Stephen R. Goldberg, Charles R. Bursey, L. Lee Grismer
Pacific Science 71 (2), 229-235, (1 April 2017)
Eleven species of ranid frogs (N = 42) from Southeast Asia were examined for gastrointestinal helminths: Amolops torrentis, Chalcorana labialis, Hylarana erythraea, Hylarana taipehensis, Indosylvirana milleti, Pulchrana banjarana, Pulchrana baramica, Pulchrana glandulosa, Pulchrana picturata, Sylvirana cubitalis, Sylvirana mortensi. The helminth community consisted of eight species of Nematoda, represented by Aplectana macintoshii, Cosmocerca ornata, Cosmocercoides pulcher, Icosiella innominata, Meteterakis japonica, Seuratascaris numidica, Abbreviata sp., and a species of Acuariidae. Ranid frogs from Southeast Asia are infected by generalist helminths that also infect other frogs. Twenty new host records are reported.