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Sunflower broomrape and Egyptian broomrape are two holoparasites of sunflower that cause severe yield loss. The aim of the current study was to clarify the relationship between temperature and sunflower broomrape and Egyptian broomrape parasitism of the resistant sunflower variety ‘Ambar’ (R) and the susceptible variety ‘Adi’ (S). Experiments were conducted in pots under controlled conditions in a multiclimate greenhouse at five temperature (day–night) regimes: 17:9 C, 20:12 C, 23:15 C, 26:18 C, and 29:21 C. The resistant confectionery sunflower variety (R) was susceptible to sunflower broomrape only at low temperature regimes of 17:9 C, whereas the S variety was highly susceptible from 29 to 9 C. Temperature correlated negatively with the number of sunflower broomrape and Egyptian broomrape shoots that emerged above the soil in the R variety, and positively in the S variety. The number of degenerated tubercles found on the roots of the resistant variety correlated positively with temperature in both sunflower broomrape and Egyptian broomrape. No such correlation could be found in the susceptible sunflower variety grown in the presence of these two parasites. The resistance response of the R variety to sunflower broomrape and Egyptian broomrape was similar regardless of temperature regime. Parasite seeds were successfully germinated and attached to the sunflower roots but the parasite at the infection site degenerated and died. On the other hand, the susceptible variety (S) was equally susceptible to Egyptian broomrape and sunflower broomrape in all the temperature regimes tested, and susceptibility increased as temperature increased.
Two DNA molecular marker techniques were used to evaluate genetic diversity in 58 accessions of jointed goatgrass and 6 accessions of the related wild species barb goatgrass. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assays were performed on 8 U.S. and 50 Eurasian jointed goatgrass accessions using 30 random decamer primers. The frequency of scorable polymorphic bands within jointed goatgrass was 6 out of 90 (6.7%). Cluster analysis of RAPD data showed small genetic distances (values of 0.005 or less) among jointed goatgrass accessions. To validate the effectiveness of RAPD techniques to detect genetic diversity in tetraploid Aegilops species, six accessions of barb goatgrass were assayed using a subset of 20 decamer primers (from the original 30). RAPD data for barb goatgrass were pooled with jointed goatgrass data from the same primers. A total of 63 scorable bands were generated, of which 27 (43%) were polymorphic between two or more accessions. RAPD analysis readily distinguished between the two species and detected much greater levels of genetic diversity within barb goatgrass than between the jointed goatgrass accessions. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) assays were performed on a subset of the 58 jointed goatgrass accessions, 3 U.S. and 13 Eurasian. These accessions were selected to represent a range in geographic diversity within our collection. Ten primer combinations generated 560 scorable bands of which 28 (5%) were polymorphic. Cluster analysis of AFLP data showed a slightly smaller range in genetic distance (0.0002 to 0.0022) among accessions compared with RAPD results; however, AFLPs distinguished among all but 2 of the 16 accessions surveyed. Although AFLP produced more scorable bands than RAPD did, both methods revealed limited genetic diversity in jointed goatgrass.
Nomenclature: Jointed goatgrass, Aegilops cylindrica L. AEGCY; barb goatgrass, Aegilops triuncialis L. AEGTR.
Application of glyphosate in combination with planting soybeans in narrow rows is an effective practice for management of weeds in glyphosate-resistant soybean. Farmers in Michigan reported higher levels of Sclerotinia stem rot (caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) in fields of glyphosate-resistant soybean. Studies were conducted to determine if glyphosate or shading reduced the defense response of glyphosate-resistant soybean to S. sclerotiorum. Glyphosate caused shikimate accumulation in glyphosate-susceptible cultivar GL2415 but not in glyphosate-resistant cultivar GL2600RR. Ethylacetate extracts containing the plant defense compound glyceollin inhibited S. sclerotiorum hyphae in a rate-dependent manner. Glyphosate had no effect on either baseline or induced levels of glyceollin in glyphosate-resistant soybean, indicating that glyphosate did not impair plant defense responses to S. sclerotiorum. Shade levels of 60 and 90% in the greenhouse did not inhibit the induction of glyceollin synthesis. Glyphosate herbicide and shading did not affect the glyphosate-resistant soybean defense response to S. sclerotiorum.
Nomenclature: Glyphosate; lactofen; shikimate; soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. ‘Great Lakes GL2415′, ‘Great Lakes GL2600RR’, and ‘Pioneer 92B71′; Sclerotinia stem rot (white mold), Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary.
Canada thistle and dandelion are troublesome weeds found throughout the northern United States. Carbohydrate concentrations in roots of these plants change in response to freezing temperatures as plants prepare to overwinter. Herbicides applied in the fall provide more effective control of these weeds than does treatment applied in early spring. Experiments were conducted near Scottsbluff, NE, from 1999 to 2001 to examine changes in glucose, fructose, sucrose, and fructans in roots of Canada thistle and dandelion in response to the fall-applied herbicide. Dicamba applied 10 d after the first fall frost reduced the quantities of low degree-of-polymerization (DP) fructans and provided better control of Canada thistle and dandelion than did dicamba applied 11 d before the first frost. Dicamba and dicamba plus SAN 836H fall-applied were more effective in controlling Canada thistle and dandelion than was 2,4-D fall-applied. As the rate of dicamba and dicamba plus SAN 836H increased, the quantities of low-DP fructans in plant roots declined, and plant control increased. Activity of fructan 1-exohydrolase in roots of Canada thistle was increased by dicamba fall-applied and was closely associated with decline in the quantities of low-DP fructans.
