VOL. 119 · NO. 2 | May 2017
The Condor 119 (2), (1 May 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422-119.2.C3 Open Access
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The Condor 119 (2), (1 May 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422-119.2.cov Open Access
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The Condor 119 (2), (1 May 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422-119.2.iii
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Stefan Heinänen, Ramūnas Žydelis, Monika Dorsch, Georg Nehls, Henrik Skov
The Condor 119 (2), 175-190, (8 March 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-57.1
KEYWORDS: aerial surveys, Common Eider, Common Scoter, GAM, habitat modeling, long-tailed duck, ship surveys, species distribution modeling
Brian D. Gerber, William L. Kendall
The Condor 119 (2), 191-206, (22 March 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-137.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: hierarchical Bayesian, management decision, migratory bird, observational uncertainty, population index, population monitoring, population recovery, time series
Stephen Brown, Cheri Gratto-Trevor, Ron Porter, Emily L. Weiser, David Mizrahi, Rebecca Bentzen, Megan Boldenow, Rob Clay, Scott Freeman, Marie-Andrée Giroux, Eunbi Kwon, David B. Lank, Nicolas Lecomte, Joe Liebezeit, Vanessa Loverti, Jennie Rausch, Brett K. Sandercock, Shiloh Schulte, Paul Smith, Audrey Taylor, Brad Winn, Stephen Yezerinac, Richard B. Lanctot
The Condor 119 (2), 207-224, (5 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-55.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: geolocators, Arctic, migration, movements, nonbreeding, Shorebirds, tag effects, Calidris pusilla
Ginger A. Rebstock, P. Dee Boersma
The Condor 119 (2), 225-238, (5 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-123.1
KEYWORDS: fecundity, Magellanic Penguin, reproductive success, Spheniscus magellanicus, sampling frequency, survey
Janusz Kloskowski, Elżbieta Kaczanowska, Jarosław Krogulec, Przemysław Grela
The Condor 119 (2), 239-250, (12 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-195.1
KEYWORDS: condition indices, ecophysiology, foraging effort, habitat selection, reproductive costs
Guilherme Tavares Nunes, Márcio A. Efe, Thales R. O. Freitas, Leandro Bugoni
The Condor 119 (2), 251-260, (12 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-141.1
KEYWORDS: Bottleneck, effective population size, genetic diversity, Phaethon aethereus, Phaethon lepturus, seabirds, microsatellites
Christian K. Asante, Timothy D. Jardine, Steven L. Van Wilgenburg, Keith A. Hobson
The Condor 119 (2), 261-274, (19 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-179.1
KEYWORDS: American Wigeon, Blue-winged Teal, deuterium, green-winged teal, mallard, migration, northern pintail, stable isotopes, sulfur-34, Wetlands
Leopoldo D. Vázquez-Reyes, María del Coro Arizmendi, Héctor O. Godínez-Álvarez, Adolfo G. Navarro-Sigüenza
The Condor 119 (2), 275-288, (26 April 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-116.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Anthropogenic perturbation, beta diversity, biodiversity, tropical dry forest, oak forest
Douglas W. Raybuck, Jeffrey L. Larkin, Scott H. Stoleson, Than J. Boves
The Condor 119 (2), 289-297, (3 May 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-180.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: migration, breeding, Provisioning, survival, Cerulean Warbler, Setophaga cerulea
Brandi C. Welch, Clint W. Boal, Ben R. Skipper
The Condor 119 (2), 298-307, (3 May 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-165.1
KEYWORDS: Mississippi kite, nesting phenology, nest success, productivity, urban
J. Brian Davis, Francisco J. Vilella, Joseph D. Lancaster, Marisel López-Flores, Richard M. Kaminski, José A. Cruz-Burgos
The Condor 119 (2), 308-320, (3 May 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-169.1
KEYWORDS: White-cheeked Pintail, Anas bahamensis, Humacao Nature Reserve, Puerto Rico, survival, brood, duckling
Kathryn M. Langin
The Condor 119 (2), 321-326, (3 May 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-209.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: audience, conferences, ornithology, slides, science communication, story-telling
Emily B. Cohen, Wylie C. Barrow, Jeffrey J. Buler, Jill L. Deppe, Andrew Farnsworth, Peter P. Marra, Scott R. McWilliams, David W. Mehlman, R. Randy Wilson, Mark S. Woodrey, Frank R. Moore
The Condor 119 (2), 327-343, (3 May 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-17-20.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Gulf of Mexico, landbird migration, Nearctic–Neotropical bird population, stopover habitat, airspace habitat, Gulf Coast, migratory connectivity, avian monitoring
Jacqueline K. Augustine
The Condor 119 (2), 344-346, (3 May 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-181.1 Open Access
No abstract available
Gregory W. Grove
The Condor 119 (2), 347-349, (3 May 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-213.1 Open Access
No abstract available
Matthew D. Larson
The Condor 119 (2), 350-351, (3 May 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-228.1 Open Access
No abstract available
Lauren E. Wentz
The Condor 119 (2), 352-353, (3 May 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-16-232.1 Open Access
No abstract available
Mark C. Mainwaring
The Condor 119 (2), 354-355, (3 May 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-17-9.1 Open Access
No abstract available
Kelly A. Williams
The Condor 119 (2), 356-357, (3 May 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-17-10.1 Open Access
No abstract available
Chris S. Elphick
The Condor 119 (2), 358-359, (3 May 2017) https://doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-17-12.1 Open Access
No abstract available
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