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VOL. 71 · NO. 2 | March 2018
Chad W. LeBeau, M. Dale Strickland, Gregory D. Johnson, Michael S. Frank
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 149-158, (1 March 2018)
KEYWORDS: conservation bank, greater sage-grouse, habitat bank, Wyoming
Michael G. Sorice, Kiandra Rajala, Urs P. Kreuter
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 159-162, (1 March 2018)
KEYWORDS: absentee landowners, amenity landowners, involvement, woody plant encroachment
Kristen E. Gunther, Ann L. Hild, Stephen L. Bieber
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 163-170, (1 March 2018)
KEYWORDS: adaptive management, positive and negative framing, priming, science communication
Julia Hobson Haggerty, Kathleen Epstein, Michael Stone, Paul C. Cross
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 171-174, (1 March 2018)
KEYWORDS: alfalfa, conservation, hunting, ranching, social-ecological systems
Vahid Karimi, Ezatollah Karami, Marzieh Keshavarz
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 175-184, (1 March 2018)
KEYWORDS: Adaptation, adaptation strategies, climate variability and change, Iran, livestock producers, vulnerability
Eva Masin, Cara R. Nelson, Morgan T. Valliant
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 185-188, (1 March 2018)
KEYWORDS: conservation grazing, forage preference, leafy spurge, restoration, ruminants, sulphur cinquefoil, weeds
N.H. Jørgensen, G. Steinheim, Ø. Holand
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 189-195, (1 March 2018) Open Access
KEYWORDS: core areas, dBBMM, home ranges, pasture, utilization distribution
Chunping Zhang, Quanmin Dong, Hui Chu, Jianjun Shi, Shixiong Li, Yanlong Wang, Xiaoxia Yang
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 196-204, (1 March 2018)
KEYWORDS: continuous grazing, grazing intensity, grazing regime, Plant community composition, seasonal grazing
Heather Neilly, Peter O'Reagain, Jeremy Vanderwal, Lin Schwarzkopf
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 205-212, (1 March 2018)
KEYWORDS: cattle grazing, herpetofauna, land sharing, off-reserve conservation, reptile community, sustainable grazing, wildlife conservation
Jacob W. Dittel, Dana Sanchez, Lisa M. Ellsworth, Connor N. Morozumi, Ricardo Mata-Gonzalez
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 213-219, (1 March 2018)
KEYWORDS: Artemisia tridentata, fuel loads, grazing effects, habitat restoration, juniper removal, medusahead
Zhongqing Yan, Yuchun Qi, Yunshe Dong, Qin Peng, Shufang Guo, Yunlong He, Zhaolin Li
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 220-227, (1 March 2018)
KEYWORDS: atmospheric nitrogen deposition, increased precipitation, Litter decomposition, semiarid temperate grassland
L. Allen Torell, Kirk C. McDaniel, Joel R. Brown, Gregory L. Torell
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 228-238, (1 March 2018) Open Access
KEYWORDS: brush control economics, invasive weeds, Markov transition models, stochastic simulation, Succession, transition probabilities, vegetation dynamics
Rheinhardt Scholtz, John A. Polo, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, David M. Engle, John R. Weir
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 239-244, (1 March 2018)
KEYWORDS: disturbance, encroachment niche, grasslands, juniper expansion, LIDAR, plant dynamics
Jerry Holechek, Raul Valdez
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 245-258, (1 March 2018)
KEYWORDS: Africa, big five animals, ecotourism, hunting, localization, range management, ungulates, wildlife management
Todd Caltrider, Louis C. Bender
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 259-265, (1 March 2018)
KEYWORDS: condition, elk, EVI, greenness, mule deer, NDVI, New Mexico, pronghorn, SAVI
Matthew A. Scrafford, Daniel B. Tyers, Duncan T. Patten, Bok F. Sowell
Rangeland Ecology and Management 71 (2), 266-273, (1 March 2018)
KEYWORDS: Castor canadensis, density, habitat, riparian, stream, Salix
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