Sulfonylurea (SU)-resistant monochoria has recently been found in rice paddies in Korea. A quick and accurate means of confirming herbicide resistance is necessary to take timely management decisions. This article describes a rapid and reliable assay to detect SU-resistant biotype of monochoria. The techniques tested include seed germination, in vivo and in vitro acetolactate synthase (ALS; EC activity, leaf, and whole-plant bioassays. In the whole-plant bioassay, shoot dry weight of the resistant (R) biotype was 3,200-fold less affected by imazosulfuron and sevenfold less affected by pyrazosulfuron-ethyl than the susceptible (S) biotype. Although the whole-plant bioassay is reliable, it is expensive, requires a lot of infrastructure, and takes a few months to complete. The germination rate of the R biotype in petri dish bioassays was > 200-fold less inhibited by imazosulfuron and 100-fold less inhibited by pyrazosulfuron-ethyl than that of the S biotype. Seed germination bioassays in petri dishes do not require as much infrastructure as whole-plant bioassays do and can be completed in a shorter time. Leaf bioassays showed that leaf color of the R biotype was > 1,600- and 300-fold less affected by imazosulfuron and pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, respectively, compared with that of the S biotype. This assay takes about 6 d to complete. In vivo ALS assays showed lower levels of resistance to ALS herbicides than did in vitro ALS assays, where the R biotype was about 200- and 30-fold less sensitive to imazosulfuron and pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, respectively, than the S biotype. All assays successfully distinguished the R from the S biotype, but in vitro ALS assays are the simplest and the quickest. The in vitro ALS assay was chosen as the standard procedure for future confirmation of resistance in monochoria populations. Caution is needed because the in vitro assay is not appropriate in cases wherein the resistance mechanism is increased metabolism of the herbicide or overexpression of the target enzyme. Results should be interpreted in relation to field history and field observations. Follow-up studies also are needed to verify that other resistance mechanisms do not confound the in vitro assay.
Multiple-herbicide resistance represents an added weed management challenge to growers as it can considerably reduce their options for weed control. The widespread nature of triazine resistance in Ontario coupled with the more recent appearance of resistance to ALS inhibitors in Amaranthus species warranted documenting biotypes with multiple resistance. A collection of Powell amaranth and redroot pigweed biotypes that had previously been characterized for resistance to ALS inhibitors was therefore screened with atrazine. Dose–response analysis with atrazine and imazethapyr was also conducted. High-level resistance to imazethapyr and atrazine was determined in a Powell amaranth biotype from Perth County, Ontario. This biotype had a > 1,860-fold and 109-fold resistance to atrazine and imazethapyr, respectively. Sequence analysis was conducted for the psbA and ALS genes that code for the target sites of the triazines and imidazolinones, respectively. A mutation in the psbA gene was identified that coded for an amino acid substitution of glycine for serine at residue 264 of the D1 protein. This mutation is the most likely cause for triazine resistance in this biotype. Similarly, a nucleotide substitution was identified that codes for threonine in place of serine at position 652 of the ALS protein. This mutation in the ALS gene has only been observed previously in laboratory-selected mutants of arabidopsis and tobacco and is known to endow resistance to imidazolinones in plants. It is concluded that multiple resistance in this Powell amaranth biotype is due to the presence of altered target sites for triazine and imidazolinone herbicides.
Nomenclature: Atrazine; imazethapyr; Powell amaranth, Amaranthus powellii S. Wats. AMAPO; redroot pigweed, Amaranthus retroflexus L. AMARE; Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Arabidopsis; tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum L.
Geostatistical techniques were used to describe and map weed spatial distribution in two sunflower fields in Cabello and Monclova, southern Spain. Data from the study were used to design intermittent spraying strategies. Weed species, overall infestation severity (IS) index, and spatial distribution varied considerably between the two sites. Weed species displayed differences in spatial dependence regardless of IS. The IS mapping of each single weed and of the overall infestation was achieved by kriging, and site-specific application maps were then drawn based on the multi-species weed map and the estimated economic threshold (ET). Herbicide treatment was assumed to be needed for an overall IS score of 2 or 3, and the infested “area exceeding the economic threshold” was determined. The overall weed-infested area varied considerably between locations. About 99 and 38% of the total area was moderately infested (IS ≥ 2) at Monclova and Cabello, respectively. Therefore, if a given herbicide were applied just to the areas exceeding the ET, a significant herbicide saving would be realized in Cabello but not in Monclova. A multi-species spatial analysis provides an opportunity to make site-specific management recommendations from a map of the distribution of IS of the total infestation. Furthermore, only in fields with hard-to-control weed species (e.g., nodding broomrape and corn caraway) would site-specific herbicide application maps developed from total weed infestations need to be complemented with targeted site-specific herbicide treatments to prevent further spread of these species, although their IS might be low.
