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VOL. 71 · NO. 1 | January 2018
Stuart P. Hardegree, John T. Abatzoglou, Mark W. Brunson, Matthew J. Germino, Katherine C. Hegewisch, Corey A. Moffet, David S. Pilliod, Bruce A. Roundy, Alex R. Boehm, Gwendwr R. Meredith
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 1-11, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: adaptive management, Climate, forecasting, planning, rehabilitation, restoration, revegetation, weather
M. Anne Naeth, C. Cohen Fernández Anayansi, Federico P.O. Mollard, Linjun Yao, Sarah R. Wilkinson, Zhichao Jiao
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 12-18, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: Amendment, emergence, grassland, mulch, restoration, revegetation
K.W. Davies, C.S. Boyd, M.D. Madsen, J. Kerby, A. Hulet
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 19-24, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: Artemisia tridentata, broadcast-seeding, sagebrush steppe, shrubs, wildfire
Elsie M. Denton, Brenda S. Smith, Erik P. Hamerlynck, Roger L. Sheley
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 25-34, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: defoliation, drought, Establishment, herbivory, perennial grass, seedlings
Timothy E. Fulbright, Kirk W. Davies, Steven R. Archer
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 35-44, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: biodiversity, grassland, habitat, rangeland, savanna, shrubland
Jacob Powell, Brian Martin, Victoria J. Dreitz, Brady W. Allred
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 45-52, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: fire-grazing interaction, forage production, grazing distribution, mixed-grass prairie, semiarid, vegetation heterogeneity
Jack R. Arterburn, Dirac Twidwell, Walter H. Schacht, Carissa L. Wonkka, David A. Wedin
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 53-57, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: drought, LANDFIRE, resilience, state-and-transition model, sandy soil ecosystem, USDA Ecological Site Description Database, wildfire
R. Emiliano Quiroga, Lisandro J. Blanco, Pedro R. Namur
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 58-66, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: defoliation, Digitaria californica, forage, grazing, Pappophorum vaginatum, Trichloris crinita
John C. Swanson, Peter J. Murphy, Sherman R. Swanson, Brad W. Schultz, J. Kent McAdoo
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 67-76, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis, burning, cheatgrass, Great Basin, plant community responses
Erin Hourihan, Brad W. Schultz, Barry L. Perryman
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 77-86, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: sagebrush, recruitment, Establishment, pulses
Bryce A. Richardson, Alicia A. Boyd, Tanner Tobiasson, Matthew J. Germino
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 87-90, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: mixed-effect model, sagebrush, seed certification, ultraviolet fluorescence
Renée J. Rondeau, Karin L. Decker, Georgia A. Doyle
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 91-97, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: blue grama, Bouteloua gracilis, climate change, drought, shortgrass steppe
Li-Na Xie, Hong-Yu Guo, Wei-Zhong Chen, Zhe Liu, Song Gu, Cheng-Cang Ma
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 98-105, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: drought, forage legumes, grassland ecology, grazing management, pasture growth, seed production
Triston N. Hooks, Geno A. Picchioni, Brian J. Schutte, Manoj K. Shukla, David L. Daniel, Jamshid Ashigh
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 106-114, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: arid and semiarid rangelands, Chloride, halophytes, native plants, osmotic effect, salt tolerance, sodium, soil salinization
Zach B. Borroum, Cody B. Scott, Corey J. Owens
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 115-118, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: goats, intake, Rambouillet, Suffolk, weight gain
Adriana M. Rodriguez, Elizabeth J. Jacobo, Rodolfo A. Golluscio
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 119-125, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: temperate grassland, herbicide, conservation, forage production, nutrient cycle
Mohammad Jalali, Bijan Abadi
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 126-137, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: cooperatives, participation, path analysis, rangelands
D. Layne Coppock, DeeVon Bailey, Medhat Ibrahim, Seyoum Tezera
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (1), 138-148, (1 January 2018)
KEYWORDS: African rangelands, African rural-urban interface, Borana Plateau, portfolio diversification, poverty mitigation, social-ecological systems
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