VOL. 169 · NO. 2 | February 2008
Radiation Research
Regular Articles
Ladislav Tomasek, Agnès Rogel, Margot Tirmarche, Nicolas Mitton, Dominique Laurier
Radiation Research 169 (2), 125-137, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR0848.1
M. Eidemüller, E. Ostroumova, L. Krestinina, A. Akleyev, P. Jacob
Radiation Research 169 (2), 138-148, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR1157.1
A. Obenaus, L. Huang, A. Smith, C. J. Favre, G. Nelson, E. Kendall
Radiation Research 169 (2), 149-161, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR1135.1
Federico Moriconi, Hans Christiansen, Dirk Raddatz, Joszef Dudas, Robert Michael Hermann, Margret Rave-Fränk, Nadeem Sheikh, Bernhard Saile, Clemens Friedrich Hess, Giuliano Ramadori
Radiation Research 169 (2), 162-169, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR1006.1
Gabriella Rainaldi, Rocco Romano, Paola Indovina, Antonella Ferrante, Andrea Motta, Pietro Luigi Indovina, Maria Teresa Santini
Radiation Research 169 (2), 170-180, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR0958.1
P. Belloni, R. Meschini, D. Lewinska, F. Palitti
Radiation Research 169 (2), 181-187, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR1158.1
Lorna A. Ryan, Richard W. Smith, Colin B. Seymour, Carmel E. Mothersill
Radiation Research 169 (2), 188-196, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR1141.1
Ying Zhang, Junqing Zhou, Kathryn D. Held, Robert W. Redmond, Kevin M. Prise, Howard L. Liber
Radiation Research 169 (2), 197-206, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR1189.1
F. Zölzer, C. Streffer
Radiation Research 169 (2), 207-213, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR0486.1
Francis A. Cucinotta, Janice M. Pluth, Jennifer A. Anderson, Jane V. Harper, Peter O'Neill
Radiation Research 169 (2), 214-222, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR1035.1
Bulent Aydogan, Wesley E. Bolch, Steven G. Swarts, James E. Turner, David T. Marshall
Radiation Research 169 (2), 223-231, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR0293.1
Maurizio Marrale, Maria Brai, Gaetano Gennaro, Antonio Bartolotta, Maria Cristina D'Oca
Radiation Research 169 (2), 232-239, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR1138.1
Motoko Unoki, Christian Bronner, Marc Mousli
Radiation Research 169 (2), 240-244, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR1209.1 Open Access
Letters to the Editor
K. L. Mossman
Radiation Research 169 (2), 245, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR1123.1a
No abstract available
Bobby E. Leonard
Radiation Research 169 (2), 245-246, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR1123.1b
No abstract available
M. Tubiana, A. Aurengo, D. Averbeck, R. Masse
Radiation Research 169 (2), 246-247, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR1123.1c
No abstract available
Ludwig E. Feinendegen, Herwig Paretzke, Ronald D. Neumann
Radiation Research 169 (2), 247-248, (1 February 2008) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR1123.1d
No abstract available
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