Nomenclature: Glyphosate; Bristly oxtongue, Picris echioides L. PICEC; catchweed bedstraw, Gallium aparine L. GALAP; common lambsquarters, Chenopodium album L. CHEAL; corn caraway, Ridolfia segetum Morris, CRYRI; cowcockle, Vaccaria pyramidata Medik. VAAPY; European heliotrope, Heliotropium europaeum L. HEOEU; field bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis L. CONAR; littleseed canarygrass, Phalaris paradoxa L. PHAPA; nodding broomrape, Orobanche cernua Loefl. ORACE; prostrate knotweed, Polygonum aviculare L. POLAU; rapeseed, Brassica napus L.; sunflower, Helianthus annuus L.; tumble pigweed, Amaranthus albus L. AMAAL; wild mustard, Sinapis arvensis L. SINAR
Amaranthus species, commonly referred to as “pigweeds,” are among the most troublesome weeds in many crop production systems. Effective control of these species often begins with an understanding of their biological and reproductive characteristics. At two sites in Missouri, six pigweed species (redroot pigweed, common waterhemp, spiny amaranth, tumble pigweed, smooth pigweed, and Palmer amaranth) were established in 60-m rows spaced 1.5 m apart. At biweekly intervals, plant heights and dry weights were recorded for each species; seed numbers were estimated at the end of the growing season. Dry weight of Palmer amaranth was up to 65% greater than those of all other species 2 wk after planting (WAP). Palmer amaranth biomass accumulation remained greater than those of the other species throughout the season and at the end of the season was 1.2- and 2.7-fold greater than those of redroot and tumble pigweed, respectively. Palmer amaranth was approximately 10 cm tall 2 WAP (37% taller than the next tallest species, redroot pigweed) and approximately 24 cm tall 4 WAP (45% taller than redroot pigweed). In contrast, common waterhemp had not emerged 2 WAP, and plant dry weight 4 WAP was approximately 11 and 26% those of Palmer amaranth and redroot pigweed, respectively. Final plant height ranged from 58 (tumble pigweed) to 208 cm (Palmer amaranth). Redroot pigweed, smooth pigweed, common waterhemp, and Palmer amaranth plants each produced over 250,000 seeds plant−1. Spiny amaranth and tumble pigweed produced approximately 114,000 and 50,000 seeds plant−1, respectively. Common waterhemp produced 535 seeds g−1 of total plant dry weight; this seed production was 1.4-, 1.4-, 2.0-, 3.4-, and 3.4-fold greater than those of redroot pigweed, smooth pigweed, Palmer amaranth, tumble pigweed, and spiny amaranth, respectively. Because the timing for many postemergence herbicides depends on weed height, rapid growth shortly after emergence reduces the time frame for optimum control of species such as Palmer amaranth. Delayed emergence also could result in escaped common waterhemp. Escape of only a few plants could result in a rapid increase in seed populations in the soil seed bank and may select for late-emerging biotypes.
Nomenclature: Common waterhemp, Amaranthus rudis Sauer AMATA; Palmer amaranth, Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats. AMAPA; redroot pigweed, Amaranthus retroflexus L. AMARE; smooth pigweed, Amaranthus hybridus L. AMACH; spiny amaranth, Amaranthus spinosus L. AMASP; tumble pigweed, Amaranthus albus L. AMAAL.
Yellow starthistle root growth was measured under field conditions using a minirhizotron camera system. Roots grew 1.0 to 1.3 cm d−1 and quickly reached the bottom of the 100-cm tube. When plants were grown under 80 and 92% shading, roots grew 45 and 64% slower, respectively, than when plants were grown unshaded. Using a neutron probe, we evaluated the effect of yellow starthistle density on soil moisture depletion to 180 cm in the soil profile. At the end of the growing season, we also measured aboveground biomass and seedhead production. Total plant dry weight and seedhead number at the lowest density (0.6 plants m−2) were 43 and 97% of the maximum values, respectively, suggesting that yellow starthistle is capable of reaching near-maximum yield at low densities. Moisture depletion was density dependent, and plants in low-density plots used more soil moisture from deep in the profile than from shallow soil (30 cm) early in the season. In contrast, yellow starthistle densities > 90 plants m−2 rapidly depleted moisture from all depths in the soil profile by preflowering growth stages. High yellow starthistle density expands the moisture depletion zone and leads to increased shallow moisture depletion. In high-density plots, soil moisture did not recharge, compared with bare-ground plots, after subnormal winter and spring precipitation. These results illustrate the importance of reducing yellow starthistle densities in grassland restoration efforts, where shallow soil moisture is critical to the establishment of seeded perennial grasses or annual forbs and where moderate to deep soil moisture is essential for the establishment and survival of transplanted shrubs and trees.
Nomenclature: Yellow starthistle, Centaurea solstitialis L. CENSO.
