needed to bring the names of Indian species into line with currently accepted generic limits: J. apiculata (Bedd.) J. R. I. Wood [≡ Rungia apiculata Bedd.], J. himalayensis (C. B. Clarke) J. R. I. Wood [≡ Rungia himalayensis C. B. Clarke], J. latior (Nees) J. R. I. Wood subsp. latior [≡ Rungia longifolia subsp. latior (Nees) Cramer], which results in the new varietal combination of J. latior var. anamalayana (Chandrab. & V. Chandras.) J. R. I. Wood, J. latior subsp. longifolia (Nees) J. R. I. Wood [≡ Rungia longifolia Nees subsp. longifolia], J. mastersii (T. Anderson) J. R. I. Wood [≡ Rungia mastersii T. Anderson], J. wightiana (Nees) J. R. I. Wood [≡ Rungia wightiana Nees], Strobilanthes alternata (Burm. f.) E. Moylan ex J. R. I. Wood [≡ Hemigraphis alternata (Burm. f.) T. Anderson], Strobilanthes brunelloides (Lam.) J. R. I. Wood [≡ Hemigraphis brunelloides (Lam.) Bremek.], Strobilanthes cordifolia (Vahl) J. R. I. Wood [≡ Stenosiphonium cordifolium (Vahl) Alston], Strobilanthes crossandra (Steud) J. R. I. Wood [≡ Hemigraphis crossandra (Steud.) Bremek.], Strobilanthes pavala (Roxb.) J. R. I. Wood [≡ Hemigraphis latebrosa (Heyne ex Roth) Nees], Strobilanthes urens (Roth) J. R. I. Wood [≡ Hemigraphis urens (Roth) J. R. I. Wood], Strobilanthes venosa (Heyne ex C. B. Clarke) J. R. I. Wood [≡ Hemigraphis venosa Heyne ex C. B. Clarke], Strobilanthes wightii (Bremek.) J. R. I. Wood [≡ Stenosiphonium wightii Bremek.]. The following new names are also provided for species where the epithet cannot be transferred as it is blocked by a pre-existing epithet in the genus: J. concinna J. R. I. Wood [≡ Rungia elegans Dalzell & Gibson], J. crenatifolia J. R. I. Wood [≡ Rungia crenata T. Anderson], J. eudoxa J. R. I. Wood [≡ Rungia laeta C. B. Clarke], J. heyneana J. R. I. Wood [≡ Rungia linifolia Nees], this new name resulting in the new varietal combination J. heyneana var. saldanhae (Mascar. & Janarth.) J. R. I. Wood, J. meghalayana J. R. I. Wood [≡ Rungia khasiana T. Anderson] and J. vallis-silentiosae J. R. I. Wood [≡ Rungia sisparensis T. Anderson ex C. B. Clarke], Strobilanthes carinei J. R. I. Wood [≡ Stenosiphomium setosum T. Anderson], and Strobilanthes sinuata J. R. I. Wood [≡ Hemigraphis repanda (L.) Hallier f.]. Lectotypes are designated for the following basionyms: Haplanthodes neilgherryensis (Wight) R. B. Majumdar, Hemigraphis latebrosa var. rupestris C. B. Clarke, Hemigraphis platycarpos C. B. Clarke, Hemigraphis venosa Heyne ex C. B. Clarke, Ruellia alternata Burm. f., Ruellia confinis Nees, Ruellia confinis var. β, Ruellia diffusa Nees, Ruellia ebracteata Dalzell, Ruellia elegans Hook, Ruellia pavala Roxb., Ruellia repanda L., Ruellia urens Roth, Rungia apiculata Bedd., Rungia himalayensis C. B. Clarke, Rungia linifolia Nees, Rungia khasiana T. Anderson, Rungia sisparensis T. Anderson ex C. B. Clarke, Rungia wightiana Nees, Stenosiphonium confertum Nees, Stenosiphonium subsericeum Nees, Stenosiphonium wightii Bremek., and Strobilanthes burmanica Kurz. Neotypes are provided for Rungia elegans Dalzell and Ruellia latebrosa Heyne ex R