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VOL. 61 · NO. 4 | July 2008
Rangeland Ecology and Management
D. D. Briske, B. T. Bestelmeyer, T. K. Stringham, P. L. Shaver
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (4), 359-367, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: alternative stable states, dynamic regimes, ecological resilience, rangeland monitoring, thresholds
Research Articles
Fadzayi E. Mashiri, Mitchel P. McClaran, Jeffrey S. Fehmi
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (4), 368-379, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: long-term experimentation, plant cover and density, Santa Rita Experimental Range, seasonal rotation grazing, semiarid grassland, yearlong grazing
Matthew K. Barnes, Brien E. Norton, Motoko Maeno, John C. Malechek
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (4), 380-388, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: deferred rotation grazing, grazing management systems, intensive rotational grazing, livestock distribution, short duration grazing, time control grazing
Kevin A. France, Dave C. Ganskopp, Chad S. Boyd
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (4), 389-393, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: bunchgrass, forage selection, grazing behavior, ground nesting birds, sage-grouse
Christina M. Black Rubio, Andrés F. Cibils, Rachel L. Endecott, Mark K. Petersen, Kenneth G. Boykin
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (4), 394-404, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: diet selection, GPS monitoring, habitat selection, thermal stress, woodlands
Miguel Mellado, Gabriela Salas, Wolfgang Pittroff
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (4), 405-411, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: digestibility, feed conversion ratio, feed intake, serum urea, weight gain
Temuulen Tsagaan Sankey, Matthew J. Germino
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (4), 412-418, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: change detection, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), grazing, Landsat Thematic Mapper, remote sensing, spatial pattern
Amy J. Symstad, Cody L. Wienk, Andy D. Thorstenson
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (4), 419-429, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: grassland, Observer error, plant canopy cover, point-frequency method, vegetation monitoring, visual estimates
Duane C. Smith, Susan E. Meyer, V. J. Anderson
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (4), 430-436, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: cheatgrass, downy brome, secondary dormancy, seed rain, seedling emergence, semiarid
Luke W. Samuel, Donald R. Kirby, Jack E. Norland, Gerald L. Anderson
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (4), 437-443, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: Aphthona spp, biological control, introduced species, invasive weed, Little Missouri River drainage basin
Kishor Bhattarai, Douglas A. Johnson, Thomas A. Jones, Kevin J. Connors, Dale R. Gardner
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (4), 444-455, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: Astragalus filipes, restoration, revegetation, sagebrush steppe, western United States
Urs P. Kreuter, J. Brad Woodard, Charles A. Taylor, W. Richard Teague
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (4), 456-464, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: landowner associations, landowner attitudes, prescribed fire, rangelands
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