VOL. 130 · NO. 2 | April 2013
The Auk 130 (2), (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.130.2.fm Open Access
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The Auk 130 (2), (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.130.2.toc Open Access
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The Auk 130 (2), (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.130.2.cover Open Access
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Emily A. McKinnon, Kevin C. Fraser, Bridget J. M. Stutchbury
The Auk 130 (2), 211-222, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12226 Open Access
No abstract available
Alex E. Jahn, Douglas J. Levey, Victor R. Cueto, Jesús Pinto Ledezma, Diego T. Tuero, James W. Fox, Diego Masson
The Auk 130 (2), 223-229, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12077 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Argentina, Fork-tailed Flycatcher, geolocator, Neotropical austral migrants, Tyrannidae, Tyrannus savana
Andrew J. Laughlin, Caz M. Taylor, David W. Bradley, Dayna Leclair, Robert C. Clark, Russell D. Dawson, Peter O. Dunn, Andrew Horn, Marty Leonard, Daniel R. Sheldon, Dave Shutler, Linda A. Whittingham, David W. Winkler, D. Ryan Norris
The Auk 130 (2), 230-239, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12229 Open Access
KEYWORDS: annual cycle, habitat use, migration, stopover sites, Tachycineta bicolor, Tree Swallow
Paul A. Callo, Eugene S. Morton, Bridget J. M. Stutchbury
The Auk 130 (2), 240-246, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12213
KEYWORDS: frugivory, geolocators, geologgers, migration, Red-eyed Vireo, Stopovers, Vireo olivaceus
Alex E. Jahn, Víctor R. Cueto, James W. Fox, Michael S. Husak, Daniel H. Kim, Diane V. Landoll, Jesús Pinto Ledezma, Heather K. Lepage, Douglas J. Levey, Michael T. Murphy, Rosalind B. Renfrew
The Auk 130 (2), 247-257, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.13010 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Eastern Kingbird, light-level geolocator, migration speed, Nebraska, Neotropics, Oklahoma, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Tyrannus, Western Kingbird, Wintering area
Mikkel Willemoes Kristensen, Anders P. Tøttrup, Kasper Thorup
The Auk 130 (2), 258-264, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.13001 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Common Redstart, itinerancy, migration, Phoenicurus phoenicurus, winter ecology, Zugknick
Andrea Contina, Eli S. Bridge, Nathaniel E. Seavy, Jonah M. Duckles, Jeffrey F. Kelly
The Auk 130 (2), 265-272, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.13003
KEYWORDS: carryover effects, GeoLight, geolocator, geologger, migration, molt, Painted Bunting, Passerina ciris, stable isotope ratio, tripEstimation
Michael T. Hallworth, Colin E. Studds, T. Scott Sillett, Peter P. Marra
The Auk 130 (2), 273-282, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.13037 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bayesian, deuterium, discrimination, migratory bird, Ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapilla, solar geolocator, stable isotopes
Renée L. Cormier, Diana L. Humple, Thomas Gardali, Nathaniel E. Seavy
The Auk 130 (2), 283-290, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12228 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Catharus ustulatus, Mantel's correlation coefficient, Mexico, neotropical, Palomarin, Swainson's Thrush, tag effects
Kevin C. Fraser, Bridget J. M. Stutchbury, Patrick Kramer, Cassandra Silverio, John Barrow, David Newstead, Nanette Mickle, Tim Shaheen, Paul Mammenga, Kelly Applegate, Eli Bridge, John Tautin
The Auk 130 (2), 291-296, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12225
KEYWORDS: autumn migration, geologger, migration rate, migration schedule, Progne subis, Purple Martin, songbird, South America, stopover
Luke K. Butler
The Auk 130 (2), 297-307, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12216
KEYWORDS: life history, migration, molt, North American Monsoon, Pyrocephalus
Piotr Minias, Krzysztof Kaczmarek, Radosław Włodarczyk, Tomasz Janiszewski
The Auk 130 (2), 308-312, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12184 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Common Snipe, developmental stability, fluctuating asymmetry, Gallinago gallinago, hemoglobin, molt asymmetry
Danica Hogan, Daniel Esler, Jonathan E. Thompson
The Auk 130 (2), 313-322, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12048
KEYWORDS: Alberta, Barrow's goldeneye, body mass, Bucephala islandica, foraging effort, remigial molt
Nathan Wolf, Seth D. Newsome, Marilyn L. Fogel, Carlos Martinez Del Rio
The Auk 130 (2), 323-330, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12075
KEYWORDS: birds, deuterium, oxygen 18, physiological ecology, stable isotopes
Rachel T. Buxton, Heather L. Major, Ian L. Jones, Jeffrey C. Williams
The Auk 130 (2), 331-341, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12134 Open Access
KEYWORDS: acoustic monitoring, introduced predators, island restoration, nocturnal seabirds, population recovery
Shelley Bayard De Volo, Richard T. Reynolds, Sarah A. Sonsthagen, Sandra L. Talbot, Michael F. Antolin
The Auk 130 (2), 342-354, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12120
KEYWORDS: Accipiter gentilis, Apache goshawk, mitochondrial DNA control region, northern goshawk, PHYLOGEOGRAPHY, Pleistocene réfugia
Sarah W. Kendrick, Frank R. Thompson, Jennifer L. Reidy
The Auk 130 (2), 355-363, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12209
KEYWORDS: breeding demography, Contopus virens, density, Eastern Wood-Pewee, fragmentation, parasitism, restoration, savanna, woodland
Michelle L. Beck
The Auk 130 (2), 364-371, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12157
KEYWORDS: competition, female ornament, male ornament, nest box, plumage coloration, Prothonotary Warbler, Protonotaria citrea
H. River Gates, Richard B. Lanctot, Abby N. Powell
The Auk 130 (2), 372-380, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12052 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Arctic, Calidris alpina arcticola, fecundity, renest, replacement clutch, shorebird
Jean Lapointe, Louis Imbeau, Junior A. Tremblay, Charles Maisonneuve, Marc J. Mazerolle
The Auk 130 (2), 381-391, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12150
KEYWORDS: corn, Falco peregrinus, habitat use, intensive crop, Peregrine Falcon, reproductive success, satellite telemetry, soybean
R. Todd Engstrom, Richard B. Lanctot
The Auk 130 (2), 392-393, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.130.2.392 Open Access
No abstract available
Mark Tasker
The Auk 130 (2), 394-395, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.130.2.394 Open Access
No abstract available
Andy Clements
The Auk 130 (2), 395-396, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.130.2.395 Open Access
No abstract available
Kimberly G. Smith
The Auk 130 (2), 397-398, (1 April 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.130.2.397 Open Access
No abstract available
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