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1 August 2014 Judging and Evaluating Range and Pasture Forage Utilization (Proper Grazing Use) for Certain Portions of the Central Great Plains
Joseph A. May
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On the Ground

  • Many guidance documents and references have been prepared by federal and state agencies on proper grazing use. This article summarizes these documents for use by field personnel.

  • Proper grazing use or acceptable forage utilization can be judged by the use of key forage plants in designated key grazing areas.

Joseph A. May "Judging and Evaluating Range and Pasture Forage Utilization (Proper Grazing Use) for Certain Portions of the Central Great Plains," Rangelands 36(4), 26-35, (1 August 2014).
Published: 1 August 2014
forage utilization
key forage plants
key grazing area
proper grazing use
range and pasture appraisal
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