The genus Aegyptobia is recorded from South America for the first time, with the description of a new species collected from the branches of a native forest tree, Neltuma piurensis (Fabaceae), from Department of Piura in north-western Peru. The species A. pennatulae Baker & Tuttle was also collected from the same host, and is redescribed based on the types and new material. Observations during summer and autumn revealed A. pennatulae as the predominant species, and that N. piurensis is likely an accidental host for A. peruensis sp. nov.
The Tenuipalpidae is distributed throughout the world and contains many economically significant pest species (Mesa et al. 2009; Beard et al. 2012; Castro et al. 2020). This family is currently comprised of 41 genera and 1105 described species (Mesa et al. 2009; Castro et al. 2024). Aegyptobia Sayed, 1950, with 111 described species (107 valid), is the third biggest in the family (Mesa et al. 2009; Castro et al. 2024). The genus has been reported from 30 countries in association with 50 families of host plants, mostly from Cupressaceae, Poaceae, Asteraceae, and Amaranthaceae, and many species were described from arid habitats with high temperatures (Castro et al. 2024). The 55 species of Aegyptobia reported in the Americas were described from the USA (35), Mexico (19), and Canada (1), with no species yet recorded from South America (Pritchard & Baker 1952, 1958; Baker & Pritchard 1953; Baker & Tuttle 1964; Baker & Tuttle 1972; Baker et al. 1975; Bury & Krantz 1977; Baker & Tuttle 1987; Mesa et al. 2009; Castro et al. 2024). Here we record the first two species from South America, by describing one new species A. peruensis sp. nov. from Peru, and redescribing the Mexican species A. pennatulae Baker & Tuttle based on types and new material collected in Peru.
Currently, only six species of Tenuipalpidae are known from Peru (Escobar-Garcia & Andrade 2020; Escobar-Garcia et al. 2021; Huanca et al. 2021; Castro et al. 2024). The two newly recorded species were collected from Neltuma piurensis (L. Vásquez, Escurra & Huamán) C.E. Hughes & G.P. Lewis (Fabaceae; previously placed in Prosopis L.), locally known as algarrobo, a native forest tree in Peru recognized for its important social, economic and environmental benefits (SERFOR 2021; Hughes et al. 2022). The taxonomic placement of the genera Prosopis and Neltuma (and their relatives) varies globally, with names like Fabaceae, Mimosaceae, Leguminosae, and Caesalpiniaceae in use. Recent studies have suggested that Prosopis (approx. 57 species) is polyphyletic, and subsequently lead to the establishment of various segregate genera, including Neltuma. These genera are distributed mostly in the Americas, with a few outlying species in the Indian and north African regions (Hughes et al. 2022; Estrada-Castillon et al. 2024).
Previously, only one flat mite species, Aegyptobia vannus Pritchard & Baker, had been recorded from the Prosopis/Neltuma group, being described from Neltuma glandulosa (Torr.) in Mexico. Aegyptobia vannus was later recorded in Arizona, USA on N. juliflora (Sw.) Raf. [previously Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC.], and Strombocarpa pubescens (Benth.) A. Gray [previously P. pubescens Benth] (Baker & Tuttle 1964; Hughes et al. 2022; Castro et al. 2024). Algarrobo or Neltuma piurensis, was vital as a wild food source for pre-hispanic cultures, and some species underwent long distance translocation by humans and their livestock within the Americas in pre-Colombian times (McRostie et al. 2017). The collection of A. pennatulae in Peru and the resultant range extension from Mexico may reflect this historical context.