Laboratory and greenhouse studies were conducted to determine the effect of temperature, pH, water stress, and planting depth on crowfootgrass germination. When treated with constant temperature, crowfootgrass germinated over a range of 15 to 40 C, with the optimum germination occurring at 30 C (42%). Onset, rate, and total germination (94%) were greatest in an alternating 20 and 35 C temperature regime. Germination decreased as pH increased, with greatest germination occurring at pH 4 and 5. Germination was reduced when seed was subjected to water stress, and no germination occurred below −0.8 mPa. Emergence was similar when seed were placed on the soil surface or buried at depths of 0.5 or 1 cm. Germination decreased with burial depth, and no seed emerged from 10 cm. These data suggest that crowfootgrass may emerge later in the season with warmer temperatures and after a precipitation event, and may emerge rapidly. These attributes could contribute to poor control later in the season by soil-applied herbicides or allow crowfootgrass to emerge after final postemergence treatments are made.
The effect of constant or various fluctuating temperature regimes and single or multiple tubers in rhizome chains on tuber sprouting of six purple nutsedge ecotypes was determined. After 24 d at constant 20 C, budbreak of tubers detached from the rhizome chain (single tubers) ranged from 11 to 85% among ecotypes. When dormant tubers were exposed to a single 0.5- to 12-h, 35 C pulse followed by constant 20 C, budbreak increased for all ecotypes; daily 0.5-h, 35 C pulses from a 20 C base temperature for three to seven cycles did not significantly increase budbreak more than these did for a single cycle. Shoot length increased linearly for all ecotypes as the number of 0.5-h, 35 C pulse cycles increased, although the magnitude of shoot elongation varied with ecotype. At a 20 and 30 C (12:12 h) daily alternating temperature regime, 98% of single tubers from a Kamuela, HI, ecotype produced actively growing shoots (active tubers), whereas only 32 to 60% of tubers in two- to six-tuber chains were active. The rhizome chain effect on budbreak was minor because ≥ 90% of the tubers in rhizome chains had budbreak. Using a range of constant and alternating temperatures on single tubers and four-tuber chains, similar results were observed for all six ecotypes as for the Kamuela ecotype. Although alternating temperature increased active tubers for both single tubers and tubers in chains, it did not overcome apical dominance among tubers in rhizome chains in suppressing active tubers. The budbreak and shoot elongation stimulation by alternating temperatures and high-temperature pulses appear to be common physiological responses to all purple nutsedge ecotypes examined in this study.
Nomenclature: Purple nutsedge, Cyperus rotundus L. CYPRO.
Research was conducted to formulate a temperature-dependent population-level model to predict rhizome johnsongrass development to the four-leaf stage. A nonlinear poikilotherm rate equation was used to describe development rates as a function of temperature. Development rate was highest at 36 C and declined at higher temperatures. A temperature-independent Weibull function adequately distributed development times for the population. Coupling the poikilotherm rate equation and the Weibull distribution function yielded a model suitable for characterizing rhizome johnsongrass development to the four-leaf growth stage. The model was tested and validated against independent data sets. Model predictions of 80% of rhizome johnsongrass population at the four-leaf stage were used as the central point of a 4-d application window for using reduced rates of herbicides in johnsongrass management programs. This application window included an average interval of 85 to 99% of johnsongrass population at the desired growth stage in field validation experiments.
The relative competitive ability of common lambsquarters and giant foxtail in mixed weed–corn communities was characterized in 1998 and 1999 using empirical models that described late-season weed biomass on the basis of weed density, early-season relative leaf area, or early-season relative shoot volume. Competition coefficients estimated from weed density were inconsistent between years because they indicated that giant foxtail was more competitive than common lambsquarters in 1998 but that common lambsquarters was more competitive than giant foxtail in 1999. In contrast, the competition coefficients based on relative leaf area and relative volume were consistent between years. Competition coefficients estimated from relative leaf area indicated that giant foxtail was more competitive than common lambsquarters in each year. Competition coefficients estimated from weed relative volume indicated that the relative competitive ability of each weed species was similar in each year. Weed relative competitive abilities were characterized further by describing the mechanisms of competition related to shoot height and width growth. Giant foxtail was taller than common lambsquarters shortly after emergence each year, but plasticity of common lambsquarters growth resulted in reduced height differential between the weed species over time. Even so, giant foxtail was taller than common lambsquarters at physiological maturity each year. Coefficients that described the ability of each weed species to crowd neighbors indicated that giant foxtail shoot width was affected more by increased common lambsquarters density and proportion than was common lambsquarters shoot width by giant foxtail. The greater ability of common lambsquarters to crowd neighbors relative to giant foxtail was attributed to the greater leaf area density (LAD) of common lambsquarters compared with that of giant foxtail. Although characterization of shoot height, width, LAD, and biomass elucidated in part the mechanisms of competition between these species, models that accounted for differences in early-season relative plant size were consistent between years, indicating that giant foxtail was equally or more competitive than common lambsquarters in corn.
