VOL. 130 · NO. 3 | July 2013
The Auk 130 (3), (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.130.3.cover Open Access
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The Auk 130 (3), (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.130.3.fm Open Access
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The Auk 130 (3), (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.130.3.toc Open Access
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Guillermo Blanco, Juan A. Fargallo
The Auk 130 (3), 399-407, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12201
KEYWORDS: Bird coloration, depigmentation, Helminth, immunocompetence, melanin, Pica pica, spleen, testis
Mariana E. Carro, Gustavo J. Fernández
The Auk 130 (3), 408-416, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12164
KEYWORDS: antiparasite defenses, brood parasitism, Coevolution, Molothrus bonariensis, Rufous-collared Sparrow, Shiny Cowbird, Zonotrichia capensis.
Scott H. Stoleson
The Auk 130 (3), 417-428, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12214
KEYWORDS: body condition, clearcut, early-successional forest, habitat choice, mature-forest birds, postbreeding period
Zachary T. Lounsberry, Juliana B. Almeida, Tony Grace, Richard B. Lanctot, Joe Liebezeit, Brett K. Sandercock, Khara M. Strum, Steve Zack, Samantha M. Wisely
The Auk 130 (3), 429-439, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12206
KEYWORDS: Buff-breasted Sandpiper, microsatellites, mtDNA, PHYLOGEOGRAPHY, population bottleneck, shorebird, Tryngites subruficollis, wader
Conservation Biology
Robert J. Meile, Robert C. Lacy, F. Hernán Vargas, Patricia G. Parker
The Auk 130 (3), 440-448, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12147
KEYWORDS: El Niño, Galapagos Penguin, malaria, population viability analysis, Spheniscus mendiculus.
Robert M. Zink, Jeffrey G. Groth, Hernan Vázquez-Miranda, George F. Barrowclough
The Auk 130 (3), 449-458, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12241 Open Access
KEYWORDS: California Gnatcatcher, ecological niche modeling, Endangered Species Act, mitochondrial DNA, nuclear DNA, PHYLOGEOGRAPHY, Polioptila californica, subspecies
Conservation Biology
Luke L. Powell, Philip C. Stouffer, Erik I. Johnson
The Auk 130 (3), 459-468, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12202 Open Access
KEYWORDS: bird communities, edges, fragmentation, landscape effects, Neotropical birds, secondary forest, terrestrial insectivores
John E. Mccormack, Madhvi X. Venkatraman
The Auk 130 (3), 469-475, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12208
KEYWORDS: birds, gene flow, hybrid zone, introgression, speciation
J. Ryan Shipley, Andrea Contina, Nyambayar Batbayar, Eli S. Bridge, A. Townsend Peterson, Jeffrey F. Kelly
The Auk 130 (3), 476-486, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12151
KEYWORDS: breeding biology, distribution, migrant songbirds, migration, molt, Passerina ciris
James O. Leafloor, Jennifer A. Moore, Kim T. Scribner
The Auk 130 (3), 487-500, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12196
KEYWORDS: Branta canadensis, B. hutchinsii, Cackling Goose, canada goose, Genetics, hybrid zone, phenotype, PHYLOGEOGRAPHY, secondary contact
Amy A. Shipley, Michael T. Murphy, Adam H. Elzinga
The Auk 130 (3), 501-511, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12139 Open Access
KEYWORDS: domestic cat, ecological trap, edge, juvenile survival, Pipilo maculatus, radiotelemetry, severe trap, Spotted Towhee, urban
David G. Perkins, Noah G. Perlut, Allan M. Strong
The Auk 130 (3), 512-519, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12163
KEYWORDS: Bobolink, daily nest survival, Dolichonyx oryzivorus, edge effects, fitness, grassland management, Passerculus sandwichensis, Savannah Sparrow, Vermont
Erin S. Hatchett, Amanda M. Hale, Victoria J. Bennett, Kristopher B. Karsten
The Auk 130 (3), 520-528, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12187
KEYWORDS: Anthropogenic disturbance, breeding success, grassland birds, Great Plains, indirect effects, Texas, Wind energy
Philip C. Stouffer, Erik I. Johnson, Richard O. Bierregaard
The Auk 130 (3), 529-540, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.12179
KEYWORDS: Amazonia, annual cycle, breeding, incubation patch, molt, phenology, rainforest
Reproductive/Breeding Biology
Sarah Leclaire, Pierrick Blanchard, Joël White, Scott A Hatch, Étienne Danchin
The Auk 130 (3), 541-547, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.13044
KEYWORDS: asymmetry, integument coloration, kittiwakes, reproductive success, wingtips
Jennifer O. Coulson, Thomas D. Coulson
The Auk 130 (3), 548-552, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.120063 Open Access
No abstract available
Alan H. Brush, Edward H. Burtt Jr.
The Auk 130 (3), 553-554, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.130.3.553 Open Access
No abstract available
Book Reviews
Rauri C. K. Bowie
The Auk 130 (3), 555-556, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.130.3.555 Open Access
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Kimberly G. Smith
The Auk 130 (3), 557, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.130.3.557 Open Access
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R. Terry Chesser, Richard C. Banks, F. Keith Barker, Carla Cicero, Jon L. Dunn, Andrew W. Kratter, Irby J. Lovette, Pamela C. Rasmussen, J. V. Remsen Jr., James D. Rising, Douglas F. Stotz, Kevin Winker
The Auk 130 (3), 558-572, (1 July 2013) https://doi.org/10.1525/auk.2013.130.3.1 Open Access
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