Materials and Methods
Mites were collected from branches (20cm long) of the host plant N. piurensis at the campus of the Universidad Nacional de Piura (UNP), Peru (5°10′46.89″S; 80°37′04.31″W; 36 m.a.s.l.), between December 2020 to June 2021. Sampling involved collecting 10 branches with necrotic spots every 2 weeks. Samples were placed in paper bags and transferred to the laboratory of Entomology (SL01LA68), of the UNP, Peru. Mites were collected with a fine-tipped brush under the stereomicroscope (ZEISS Stemi 508) directly from the branches, mounted dorso-ventrally on glass microscope slides with 7µl Hoyer's medium, and dried in an oven at 50°C for 7 days (Walter and Krantz 2009). The coverslips were subsequently ringed with nail polish, and the morphological details of the mites were examined under a Nikon Eclipse E200 phase-contrast compound microscope. Specimens were measured with an ocular micrometer, and measurements are presented in micrometers (µm). Setal measurements are presented as a range for all specimens followed by the value for the holotype in square brackets. The lengths of setae were measured from the setal base to the tip; distances between setae bases were measured as the distance from center to center of setal bases. Body length was measured between the posterior border of the idiosoma and the tip of the rostrum. Setal terminology follows Mesa et al. (2009). The images were taken using an AxioCam MRc5 camera mounted on a Zeiss Axioscope AX10 Lab.A1 phase-contrast compound microscope or a Nikon Eclipse 80i with Capture 2.3 imaging software. The type specimens are deposited at the following institutions: SL01LA68—Acarology collection of the laboratory of Entomology of the UNP, Piura, Peru; IAM—Acarology Laboratory of the Instituto Agroforestal Mediterráneo of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Valencia, Spain; ESALQ—Department of Entomology and Acarology, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil; NMNH—National Insect and Mite Collection, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, located at the Systematic Entomology Laboratory (SEL), USDA, Beltsville, MD, USA; QM—Queensland Museum, PO Box 3300, South Brisbane, Queensland 4101, Australia; and DZB—Collection of Acari, Departamento de Zoologia e Botânica, UNESP, São José do Rio Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil.
Family Tenuipalpidae Berlese, 1913
Genus Aegyptobia Sayed, 1950
Diagnosis —Based on Mesa et al. 2009, and Seeman & Beard 2011.
Type species—Aegyptobia tragardhi Sayed, 1950
Species group tragardhi
Type species—Aegyptobia tragardhi Sayed, 1950
Diagnosis—Based on Meyer (1979), and Kamran et al. (2016) with tarsal claws uncinate, claw-like.
Aegyptobia pennatulae Baker & Tuttle, 1987
Type material examined: Holotype: female (Fig. 1A), Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico, ex. Acacia pennatula (Cham. & Schlecht.) Benth. (Mimosaceae),, coll. D.M. Tuttle, E.W. Baker and M.J. Abbatiello. Paratypes: female, on same slide as holotype; one female, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico, ex. Mimosa biuncifera Benth. (Mimosaceae), 03.vii.1974, coll. D.M. Tuttle, E.W. Baker and M.J. Abbatiello; one protonymph (poor condition), 19.2 km east of Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico, ex. Mentha sp. L., (Lamiaceae), 03.vii.1974, coll. D.M. Tuttle, E.W. Baker and M.J. Abbatiello. All in USNM.
Other material examined: 50 females, nine deutonymphs, and one protonymph, Piura, Peru, campus of the UNP, 05°10′46.89″S 80°37′04.31″W, 36 m.a.s.l., ex. Neltuma piurensis (Fabaceae), collected 18.i.2020 to 21.xi.2021, coll. H.A. Escobar-Garcia. Deposited in SL01LA68 (26 females, seven deutonymphs, and one protonymph), IAM (14 females), ESALQ (two females), NMNH (three females), QM (two females, one deutonymph), DZB (three females, one deutonymph).
General diagnosis. Female: Tarsal claws uncinate. Anterior margin of prodorsal shield with deep broad notch; propodosomal and opisthosomal setae elongate obovate with weakly developed basal stalk, minute barbs on dorsal surface and fanned ridges on ventral surface; setae strongly curled to form scoop-shape; length of dorsal setae in range 12–25. Numerous minute pores on dorsal idiosoma; large pores apparently absent but with pore-like depressions between d1 and d2. Genital and anal plates developed, smooth. Cuticle between 3a–4a with transverse striae becoming longitudinal laterally. Palp (trochanter to tarsus) 0-0-0-2-3(1ω). Legs I–IV setal counts: coxae 2–2-1-1; trochanters 1-1-2-1; femora 4-4-2-1; genua 2-2-0-0; tibiae 4-4-3-3; tarsi 8(1ω)-8(1ω)-4-4. Tarsi I–IV with tc″ absent. Seta l″ absent on tibiae I–II. Seta d on femora I–III and genua I–II similar in form to dorsal setae (as in many species in the genus). Ratio v2/v2–v2: 0.6 ± 0.0 (0.5–0.7).
Description. Female (n=13):
(Figs. 1–8)
Body. Idiosoma oval in shape, with pair of lateral eyes on each side of propodosoma; length 215–240 [220].
