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VOL. 63 · NO. 5 | September 2010
Anna M. Urgeghe, David D. Breshears, Scott N. Martens, Peter C. Beeson
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63 (5), 497-504, (1 September 2010)
KEYWORDS: ecohydrology, runoff redistribution, run-on, threshold response, vegetation patch types, woodland
Research Papers
E. Raymond Hunt,, John H. Gillham, Craig S. T. Daughtry
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63 (5), 505-513, (1 September 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: AVIRIS, Euphorbia esula, hyperspectral remote sensing, Kappa analysis, leafy spurge, Weed Invasion Susceptibility Prediction model
Temuulen Tsagaan Sankey, Nancy Glenn, Sara Ehinger, Alex Boehm, Stuart Hardegree
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63 (5), 514-523, (1 September 2010)
KEYWORDS: Juniperus occidentalis, land-cover type, tree-ring analysis
Michael C. Duniway, Jeffrey E. Herrick, David A. Pyke, David Toledo P.
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63 (5), 524-536, (1 September 2010)
KEYWORDS: disturbance, indicators, off-highway vehicles, oil and gas, rangeland health, roads
Etienne Laliberté, David A. Norton, Jason M. Tylianakis, David Scott
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63 (5), 537-545, (1 September 2010)
KEYWORDS: Community composition, monitoring, rangeland assessment, Vegetation sampling, visual ranking
S. G. K. Adiku, G. H. Dunn, L. R. Ahuja, S. Gunter, J. Bradford, L. Garcia, A. A. Andales
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63 (5), 546-552, (1 September 2010)
KEYWORDS: forage growth, modeling, Soil compaction, stocking rate
Jack L. Butler, Stefanie D. Wacker
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63 (5), 553-563, (1 September 2010) Open Access
KEYWORDS: biological weed control, Euphorbia esula, exotic invasive, flea beetle, Northern Great Plains, restoration ecology
Kirk W. Davies
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63 (5), 564-571, (1 September 2010)
KEYWORDS: annual grass invasion, fire-herbicide control, invasive plants, prescribed burning, sagebrush community restoration, Taeniatherum caput-medusae
M. M. Haan, J. R. Russell, J. D. Davis, D. G. Morrical
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63 (5), 572-580, (1 September 2010)
KEYWORDS: GPS, heat stress, off-stream water, rotational stocking, stabilized crossings
Heidi L. Hillhouse, Susan J. Tunnell, James Stubbendieck
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63 (5), 581-587, (1 September 2010)
KEYWORDS: invasive species, Phalaris arundinacea L, Rainwater Basin, waterfowl habitat, wetland management
Research Notes
Carl R. Gosper, Suzanne M. Prober, Colin J. Yates
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63 (5), 588-592, (1 September 2010)
KEYWORDS: Eucalyptus, fire ecology, Fire management, mallee, prescribed burning, resprout
Kirk A. Olson, Martyn G. Murray, Todd K. Fuller
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63 (5), 593-598, (1 September 2010)
KEYWORDS: forage value, grazing ecosystem, nutrient requirements, plant–herbivore interactions, Procapra gutturosa, ungulate ecology
Angela M. Reid, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, John R. Weir
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63 (5), 599-603, (1 September 2010)
KEYWORDS: climatic conditions, fire size, Precipitation, relative humidity, temporal distribution, wind speed
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63 (5), 604, (1 September 2010)
No abstract available
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