Nomenclature: Common lambsquarters, Chenopodium album L. CHEAL; giant foxtail, Setaria faberi Herrm. SETFA; corn, Zea mays L. ‘Dekalb DK493SR’.
Downy brome is an introduced Mediterranean annual grass that now dominates millions of hectares of western U.S. rangelands. The presence of this grass has eliminated many native species and accelerated wildfire cycles. The objective of this study was to identify soil additives that allowed germination but inhibited emergence of downy brome, while not affecting germination or emergence of the native perennial grass Hilaria jamesii. On the basis of data from previous studies, we focused on additives that altered the availability of soil nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Most water-soluble treatments inhibited downy brome germination and emergence. We attribute the inhibitory effects of these treatments to excessive salinity and ion-specific effects of the additives themselves. An exception to this was oxalic acid, which showed no effect. Most water-insoluble treatments had no effect in soils with high P but did have an effect in soils with low P. Zeolite was effective regardless of P level, probably due to the high amounts of Na it added to the soil solution. Most treatments at higher concentrations resulted in lower downy brome emergence rates in soils currently dominated by downy brome than in uninvaded (but theoretically invadable) Hilaria soils. This difference is possibly attributable to inherent differences in labile soil P. In Stipa soils, where Stipa spp. grow, but which are generally considered to be uninvadable by downy brome, additions of high amounts of N resulted in lower emergence. This may have been an effect of NH4 interference with uptake of K or other cations or toxicity of high N. We also saw a positive relationship between downy brome emergence and pH in Stipa soils. Hilaria development parameters were not as susceptible to the treatments, regardless of concentration, as downy brome. Our results suggest that there are additions that may be effective management tools for inhibiting downy brome in calcareous soils, including (1) high salt applications, (2) K-reducing additions (e.g., Mg), and (3) P-reducing additions.
The most common strategy recommended for management of jointed goatgrass infestations is to rotate from winter wheat to a spring crop for several years. A field study was conducted at three locations in 1998 and 1999 to determine the effects of spring seeding date on the ability of jointed goatgrass to flower and produce viable seed in the presence or absence of spring wheat and to determine the effect of jointed goatgrass competition and crop seeding date on spring wheat grain yield. Spring wheat was seeded on four dates at each location in both hand-sown and natural jointed goatgrass infestations. Jointed goatgrass plants from hand-sown spikelets flowered and developed spikelets on all seeding dates except the last; viable seed was produced on the two earliest seeding dates. Jointed goatgrass plant densities from natural infestations were from 1 to 12 plants m−2, and spikelet production ranged from 0 to 480 spikelets m−2. Natural jointed goatgrass infestations produced spikelets containing viable seed on all seeding dates at one location in 1998, the driest location. Spring wheat yield was not affected by jointed goatgrass competition; however, jointed goatgrass spikelet production was reduced by spring wheat competition compared with that of monoculture jointed goatgrass. The last seeding date of spring wheat was associated with 51% less crop yield compared with the recommended seeding date. The decision to manage jointed goatgrass infestations with a spring crop rotation should consider delayed seeding dates to minimize viable spikelet production by spring-germinating jointed goatgrass; however, the cost of this decision may include grain yield reduction.
Nomenclature: Jointed goatgrass, Aegilops cylindrica Host. AEGCY; spring wheat, Triticum aestivum L. ‘Penewawa’.
Corn yield loss associated with common lambsquarters and giant foxtail in mixed-weed species communities was estimated from empirical equations based on early-season weed density, weed relative leaf area, or weed relative shoot volume in 1998 and 1999. The estimated maximum corn yield loss ranged up to 20% in 1998 but was 50% or more in 1999. Competition coefficients estimated from weed density (I values) or weed relative shoot volume (qV values) indicated that the weed species were equally competitive in 1998 but that common lambsquarters was more competitive than giant foxtail in 1999. In contrast, the relative leaf area–based competition coefficients (qL values) indicated that common lambsquarters and giant foxtail were equally competitive in both years. Weed species emerged at the same time as corn in 1998, whereas in 1999, common lambsquarters emerged 3 d earlier than corn and 1 d earlier than did giant foxtail. Earlier emergence of common lambsquarters was associated with greater cumulative intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (IPAR) per plant compared with that of giant foxtail. Competition coefficients estimated from weed relative leaf area were similar between years for common lambsquarters but differed for giant foxtail. Similarly, the relationship between cumulative estimated IPAR and early-season relative leaf area was stable between years for common lambsquarters but not for giant foxtail. Consequently, competition coefficients were more consistent for common lambsquarters than for giant foxtail in mixed communities. The results suggest that the competitive ability of common lambsquarters and giant foxtail may not differ greatly in corn, but variability in corn yield loss between years was not adequately explained by these empirical models.
Nomenclature: Common lambsquarters, Chenopodium album L. CHEAL; giant foxtail, Setaria faberi Herrm. SETFA; corn, Zea mays L. ‘Dekalb DK493SR’.