Idiosomal dorsum. Idiosoma oval in shape, with corrugated-rugose sculpturing, and a total of 16 pairs of elongate obovate, barbed setae (Figs. 1, 2). Dorsal cuticle with fine parallel sulci aligned in varying directions to form fine corrugate-rugose sculpturing. Prodorsum with regions of mostly oblique narrow parallel corrugations. Opisthosoma with a patchwork pattern of regions of narrow oblique and longitudinal corrugations (Fig. 3A); corrugations mostly longitudinal centrally becoming oblique laterally; pygidial region between e1–h1 with mostly longitudinal corrugations. Anterior margin of prodorsal shield with deep broad notch (Figs. 1B, 2); two pairs of eyes anterior to sc2 setae, and three pairs of setae (v2, sc1 and sc2); ratio v2/v2–v2: 0.5–0.7 [0.7]. Numerous minute pores present, and pair pore-like depressions between setae d1 and d2. Thirteen pairs of setae (c1–3, d1–3, e1–3, f2–3, h1–2). Length of dorsal setae: v2 15–23 [23], sc1 18–22 [22], sc2 15–20 [20], c1 21–25 [24], c2 18–22 [21], c3 12–17 [17], d1 16–21 [21], d2 17–21 [21], d3 12–15 [15], e1 13–16 [16], e2 15–18 [17], e3 12–16 [16], f2 12–16 [16], f3 13–16 [16], h1 13–15 [14], h2 13–16 [16]. Distance between setae: v2–v2 28–34 [33], sc1–sc1 67–75 [75], sc2–sc2 84–94 [90], c1–c1 40–45 [43], c2–c2 82–92 [90], c3–c3 100–115 [110], d1–d1 32–38 [38], d2–d2 80–90 [88], d3–d3 104–112 [111], e1–e1 17–24 [23], e2–e2 72–82 [80], e3–e3 90–100 [95], f2–f2 62–68 [65], f3–f3 75–85 [80], h1–h1 23–26 [24], h2–h2 52–60 [60].
Gnathosoma. Ventral subcapitulum with a pair of short, slender and simple setae: m 5–8; distance between m–m 10–11. Palp with a pair of supracoxal setae ep; palp trochanter, femur, genu without setae; palp tibia with two tactile setae (d, l″); palp tarsus with three phaneres - two eupathidia: ul′ (6–7) [5], and ul” (3) and one solenidion ω (6) (Fig. 3B).
Idiosomal venter. Intercoxal area anterior to setae 1b–1a with fine longitudinal striae (can be indistinct); cuticle with strong transverse striae between setae 1a–3a; area between 3a to 4a with fine transverse striae becoming longitudinal laterally; area posterior to setae 4a with coarse transverse striations; area anterior to aggenital setae ag with variable pattern of fine striae: weak concave to transverse anteriorly becoming arching between ag–ag (Figs. 3C, 3D); strongly concave or broadly V-shaped anteriorly becoming oblique and longitudinal towards ag–ag (Figs. 3D, 4). Genital plate indicated by strong longitudinal folds in lateral cuticle, smooth, with setae g1–2 inserted along posterior margin. Pseudanal setae ps1–3 inserted longitudinally along medial margins of well-defined smooth anal plates (Figs. 3C, 3D, 4). Most ventral setae fine, smooth to weakly barbed, except 2c, ag, g1–2, ps1–3 thickened and densely barbed. Ratio 4a/ag: 2.3–3.1. Length of ventral setae: 1a 30–45 [45], 1b 13–27 [13], 1c 9–10 [10], 2b 15–18 [17], 2c 15–18 [16], 3a 10–13 [12], 3b 12–13 [13], 4a 28–46 [38], 4b 11–14 [13], ag 11–15 [14], g1 11–15 [15], g2 11–16 [16], ps1 8–10 [9], ps2 7–9 [8], ps3 6–7 [7]. Distance between setae: 1a–1a 18–22 [18], 3a–3a 34–36 [35], 4a–4a 22–27 [25], ag–ag 12–16 [15], g1–g1 14–18 [16], g2– g2 29–35 [30].
