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VOL. 120 · NO. 4 | October 2018

Articles (18)
D. Adamski, R. R. Kula, M. W. Gates, J. Torréns, P. Fidalgo, M. L. Buffington
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 659-669, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: chaetotaxy, fine structure, Ichneumonoidea
Harry Brailovsky
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 670-674, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: Insecta, Coreidae, new genus, new species, Bolivia
John W. Brown, Richard L. Brown
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 675-686, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: California, Eucosmini, Mexico, morphology, Rocky Mountains
Matthew L. Buffington, Robert S. Copeland, Simon Van Noort
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 687-707, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: parasitoid, Afrotropical, Kenya, eastern Sahel
Vivian S. Dutra, Beatriz Ronchi-Teles, Gary J. Steck, Elton L. Araujo, Miguel F. Souza-Filho, Adalton Raga, Janisete G. Silva
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 708-724, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: fruit flies, larvae, posterior spiracle, cephalopharyngeal skeleton
Dawn J. Flynn
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 725-747, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: Hexapoda, Auchenorrhyncha, treehoppers, new species, species descriptions, species key, especies nuevas, descripciones de especies, clave de especies
Raymond J. Gagné
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 748-778, (26 November 2018)
Raymond J. Gagné, Jung Wook Kim, Nami Uechi, Junichi Yukawa
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 779-790, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: gall midges, Cecidomyiinae, Asphondyliini, Vitis, Hemiasphondylia
Thomas J. Henry, William D. Perreira, Dana Anne Yee, Cheryle A. O'Donnell
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 791-797, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: Insecta, Hemiptera, distribution, new records, hosts, predator
Yiau-Min Huang, Leopoldo M. Rueda
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 798-806, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: Culicidae, mosquitoes, adult identification key, Aedes, Mucidus, Africa
Tatsuya Ide, Yoshihisa Abe, Cheng-Yuan Su, Dao-Hong Zhu
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 807-824, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: Japan, Mainland China, oak gall wasp, Quercus fabri, Quercus serrata
Chris T. Maier
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 825-833, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: distribution, ketones, panel trap, pheromones, rearing, trapping
Allen L. Norrbom, Norman B. Barr, Peter Kerr, Ximo Mengual, Norma Nolazco, Erick J. Rodriguez, Gary J. Steck, Bruce D. Sutton, Keiko Uramoto, Roberto A. Zucchi
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 834-841, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: fruit flies, taxonomy, nomenclature, new name, new combination
Jonas R. Stonis, Arünas Diškus, M. Alma Solis
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 842-855, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: Acalyptris, Centrolobium, FABACEAE, Mimosa, Nepticulidae, new species, Stigmella
Jonas R. Stonis, Arunas Diškus, Liliana Katinas, M. Alma Solis
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 856-902, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: Asteraceae, host plants, leaf mines, Nepticulidae, Neotropics, new species, South America, Stigmella
Daniel R. Swanson
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 903-912, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: description, distribution, new record, taxonomy, Hemiptera, Afrotropical
A. G. Wheeler Jr., E. Richard Hoebeke
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 913-925, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: Malachiinae, new records, courtship, saw palmetto, Serenoa repens, Florida rosemary, Ceratiola ericoides
A. G. Wheeler Jr., Michael D. Schwartz
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 926-937, (26 November 2018)
KEYWORDS: Mirinae, Stenodemini, seed feeding, bivoltinism, distribution map
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 120 (4), 938-944, (26 November 2018)
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