Greenhouse hydroponic and field experiments were conducted to determine the effect of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on eastern black nightshade growth and N content. After 4 wk in hydroponics, the greatest shoot dry mass occurred in the 5 or 10 mM nitrate treatments. An exponential model was strongly correlated with eastern black nightshade root and shoot growth in the 5 or 10 mM nitrate treatments. Eastern black nightshade reached the exponential stage of growth approximately 21 d after transfer to the nitrate treatments. Root dry mass was only 10% of shoot biomass. There was a substantial increase in height and growth rate when plants were fertilized with 168 kg N ha−1. Eastern black nightshade was at its maximum growth 12 wk after planting, and fresh mass increased with N up to 336 kg N ha−1, the greatest N concentration in the study. The greatest N content was in the upper leaves and the least in the lower stem. These results indicate that eastern black nightshade growth is favored by high rates of N.
Nomenclature: Eastern black nightshade, Solanum ptycanthum Dun. SOLPT.
Widespread use of crop yield loss models based on weed density has been limited on account of spatial and temporal variability. Furthermore, research characterizing crop yield loss associated with two or more weed species is lacking for many cropping systems. Therefore, research was conducted to characterize giant foxtail and common lambsquarters leaf area, height, and shoot volume in soybean, to quantify the relative competitive ability of giant foxtail and common lambsquarters in a mixed–weed species environment, and to assess weed density, weed relative leaf area, and weed relative volume as predictors of soybean yield loss. Based on weed density, coefficient estimates of percent soybean yield loss as giant foxtail or common lambsquarters densities approached zero differed between years. In contrast, coefficient estimates of maximum soybean yield loss were similar between years. Based on weed relative leaf area, estimates of giant foxtail or common lambsquarters damage coefficients differed between years. Similarly, estimates of maximum soybean yield loss associated with common lambsquarters leaf area differed between years, whereas estimates of maximum soybean yield loss associated with giant foxtail leaf area did not change over time within a growing season or between years. Based on weed relative volume, estimates of giant foxtail or common lambsquarters damage coefficients differed between years. Similarly, estimates of maximum soybean yield loss associated with common lambsquarters volume differed between years, whereas estimates of maximum soybean yield loss associated with giant foxtail volume did not change over time within a growing season or between years. Based on weed density, weed relative leaf area, or weed relative volume, giant foxtail was more competitive than common lambsquarters in terms of soybean yield loss. Temporal variability of weed density, weed relative leaf area, and weed relative volume indicates that additional parameters may be required to accurately predict weed–crop interactions in a multiple–weed species community.
Nomenclature: Giant foxtail, Setaria faberi Herrm. SETFA; common lambsquarters, Chenopodium album L. CHEAL; soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. ‘Asgrow AG2101’.
The critical period for weed control (CPWC) is the period in the crop growth cycle during which weeds must be controlled to prevent unacceptable yield losses. Field studies were conducted in 1999 and 2000 in eastern Nebraska to evaluate the influence of nitrogen application on the CPWC in dryland corn in competition with a naturally occurring weed population. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied at rates equivalent to 0, 60, and 120 kg N ha−1. A quantitative series of treatments of both increasing duration of weed interference and length of weed-free period were imposed within each nitrogen main plot. The beginning and end of the CPWC based on an arbitrarily 5% acceptable yield loss level were determined by fitting the logistic and Gompertz equations to relative yield data representing increasing duration of weed interference and weed-free period, respectively. Despite an inconsistent response of corn grain yield to applied nitrogen, there was a noticeable influence on the CPWC. The addition of 120 kg N ha−1 delayed the beginning of the CPWC for all site–years when compared with the 0-kg N ha−1 rate and for three of the four site–years when compared with the 60-kg N ha−1 rate. The addition of 120 kg N ha−1 also hastened the end of the CPWC at three of the four site–years when compared with both reduced rates. The yield component most sensitive to both nitrogen and interference from weeds was seed number per ear. Practical implications of this study are that reductions in nitrogen use may create the need for more intensive weed management.
Nomenclature: Glyphosate; corn, Zea mays L. ‘Dekalb DK589RR’.
Yield loss was related to weed species composition and density in permanent plots, recorded several weeks after sowing of spring cereals in southern Sweden. A range of agronomic situations was included by experimentally varying fertilizer application and sowing density in 33 field trials in different locations during 3 yr. Direct gradient analysis, using yield loss as the sole predictor, arranged weed community composition in the spring along a gradient of small to large yield losses. Yield loss could be explained, to some extent, by the species composition in the spring. Species associated with situations with large losses were hempnettle and wild radish, whereas several benign species were identified based on their association with lack of yield loss. The results suggest that possible predictive tools using spring species composition would be improved if they also considered soil type and seed rate. Some agronomically important weed species were not identified as associated with yield loss when assessed in terms of their abundance in the spring, which may limit the possibilities of basing management decisions on weed plant density in the spring.
Nomenclature: Hempnettle, Galeopsis spp.; wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum L. RAPRA; nightflowering catchfly, Silene noctiflora L. MELNO; scarlet pimpernel, Anagallis arvensis L. ANGAR; spurge species; Euphorbia spp.; Polygonum spp.; prostrate knotweed, Polygonum aviculare L. POLAV; wild buckwheat, Polygonum convolvulus L. POLCO; common lambsquarters, Chenopodium album L. CHEAL; field violet, Viola arvensis Murr. VIOAR; spring barley, Hordeum distichum L.; spring wheat, Triticum aestivum L.