Spermatheca. not visible
Legs. Legs I–IV short (Figs. 5A–D). Dorsal setae on femora I–III and genua I–II similar in form to dorsal body setae. Supracoxal setae eI. Number of setae on leg segments with solenidia (on tarsi) given in parentheses and included in setal counts: coxae 2-2-1-1; trochanters 1-1-2-1; femora 4-4-2-1; genua 2-2-0-0; tibiae 4-4-3-3; tarsi 8(1ω)-8(1ω)-4-4. Tarsi I–IV with tc″ absent. All apoteles terminate in two uncinate claws and pad-like empodium, each with tenent hairs. Solenidion ω″ ta I 7–8 [8], ta II 6–7 [7].
Male. Unknown.
Aegyptobia pennatulae Baker & Tuttle adult female dorsal habitus: A—holotype; B—specimen from Peru.

Aegyptobia pennatulae Baker & Tuttle adult female from Peru. Dorsal habitus, with detail of dorsal and ventral aspects of setae.

Aegyptobia pennatulae Baker & Tuttle (Adult female). A—Dorsal opisthosoma, specimen from Peru; B—Palp tarsi, indicating three phaneres present [two eupathidia (ul′ and ul”) and a solenidion (ω)] with insertion of detail of the palp; C and D—Posterior venter, indicating variation in striae pattern anterior to setae ag. Note that the setae are barbed.

Aegyptobia pennatulae Baker & Tuttle adult female from Peru, detail of left side legs: A—leg I; B—leg II; C—leg III; D—leg IV.

Deutonymph (n=9):
(Fig. 6)
Body. Ovoid body, smaller than female; length (207–225).
Idiosomal dorsum. Weak prodorsal shield indicated, smooth; opisthosoma without sculpturing, with widely spaced transverse cuticular folds between c1 and e1; weak pygydial shield indicated by arching folds between setal pairs e1, f2, h1 (Fig. 6A). Anterior margin of prodorsal shield smoothly rounded, without projection or notch; ratio v2/v2–v2: 0.4–0.5. Length of dorsal setae: v2 13–16, sc1 14–16, sc2 15–16, c1 15–20, c2 12–15, c3 10–13, d1 14–16, d2 14–16, d3 10–12, e1 10–12, e2 12–14, e3 9–12, f2 10–12, f3 10–14, h1 8–9, h2 9–10. Distance between setae: v2–v2 30–33, sc1–sc1 65–68, sc2–sc2 78–85, c1–c1 34–35, c2–c2 70–72, c3–c3 105–113, d1–d1 26–29, d2–d2 58–62, d3–d3 92–103, e1–e1 16–18, e2–e2 58–63, e3–e3 80–93, f2–f2 48–53, f3–f3 68–78, h1–h1 15–17, h2–h2 44–50.
Gnathosoma. Similar to that of female. Ventral subcapitulum with a pair of slender and simple setae: m 5–6 short. Distance between m–m 9–10. Palps as in adult female.
Idiosomal venter. Similar to female except with longitudinal striae between ag to g1 becoming oblique around genitoanal region; anal plates weakly developed. Pseudoanal setae ps1–3 inserted longitudinally along medial margins of anal plates. All ventral setae simple and finely barbed except 2c, ag, g1–2, and ps1–3 densely barbed. Ratio 4a/ag: 0.9–1.5. Length of ventral setae: 1a 28–37, 1b 17, 1c 7, 2b 7, 2c 17–18, 3a 7–8, 4a 10–15, ag 9–11, g1 8–11, ps1 5–6, ps2 5–6, ps3 3–4. Distance between setae: 1a–1a 18–20, 3a–3a 32–35, 4a–4a 22–27, ag–ag 14–15, g1–g1 12–15.
Legs. Setal formula for legs I–IV and form of setae as in adult female except: trochanters 1-1-2-0; femora 3-3-2-1 (Figs. 6B–E). Solenidion ω″ on ta I 6–7 and ta II 5–6. Ontogenetic additions: setae v′ added to tr I–III; d, l″ added to ge I–II; tc' added to ta I, II, IV (n.b. tc' added to ta III in protonymph).
Aegyptobia pennatulae Baker & Tuttle (Deutonymph); A—dorsal idiosoma; B—left leg I; C—left leg II; D—left leg III; E—left leg IV.

Protonymph (n=1):
(Fig. 7)
Body. Ovoid body, smaller than deutonymph; length 207.
