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28 October 2024 Crossing the Chasm: Using Technical Transfer to Bridge Science Production and Management Action
Andrew Olsen, Megan Creutzburg, Mariah McIntosh, Dylan O'Leary, Katherine Wollstein, Jeremy D. Maestas, Lindy Garner, Brian Mealor
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The rangeland science discipline has produced innovative science, datasets, maps, and tools to support rangeland conservation and management, such as those presented in this issue. Yet, there is a persistent gap between science production and on-the-ground implementation of conservation and management actions, and many managers remain in “information overload” while struggling to integrate technical products into management applications. Technical transfer seeks to overcome these barriers and empower land managers to address their land management challenges. We present a principle-based process for conducting effective technical transfer based on the collective experience of a network of technical transfer professionals and highlight an example of this process with Threat-Based Strategic Conservation workshops. We describe how much of the work of technical transfer occurs before any actions are taken, provide best practices for conducting technical transfer, and suggest steps to take after an effort to learn from and perpetuate technical transfer work. We provide considerations and insights for conducting effective technical transfer to support conservation and management in rangelands and beyond.

Andrew Olsen, Megan Creutzburg, Mariah McIntosh, Dylan O'Leary, Katherine Wollstein, Jeremy D. Maestas, Lindy Garner, and Brian Mealor "Crossing the Chasm: Using Technical Transfer to Bridge Science Production and Management Action," Rangeland Ecology and Management 97(1), 178-186, (28 October 2024).
Received: 4 January 2024; Accepted: 8 August 2024; Published: 28 October 2024
Science integration
Technical transfer
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