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VOL. 66 · NO. 4 | July 2013
Research Articles
M. L. Pollock, J. P. Holland, C. Morgan-Davies, J. Morgan-Davies, A. Waterhouse
Rangeland Ecology and Management 66 (4), 387-400, (1 July 2013)
KEYWORDS: field methods, herbivory, joint learning, rangeland, stakeholder participation, structural heterogeneity
Jennifer Suzanne Lusk, Nicola Koper
Rangeland Ecology and Management 66 (4), 401-409, (1 July 2013)
KEYWORDS: ground-nesting birds, livestock, mixed-grass prairie, vegetation structure, wildlife habitat
Shadrack M. Muya, Able M. Kamweya, Anne W. T. Muigai, Apollo Kariuki, Shadrack M. Ngene
Rangeland Ecology and Management 66 (4), 410-418, (1 July 2013)
KEYWORDS: browsing unit, utilization-based models, wildlife utilization, wildlife carrying capacity
Stephen L. Webb, Matthew R. Dzialak, Karl L. Kosciuch, Jeffrey B. Winstead
Rangeland Ecology and Management 66 (4), 419-427, (1 July 2013)
KEYWORDS: crucial range, discrete choice model, fractal analysis, global positioning systems, Odocoileus hemionus, resource selection function
Tisa L. Girard, Edward W. Bork, Scott E. Nielsen, Mike J. Alexander
Rangeland Ecology and Management 66 (4), 428-437, (1 July 2013)
KEYWORDS: disturbance corridors, Geographic Information System, landscape features, thermal protection, Vegetation type, water availability
Justin L. Reeves, Justin D. Derner, Matt A. Sanderson, Mark K. Petersen, Lance T. Vermeire, John R. Hendrickson, Scott L. Kronberg
Rangeland Ecology and Management 66 (4), 438-444, (1 July 2013)
KEYWORDS: beef cattle production, climate variability, decision support tools, grazing management, MODEL AVERAGING, semiarid rangeland
Heidi J. Schmalz, Robert V. Taylor, Tracey N. Johnson, Patricia L. Kennedy, Sandra J. DeBano, Beth A. Newingham, Paul A. McDaniel
Rangeland Ecology and Management 66 (4), 445-453, (1 July 2013)
KEYWORDS: dynamic cone penetrometer, Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie, soil aggregate stability, soil heterogeneity, soil surface characteristics
Jianshuang Wu, Xianzhou Zhang, Zhenxi Shen, Peili Shi, Xingliang Xu, Xiaojia Li
Rangeland Ecology and Management 66 (4), 454-461, (1 July 2013)
KEYWORDS: carbon isotope composition, Changtang Natural Reserve, Grazing disturbance, pasture conservation, soil nutrients
Bonnie A. Woods, Janet L. Rachlow, Stephen C. Bunting, Timothy R. Johnson, Kelly Bocking
Rangeland Ecology and Management 66 (4), 462-471, (1 July 2013)
KEYWORDS: Brachylagus idahoensis, Douglas fir encroachment, habitat quality, mountain big sagebrush, recovery interval, spring prescribed burning
Kirk W. Davies, Chad S. Boyd, Aleta M. Nafus
Rangeland Ecology and Management 66 (4), 472-478, (1 July 2013)
KEYWORDS: Agropyron cristatum, Artemisia tridentata, Establishment, restoration, seedings
Matthew Rigge, Alexander Smart, Bruce Wylie
Rangeland Ecology and Management 66 (4), 479-486, (1 July 2013)
KEYWORDS: ephemeral streams, livestock grazing, NDVI, off-stream water, piosphere, riparian zones
Research Note
Takehiro Sasaki, Kaoru Kakinuma, Yu Yoshihara
Rangeland Ecology and Management 66 (4), 487-491, (1 July 2013)
KEYWORDS: arid and semiarid grasslands, disturbance, Mongolia, niche breadth, soil heterogeneity
Rangeland Ecology and Management 66 (4), (1 July 2013)
No abstract available
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