Idiosomal dorsum. Similar to deutonymph but with less developed shields (Fig. 7A). Length of dorsal setae: v2 14, sc1 14, sc2 12, c1 15, c2 11, c3 11, d1 15, d2 12, d3 10, e1 9, e2 9, e3 9, f2 9, f3 8, h1 8, h210. Distance between setae: v2–v2 30, sc1–sc1 55, sc2–sc2 70, c1–c1 30, c2–c2 65, c3–c3 98, d1–d1 20, d2–d2 52, d3–d3 84, e1–e1 14, e2–e2 55, e3–e3 68, f2–f2 40, f3–f3 48, h1–h1 12, h2–h2 35.
Gnathosoma. Similar to that of deutonymph. Ventral subcapitulum with a pair of slender and simple setae: m 5. Distance between m–m 10.
Idiosomal venter. Similar to that of deutonymph in all respects but with setae 2c, 4a, 4b, g1, and g2 absent. Length of ventral setae: 1a 30, 3a 10, ag 8, ps1 5, ps2 5, ps3 3. Distance between setae: 1a–1a 18, 3a–3a 30, ag–ag 15.
Legs. Setal formula for legs I–IV (Figs. 7B–E): coxae 2-1-1-0; trochanters 0-0-1-0; femora 3-3-2-1; genua 0-0-0-0; tibiae 4-4-3-3; tarsi 7(1ω)-7(1ω)-4-3. Solenidion ω″ ta I 6 and ta II 5.
Distribution. Mexico, Peru.
Remarks. All known life stages of these mites are carmine red. The male and larva were not collected. The setae on ge I–II were named d (deutonymphal seta) and l″ (larval seta) instead of l'–l″ (as delayed larval setae) due to the form of seta d present in other species of Aegyptobia (and many other tenuipalpid taxa) with three setae present on ge I–II (d, l', l″) which matches the dorsal setae.
Aegyptobia pennatulae Baker & Tuttle (Protonymph); A—dorsal idiosoma; B—left leg I; C—left leg II; D—left leg III; E—left leg IV.

Aegyptobia pennatulae Baker & Tuttle on the host plant: A–E symptoms of damage to branches of host tree algarrobo Neltuma piurensis (Fabaceae); arrows indicate individual females indicated except in C where an egg is indicated.

Aegyptobia peruensis Escobar-Garcia & Beard sp. nov.
Type material: Holotype female, Peru, campus of the UNP, Piura, (05°10′46.89″S; 80°37′04.31″W; 36 m.a.s.l.), ex. Neltuma piurensis, 1.ii.2021; coll. H.A. Escobar-Garcia. Paratypes: same data as holotype except collection dates – one female collected 18.i.2021 (SL01LA68); three females 18.i.2021 and one female (IAM); one female 01.ii.2021 (NMNH); one female 24.v.2021 (QM).
General diagnosis. Female: Tarsal claws uncinate. Anterior margin of prodorsal shield rounded, without projection or notch; dorsal setae slender lineate, barbed; dorsal shields not developed. Propodosomal cuticle smooth centrally with weak longitudinal striae sublaterally becoming stronger laterally. Dorsal opisthosoma with weak transverse striae between c1–e1, increasingly arched towards e1; striae e1–h1 longitudinal becoming oblique laterally. Propodosomal and opisthosomal slender, linear, barbed setae; length of dorsal setae in range 17–34. Dorsal opisthosomal pores apparently absent. Genital and anal plates weakly developed, smooth. Cuticle between 3a–4a with longitudinal striae. Palp (trochanter to tarsus) 0-0-0-2-3(1ω). Legs I–IV setal counts: coxae 2-2-1-1; trochanters 1-1-2-1; femora 3-3-2-1; genua 0-0-0-0; tibiae 4-4-3-3; tarsi 7(1ω)-7(1ω)-3-3. Tarsi I–IV with tectal pair, tc' and tc″, absent. Ratio v2/v2–v2: 0.7 ± 0.0 (0.6–0.8).
Aegyptobia peruensis sp. nov., (Paratype, adult female); A—dorsal idiosoma; B—venter idiosoma (image by F. Ferragut).

Description. Female (n=8):
(Figs. 9–14)
Body. Color in life carmine red; a pair of lateral eyes on each side of propodosoma; idiosoma oval in shape; length 250–305 [260].
