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VOL. 67 · NO. 5 | September 2014
Research Articles
James McIver, Mark Brunson
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (5), 435-439, (1 September 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: cheatgrass invasion, ecological resilience, ecosystem management, environmental gradients, sagebrush restoration, woodland expansion
No abstract available
Jeanne C. Chambers, Richard F. Miller, David I. Board, David A. Pyke, Bruce A. Roundy, James B. Grace, Eugene W. Schupp, Robin J. Tausch
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (5), 440-454, (1 September 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bromus tectorum invasion, ecological sites, environmental gradients, mechanical treatments, piñon and juniper expansion, prescribed fire
David A. Pyke, Scott E. Shaff, Andrew I. Lindgren, Eugene W. Schupp, Paul S. Doescher, Jeanne C. Chambers, Jeffrey S. Burnham, Manuela M. Huso
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (5), 455-467, (1 September 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bromus tectorum, resistance and resilience, fire, mowing, Tebuthiuron, imazapic
Richard F. Miller, Jaime Ratchford, Bruce A. Roundy, Robin J. Tausch, April Hulet, Jeanne Chambers
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (5), 468-481, (1 September 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: sagebrush, cheatgrass, nonnative species, piñon–juniper, restoration, Utah juniper, western juniper, single-needle piñon, resilience
Bruce A. Roundy, Richard F. Miller, Robin J. Tausch, Kert Young, April Hulet, Ben Rau, Brad Jessop, Jeanne C. Chambers, Dennis Eggett
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (5), 482-494, (1 September 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: brush control, mastication, mechanical treatments, prescribed fire, resilience, state and transition, thresholds
Bruce A. Roundy, Kert Young, Nathan Cline, April Hulet, Richard F. Miller, Robin J. Tausch, Jeanne C. Chambers, Ben Rau
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (5), 495-505, (1 September 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: infilling, mechanical treatments, prescribed fire, resilience, resistance, soil temperature, weed invasion
Benjamin M. Rau, Jeanne C. Chambers, David A. Pyke, Bruce A. Roundy, Eugene W. Schupp, Paul Doescher, Todd G. Caldwell
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (5), 506-521, (1 September 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: exotic annual grass, herbicide, mowing, prescribed fire, soil nutrients, soil water
Frederick B. Pierson, C. Jason Williams, Patrick R. Kormos, Osama Z. Al-Hamdan
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (5), 522-538, (1 September 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: aggregate stability, hydrophobicity, juniper, piñon, prescribed fire, rangeland, restoration, soil water repellency, tree mastication
James McIver, Euell Macke
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (5), 539-552, (1 September 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: insect–plant relations, mastication, cut and leave, mowing, prescribed fire, piñon-juniper, cheatgrass
Steven T. Knick, Steven E. Hanser, M. Leu
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (5), 553-562, (1 September 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: bird community, ecological scale, ordination, prescribed fire, sagebrush-obligate birds, woodland-sagebrush ecotone
April Hulet, Bruce A. Roundy, Steven L. Petersen, Stephen C. Bunting, Ryan R. Jensen, Darrell B. Roundy
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (5), 563-572, (1 September 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: remote sensing, object-based image analysis, biomass, Pinus, juniperus, eCognition® Developer
Ryan Gordon, Mark W. Brunson, Bruce Shindler
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (5), 573-583, (1 September 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: fuels reduction, mail survey, public perceptions, wildfire risk
James McIver, Mark Brunson, Steve Bunting, Jeanne Chambers, Paul Doescher, James Grace, April Hulet, Dale Johnson, Steve Knick, Richard Miller, Mike Pellant, Fred Pierson, David Pyke, Benjamin Rau, Kim Rollins, Bruce Roundy, Eugene Schupp, Robin Tausch, Jason Williams
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (5), 584-598, (1 September 2014) Open Access
KEYWORDS: cheatgrass invasion, ecological resilience, ecosystem management, environmental gradients, sagebrush restoration, woodland expansion
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (5), 599, (1 September 2014) Open Access
No abstract available
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