A greenhouse experiment used a replacement series design to compare the vegetative growth 6 wk after emergence in pure cultures and mixtures of winter wheat and Italian ryegrass, with phosphorus (P) levels recommended by soil testing. The planting proportions of wheat and Italian ryegrass were 100 and 0%, 75 and 25%, 50 and 50%, 25 and 75%, and 0 and 100%, respectively. There was no alleopathic interaction between the species. Both species in all pure and mixed cultures had substantially less growth in the low-P than in the recommended P treatment. However, the relative performance of the two species differed between P treatments. In the recommended P treatment in pure culture, Italian ryegrass had more tillers and greater root weight and length than wheat. Pure culture wheat in the low-P treatment exceeded pure culture Italian ryegrass in leaf area, weights of leaves, stems, and roots, and root length. Thus, the growth of wheat was inhibited less by P deficiency than the growth of Italian ryegrass in pure culture. In the 50:50 mixture of the recommended P treatment, wheat had greater leaf, stem, and root weights than Italian ryegrass. In the 50:50 mixture of the low-P treatment, the two species were very similar in growth, except that Italian ryegrass had about three times more tillers than did wheat. Whereas P deficiency limited the growth of wheat less than Italian ryegrass in pure culture, P deficiency did not affect the relative competitiveness of Italian ryegrass as much as wheat in mixed cultures. The ability of Italian ryegrass to compete with wheat when P was limiting may result from a difference in root growth. Italian ryegrass had a greater fresh root length to fresh root weight ratio than did wheat in the low-P treatment in pure culture and in the 50:50 mixture. The greater surface area of Italian ryegrass roots likely enhanced the competitiveness of Italian ryegrass relative to wheat under P-deficit conditions. Thus, the use of the recommended P nutrition from soil testing may be a key component to diminish Italian ryegrass competition in wheat fields.
Nomenclature: Italian ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum Lam. LOLMU; wheat, Triticum aestivum L.
The effects of surfactants on retention, absorption, and efficacy were determined for bromoxynil, 2,4-D amine, and glyphosate on kochia and Russian thistle. Bromoxynil, 2,4-D amine, and glyphosate retention were similar for both species. Surfactants improved spray retention on kochia and Russian thistle compared with spray mixtures without surfactant. Herbicides mixed with allinol 810-60 surfactant were generally retained better than with MON 0818, oxysorbic 20, or R-11 surfactant. Bromoxynil phytotoxicity was not affected by surfactants, and all surfactants equally enhanced 2,4-D amine phytotoxicity. Glyphosate phytotoxicity to kochia was enhanced only by MON 0818 and oxysorbic 20, and phytotoxicity to Russian thistle was enhanced only by MON 0818. Bromoxynil, with or without surfactants, was absorbed similarly by kochia and Russian thistle. 2,4-D amine and glyphosate absorption were greater with surfactants than without. Kochia and Russian thistle leaves had visibly similar crystalline epicuticular wax structure when plants were grown at ≤ 40% or ≥ 80% relative humidity, which did influence absorption of these herbicides.
In both reduced-tillage and tilled fields, dandelion can be a problem, but the effect of dandelion on canola yield is unknown. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of dandelion infestation on spring canola yield and the influence of tillage on interference and in-field distribution of dandelion. Dandelion distribution was not associated with tillage regimen. Dandelion distribution showed some relationship to past cropping history, for example, the presence of alfalfa in the rotation. The strength of correlation between measures of dandelion infestation level and canola yield loss was associated with tillage regimen. For tilled fields, there was no correlation between reduction in canola yield and any measurements of dandelion infestation level. For reduced-tillage fields, the most reliable measures of dandelion interference level were dandelion ground cover prespray, total dandelion rosette diameter prespray, relative dandelion ground cover prespray, and total dandelion root diameter at crop harvest.
Nomenclature: Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale Weber in Wiggers TAROF; Argentine canola, Brassica napus L.; alfalfa, Medicago sativa L.
The effect of droplet size on retention, absorption, and translocation of 14C-glyphosate was studied in glyphosate-resistant corn. Fine, medium, and coarse spray droplets were studied using a track-sprayer equipped with commercially available nozzles. Glyphosate-resistant corn was used to obtain measurements at field use rates in the absence of phytotoxicity. Spray retention on corn leaves was calculated based on recovered glyphosate per leaf area, and retention was higher with application of fine droplets (47%) than with application of coarse (38%) and medium (37%) droplets. Absorption in corn leaves was directly correlated with droplet size and reached a plateau 1 d after treatment (DAT) for all droplet sizes. Based on glyphosate recovered 3 DAT, coarse droplets showed the highest absorption (49%), followed by medium (35%) and fine (30%) droplets. Percentage of translocation also increased with droplet size, and translocation was primarily toward strong sink tissues such as roots and young leaves. Our results show that large droplets have slightly reduced retention in corn but have increased absorption resulting in increased translocation of glyphosate to growing sink tissues.
