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VOL. 70 · NO. 5 | September 2017
Matthew Clark Reeves, Karen E. Bagne, John Tanaka
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 529-539, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: cattle, climate change, rangelands, vulnerability
Liangxia Zhang, Jiangwen Fan, Decheng Zhou, Haiyan Zhang
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 540-548, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: ecological restoration, GLO-PEM, grassland degradation, forage supply, livestock reduction
Bruno A. Lanfranco, José P. Castaño
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 549-559, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: agroecological conditions, cattle prices, grass-fed, hedonic model, provenance, resource endowment
Jeffrey C. Mosley, Rachel A. Frost, Brent L. Roeder, Rodney W. Kott
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 560-568, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: invasive plant, supplementation, tannin, weed
Benjamin A. Geaumont, Kevin K. Sedivec, Christopher S. Schauer
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 569-575, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: CRP, daily survival rate, nest survival, season-long grazing, vertical structure, visual obstruction
R. Scott Gamo, Jeffrey L. Beck
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 576-583, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: Centrocercus urophasianus, fawn-to-female ratio, greater sage-grouse, mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus, oil and gas development, umbrella species, Wyoming Sage-Grouse Executive Order
Irene Ruvalcaba-Ortega, Mario Bermúdez de León, Sandra Mendiola-Castillo, Laura González-Escalante, Ricardo Canales-del-Castillo, Roberto Mercado-Hernández, Antonio Guzmán-Velasco, José Ignacio González-Rojas
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 584-588, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: agricultural lands, Grassland Priority Conservation Area, native birds, pesticides, plasma cholinesterase activity
Katherine C. Kral, Ryan F. Limb, Jason P. Harmon, Torre J. Hovick
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 589-598, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: burning, disturbance, grasslands, insect, invertebrates, predictor traits
Austin Link, Breanna Kobiela, Shawn DeKeyser, Michael Huffington
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 599-603, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: competition-reduction, Glyphosate, interseeding, Kentucky bluegrass, smooth brome
K.W. Davies, M.D. Madsen, A. Hulet
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 604-608, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: cheatgrass, herbicide protection pods, imazapic, medusahead, restoration, seed technologies
Caroline A. Havrilla, Akasha M. Faist, Nichole N. Barger
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 609-620, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: Bromus tectorum, fuel-reduction, mastication, piñon-juniper, prescribed fire, Seeding
Chad S. Boyd, Kirk W. Davies, Jarod A. Lemos
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 621-624, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: bluebunch wheatgrass, islands of fertility, rehabilitation, restoration, seedling, wildfire
Jeffrey E. Ott, Robert D. Cox, Nancy L. Shaw
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 625-632, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: ecological restoration, microsites, rangeland drill, rehabilitation, safe sites
Melissa L. Landeen, Loreen Allphin, Stanley G. Kitchen, Steven L. Petersen
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 633-637, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: rapid assessment, reproductive potential, sagebrush steppe
Zarka Hanif, Muhammad Naeem, Hafiz Haider Ali, Asif Tanveer, Muhammad Mansoor Javaid, Arslan Masood Peerzada, Bhagirath Singh Chauhan
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 638-643, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: arid, burial depth, fodder, osmotic, pH, salinity
Sarah E. McCord, Michaela Buenemann, Jason W. Karl, Dawn M. Browning, Brian C. Hadley
Rangeland Ecology and Management 70 (5), 644-655, (1 September 2017)
KEYWORDS: Bayesian additive regression trees, BLM AIM, monitoring, rangelands, remote sensing
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