Idiosomal dorsum. Idiosoma oval in shape, with striate sculpturing, and a total of 16 pairs of slender, linear, barbed setae (Figs. 9A, 10). Prodorsal shield with central region smooth, with weak longitudinal striae sublaterally becoming stronger laterally; anterior margin of prodorsal shield rounded without projection or notch; two pairs of eyes anterior to sc2 setae, and three pairs of setae (v2, sc1 and sc2); ratio v2/v2–v2: 0.6–0.8 [0.8]. Opisthosomal shield with transverse striate sculpturing between c1–e1, striae increasingly arching towards posterior to e1; with longitudinal sculpturing between e1–h1 becoming oblique laterally (Figs. 10, 11A); cuticle between c1 to c2 often smoother or with fewer striae; cuticle lateral to c2 with longitudinal striae becoming stronger laterally. Large pores apparently absent. Thirteen pairs of setae (c1–3, d1–3, e1–3, f2–3, h1–2). Length of dorsal setae: v2 22–25 [25], sc1 25–26 [25], sc2 26–30 [26], c1 18–22 [18], c2 20–21 [20], c3 24–30 [24], d1 18–20 [19], d2 20–24 [22], d3 28–30 [30], e1 17–20 [17], e2 19–22 [20], e3 30–34 [30], f2 20–22 [22], f3 28–32 [28], h1 18–21 [18], h2 25–30 [27]. Distance between setae: v2–v2 32–35 [32], sc1–sc1 67–72 [67], sc2–sc2 85–100 [85], c1–c1 38–45 [38], c2–c2 78–95 [78], c3–c3 100–120 [100], d1–d1 21–24 [21], d2–d2 70–78 [70], d3–d3 93–100 [93], e1–e1 25–28 [26], e2–e2 66–74 [66], e3–e3 80–88 [80], f2–f2 60–65 [62], f3–f3 66–70 [66], h1–h1 30–35 [33], h2–h2 40–44 [40].
Gnathosoma. Ventral subcapitulum with a pair of short, slender and simple setae: m 5–6 [6]; distance between m–m 9–10[9]; with a pair of supracoxal setae ep on dorsal infracapitulum. Palp trochanter, femur, genu without setae; palp tibia with two tactile setae (d, l″); palp tarsus with three phaneres - two eupathidia (ul′ and ul”) and one solenidion (ω).
Idiosomal venter. Cuticle between setae 1b to 1a with very fine longitudinal striae (can be indistinct); cuticle between setae 1a–3a with transverse striae; area between 3a–4a with strong longitudinal striations; 4a to ag with transverse striations becoming oblique laterally (Figs. 9B, 11B, 12). Genital plate smooth. Genital setae g1–2 inserted along posterior margin of plate. Pseudoanal setae ps3 inserted in anteriomedial corners of anal plates, with ps1-2 inserted off medial margins in longitudinal row; plates with oblique striae (Figs. 11B, 12). All ventral setae simple and apparently smooth except 2c, ag, g1-2, and ps1-3 barbed. Ratio 4a/ag: 2.1–3.0 [2.4]. Length of ventral setae: 1a 30–32 [30], 3a 8–10 [10], 4a 22–45 [22], ag 15–18 [16], g1 15–20 [15], g2 18–22 [18], ps1 12–15 [12], ps2 12–15 [12], ps3 10–13 [10]. Distance between setae: 1a–1a 22–25 [22], 3a–3a 40–49 [40], 4a–4a 26–30 [26], ag–ag 25–31 [25], g1–g1 20–25 [23], g2– g2 35–40 [36].
Spermatheca (Fig. 12). Spermathecal tube narrow, sclerotized basally, membranous distally, termination not discernible.
Leg phanerotaxy. Legs I–IV short (Figs. 13A–D). Seta l' on tr III long, barbed; unguinal setae u′–u″ fine with few short barbs. Supracoxal setae eI. Number of setae on leg segments, with solenidia (on tarsi) given in parentheses and included in setal counts: coxae 2-2-1-1; trochanters 1-1-2-1; femora 3-3-2-1; genua 0-0-0-0; tibiae 4-4-3-3; tarsi 7(1ω)-7(1ω)-3-3. Tectal pair, tc' and tc″, absent on tarsi I–IV. All apoteles terminate in two uncinate claws and a pad-like empodium, each with tenant hairs. Solenidion ω″ on ta I 7–8 [8] and ta II 6–7 [6].
Etymology. The specific epithet “peruensis″ is derived from the country of origin, Peru.
Distribution. Peru, Department of Piura, north-western region, campus of the UNP.