Nomenclature: Glyphosate; glyphosate-resistant corn, Zea mays L. ‘Roundup® Ready’.
Field experiments were used to assess how distance mediates the nontarget effect on crepe myrtle by two chrysomelid beetles that were introduced to the United States in 1992 for biological control of purple loosestrife. Previous laboratory tests in Germany and concurrent tests in Oregon showed that although the control organisms can feed on crepe myrtle, they cannot complete development. Therefore, we predicted that negative effects on crepe myrtle would decrease with distance from the purple loosestrife stand. To test this prediction, cohorts of both plant species were transplanted at increasing distances (0, 5, 15, 30, and 50 m) from the colonization source. We found that leaf damage inflicted by the beetles was negatively correlated with increasing distance. Damage was significantly lower at each distance for crepe myrtle plants than for purple loosestrife plants, with a mean difference of 22% and a 95% confidence interval ranging from 12 to 31%. Extensive defoliation of crepe myrtle was limited to within 30 m of the edge of the loosestrife stand. Plant yield was negatively correlated with damage: the closer plants were to the purple loosestrife stand, the greater the suppression of biomass in both plant species. However, loosestrife biomass decreased significantly more quickly than crepe myrtle biomass, with a mean difference in slopes of 0.035 and a 95% confidence interval ranging from 0.022 to 0.048. Our results suggest that release of the Galerucella beetles in North America poses little risk to crepe myrtle. Beetles can feed but cannot complete their life cycle on crepe myrtle, and damage to crepe myrtle approaches zero approximately 50 m from the beetle colonization source.
Nomenclature: Crepe myrtle, Lagerstroemia indica L. LAGIN; purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria L. LYTSA; black-margined loosestrife beetle, Galerucella calmariensis L.; golden loosestrife beetle, Galerucella pusilla Duftschmid.
Wind-erodible soil sediments are classified as aggregates and particles < 1 mm in diameter. Aggregate size has been reported to influence pesticide retention and behavior in the soil. Atrazine sorption and desorption isotherms were determined using batch equilibration methods for six aggregate sizes of Barnes loam (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, frigid Calcic Haplodol) and Brandt silty clay loam (fine-silty, mixed, superactive, frigid Calcic Haplodol) soils. Aggregate and particle sizes used in this study ranged from < 0.11 to > 1.7 mm, and atrazine concentrations ranged from 0.65 to 39.2 μmol L−1. The Kf values for the isotherms were calculated using the Freundlich equation. In the Barnes loam, Kf values were strongly positively correlated to aggregate size, particle size, and organic carbon (OC) content (P = 0.01 for each parameter), whereas in the Brandt silty clay loam, Kf values were less correlated to size and OC content (P ≥ 0.1) but were better correlated to clay content and estimated specific surface area (P = 0.05 for each parameter). Desorption was hysteretic with about 18% more atrazine desorbed from smallest than from largest size fractions. At a concentration of 13.0 μmol L−1, the amount desorbed ranged from 9 to 13.7% of the initial amount of adsorbed atrazine after 5 d, whereas at 39.2 μmol L−1, the amount desorbed ranged from 10.3 to 16% of the amount adsorbed. These data indicate that wind-erodible size aggregates and particles could be a source of herbicide contamination of surface water.
The presence of herbicides in runoff water after application to container plant nurseries warrants investigation of methods to reduce the amount of runoff. During the summer of 2000, field research was conducted at a commercial nursery to determine the effect of a delay in irrigation after herbicide application on herbicide levels in runoff water. Two studies were conducted in June and August. Isoxaben and oryzalin were sprayed on container plants in production beds at a rate of 1.4 and 2.9 kg ai ha−1, respectively. Treatments were pulse irrigated either immediately or 24 h after herbicide application. Pulse irrigation consisted of three 30-min irrigation cycles, with a 90-min rest between cycles, that supplied a total of 1.8 to 2.0 cm of water. Runoff samples were collected from both treatments after 0, 15, and 30 min of runoff flow from each pulse cycle for 3 consecutive d of pulse irrigation. The maximum isoxaben detected in June for the immediate irrigation treatment was 2.2 μg ml−1. The maximum isoxaben detected in August was 2.0 μg ml−1, also from the immediate irrigation treatment. The total isoxaben detected for the treatments ranged from 5.5 to 9.1% of the amount applied. The maximum oryzalin detected in June was 3.8 μg ml−1 for the immediate irrigation treatment. In August it was 2.8 μg ml−1 (for the immediate irrigation treatment). The total oryzalin detected for the treatments ranged from 4.6 to 8.4% of the amount applied. There were no treatment differences in concentrations and amounts of isoxaben and oryzalin. Efficacy was similar for the treatments in both studies. Delaying irrigation onset after herbicide application did not reduce total levels of isoxaben and oryzalin in runoff water. Both herbicides are stable chemicals with relatively long half-lives, and an irrigation delay of 24 h did not cause degradation that resulted in lower levels of runoff.
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