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VOL. 67 · NO. 6 | November 2014
Research Articles
Tony Svejcar, Jeremy James, Stuart Hardegree, Roger Sheley
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (6), 603-613, (1 November 2014)
KEYWORDS: disturbance, plant succession, recruitment, state-and-transition models, thresholds
Miguel Luna, Carlton M. Britton, Sandra Rideout-Hanzak, Carlos Villalobos, Ronald E. Sosebeex, David B. Wester
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (6), 614-620, (1 November 2014)
KEYWORDS: Basal area, blue grama, broomgrass muhly, fire simulation, mortality, plant size
Laura M. Ladwig, Scott L. Collins, Paulette L. Ford, Laura B. White
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (6), 621-628, (1 November 2014)
KEYWORDS: Black grama, Bouteloua eriopoda, fire seasonality, semiarid grassland
Adam S. Willcox, William M. Giuliano
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (6), 629-635, (1 November 2014)
KEYWORDS: conservation behavior, Farm Bill, field days, rancher, theory of planned behavior, workshops
Miranda D. Redmond, Elizabeth S. Golden, Neil S. Cobb, Nichole N. Barger
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (6), 636-640, (1 November 2014)
KEYWORDS: fuel reduction, piñon–juniper, mastication, prescribed burn, seed application, tree reduction
Mark Moritz, Ian M. Hamilton, Paul Scholte, Yu-Jen Chen
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (6), 641-649, (1 November 2014)
KEYWORDS: behavioral ecology, common-pool resources; complex adaptive system, Ideal Free Distribution, pastoral systems
K. W. Davies, M. D. Madsen, A. M. Nafus, C. S. Boyd, D. D. Johnson
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (6), 650-656, (1 November 2014)
KEYWORDS: annual grass control, invasive plants, preemergent herbicide, revegetation, sagebrush, Taeniatherum caput-medusae
A. Joshua Leffler, Eamonn D. Leonard, Jeremy J. James, Thomas A. Monaco
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (6), 657-666, (1 November 2014)
KEYWORDS: cheatgrass, Dyer's woad, growth form, invasion resistance, Species assemblage
B. K. Kerns, M. A. Day
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (6), 667-679, (1 November 2014)
KEYWORDS: big sagebrush, biotic resistance, exotic invasive plants, juniper encroachment, Juniperus occidentalis, thinning
Laura E. Goodman, Andrés F. Cibils, Stephanie C. Lopez, Robert L. Steiner, John D. Graham, Kirk C. McDaniel, Laurie B. Abbott, Bryan L. Stegelmeier, Dennis M. Hallford
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (6), 680-692, (1 November 2014)
KEYWORDS: biological control, prescribed grazing, seed bank, swainsonine, toxic plants
Jae R. Pasari, Daniel L. Hernández, Erika S. Zavaleta
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (6), 693-700, (1 November 2014)
KEYWORDS: California, Camera trap, Festuca perennis, grazing intensity, invasive species, principal response curves
David J. Augustine, Justin D. Derner, James K. Detling
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (6), 701-709, (1 November 2014)
KEYWORDS: ecological sites, grazing intensity, resilience, shortgrass steppe, state-and-transition models, western Great Plains
Research Note
Mohammed N. Sawalhah, Andres F. Cibils, Chuan Hu, Huiping Cao, Jerry L. Holechek
Rangeland Ecology and Management 67 (6), 710-714, (1 November 2014)
KEYWORDS: cattle, GPS, patch grazing
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