Differential diagnosis
The closest region to Peru where Aegyptobia has been recorded is Mexico, with 19 species. Three Mexican species have been recorded from Fabaceae and/or related host plants (as discussed in Introduction)—A. cassiae Baker & Tuttle, A. pennatulae, and A. vannus Pritchard & Baker.
Based on descriptions only, A. peruensis sp. nov. (Aper) can be easily distinguished from A. cassiae (Acas) using the dorsal sculpture pattern—Aper has striate sculpture (prodorsum mostly longitudinal, opisthosma mostly transverse) compared with Acas which has regular, areolate-rugose sculpture; from A. pennatulae (Apen) using the dorsal sculpturing and shape of dorsal setae—Aper with lineate striate cuticle and slender, linear, barbed setae, compared to Apen with a patchwork of narrow parallel corrugations and elongate obovate setae; and from A. vannus (Avan) using the shape of the dorsal setae—Aper with slender, linear, barbed setae compared to Avan with distinctly orbicular dorsal setae.
Further afield, there are three species collected in Arizona, USA, that all share a similar striate dorsal sculpturing with A. peruensis sp. nov.—A. acacia Baker & Tuttle (Aaca) from Acacia (Mimosaceae), A. eriogonum Baker & Tuttle (Aeri) from Polygonaceae, and A. fallugia Baker & Tuttle (Afal) from Rosaceae. Based on descriptions available in the literature, Aper is most similar to Aeri, but can be separated based on the number of setae on genua I–II—Aper ge I–II without setae compared with Aeri ge I–II with 1 seta. Aper can be separated from Aaca using dorsal sculpturing and setae on genua I–II: Aper with transverse striae between setae c1 and d1 and ge I–II are without setae, while Aaca is distinctly smooth between setae c1 and d1 with a narrow band of transverse striae just anterior to the D row (which Baker & Tuttle 1972) point out is reminiscent of the dorsal morphology generally seen on male tenuipalpids), and ge I–II have setae. Aper can be separated from Afal using dorsal sculpturing—Aper with transverse striae from c1 to e1, while Afal has longitudinal striae centrally between c1 and d1.
Outside of the Americas, Aegyptobia peruensis sp. nov. shares striate dorsal sculpturing with A. nummulus Chaudhri 1972 (Anum) from Cupressaceae in Pakistan, but Aper can be separated by having uncinate claws (tragardhi species group) and the palp femur without setae, while Anum has pad-like claws (macswaini species group) and one seta on the palp femur.
Ecological information
Aegyptobia pennatulae and A. peruensis sp. nov. were sampled and observed during the summer (January–February) and autumn seasons (May–June). The former species was encountered more frequently during the periods of flowering and subsequent fruit development in summer, and populations were negatively affected during periods of precipitation (Fig. 14). Females and immatures were often observed resting or potentially feeding in the cracks and divots in the bark of the host plant (Fig. 8). Irregularly ovoid red eggs were laid in protected areas such as depressions and split bark (Fig. 8C). In contrast, only female A. peruensis sp. nov. were observed and collected during this study, and in much lower numbers than A. pennatulae (Fig. 14). The lack of immatures may indicate that this host-plant association is accidental.
The environmental conditions during the autumn season were as follows: minimum temperatures ranged from 18.9 to 22.3°C, maximum temperatures 27.0 to 33.8°C, and the relative humidity ranged from 65.1 to 79.6%.
Aegyptobia peruensis sp. nov. adult female: A—posterior dorsal opisthosoma showing detail of striate pattern; B—posterior venter.

Aegyptobia peruensis sp. nov. adult female posterior venter; red arrow indicating duct of spermatheca.

Special thanks to Francisco Ferragut Perez, of the Mediterranean Agroforestry Institute (IAM), for Figure 9, identification, and confirmation of mite species. We want to express our thanks to the Universidad de Piura (UDEP-Peru) for the information on the meteorological data of the MetRadarUdep1 station. This work was supported by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) (Procs. 2021/06373-0 and 2024/00175-0) by fellowship to the third author. We wish to express our special thanks to Andrew Ulsamer (ARS-USDA) for the revision and suggestions to the manuscript. To the Smithsonian Natural History Museum (NMNH) and National Agricultural Library (NAL-USDA), SEL-USDA for support and assistance with specimens and references. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the USDA. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
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