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Five populations of rigid ryegrass (LoliumrigidumGaudin) fromfields across cropping regions in southern Australia were suspected of having resistance to thiocarbamates, chloroacetamides, and sulfonylisoxazoline herbicides. Resistant (R) populations 375-14, 198-15, 16.2, EP162, RAC1, and A18 and two susceptible (S) populations (SLR4 and VLR1) were included in a dose–response study. All suspected R populations expressed resistance to one or all herbicides (thiocarbamates, chloroacetamides, and pyroxasulfone). Population 198-15 exhibited the highest LD50 to triallate (44.7-fold), prosulfocarb (45.7-fold), S-metolachlor (31.5-fold), and metazachlor (27.2-fold) compared with the S populations. Populations 198-15 and 375-14 were also resistant to pyroxasulfone (13.5- and 14.9-fold) compared with the S populations, as was population EP162. This study documents the first case of field-evolved resistance to thiocarbamate, chloroacetamide, and sulfonylisoxazoline herbicides in L. rigidum.
Multiple resistance to glyphosate, sethoxydim, and paraquat was previously confirmed in two Italian ryegrass [Lolium perenne L. ssp. multiflorum (Lam.) Husnot] populations, MR1 and MR2, in northern California. Preliminary greenhouse studies revealed that both populations were also resistant to imazamox and mesosulfuron, both of which are acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicides. In this study, three subpopulations, MR1-A (from seed of MR1 plants that survived a 16X rate of sethoxydim), MR1-P (from seed of MR1 plants that survived a 2X rate of paraquat), and MR2 (from seed of MR2 plants that survived a 16X rate of sethoxydim), were investigated to determine the resistance level to imazamox and mesosulfuron, evaluate other herbicide options for the control of these multiple resistant L. perenne ssp. multiflorum, and characterize the underlying ALS-inhibitor resistance mechanism(s). Based on LD50 values, the MR1-A, MR1-P, and MR2 subpopulations were 38-, 29-, 8-fold and 36-, 64-, and 3-fold less sensitive to imazamox and mesosulfuron, respectively, relative to the susceptible (Sus) population. Only MR1-P and MR2 plants were cross-resistant to rimsulfuron, whereas both MR1 subpopulations were cross-resistant to imazethapyr. Pinoxaden (ACCase inhibitor [phenylpyrazoline 'DEN']) only controlled MR2 and Sus plants at the labeled field rate. However, all plants were effectively controlled (>99%) with the labeled field rate of glufosinate. Based on I50 values, MR1-A, MR-P, and MR2 plants were 712-, 1,104-, and 3-fold and 10-, 18-, and 5-fold less responsive to mesosulfuron and imazamox, respectively, than the Sus plants. Sequence alignment of the ALS gene of resistant plants revealed a missense singlenucleotide polymorphism resulting in a Trp-574-Leu substitution in MR1-A and MR1-P plants, heterozygous in both, but not in the MR2 plants. An additional homozygous substitution, Asp-376-Glu, was identified in the MR1-A plants. Addition of malathion or piperonyl butoxide did not alter the efficacy of mesosulfuron on MR2 plants. In addition, the presence of 2,4-D had no effect on the response of mesosulfuron on the MR2 and Sus. These results suggest an altered target site is the mechanism of resistance to ALS inhibitors in MR1-A and MR1-P plants, whereas a non–target site based resistance apparatus is present in the MR2 plants.
Barnyardgrass [Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.] is acknowledged to be the most troublesome weed in rice fields in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces of China. It cannot be effectively controlled using certain acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicides, including penoxsulam. Echinochloa crus-galli samples with suspected resistance to penoxsulam were collected to identify the target site–based mechanism underlying this resistance. Populations AXXZ-2 and JNRG-2 showed 33- and 7.3-fold resistance to penoxsulam, respectively, compared with the susceptible JLGY-3 population. Cross-resistance to other ALS inhibitors was reported in AXXZ-2 but not in JNRG-2, and occasionally showed higher sensitivity than JLGY-3. In vitro ALS activity assays revealed that penoxsulam concentrations required to inhibit 50% of ALS activity were 11 and 5.2 times greater in AXXZ-2 and JNRG-2, respectively, than in JLGY-3. DNA and predicted amino acid sequence analyses of ALS revealed Ala-205-Val and Ala-122-Gly substitutions in AXXZ-2 and JNRG-2, respectively. Our results indicate that these substitutions in ALS are at least partially responsible for resistance to penoxsulam.
Breeding herbicide tolerance into new cultivars can improve safety and weed control in turfgrass systems. The sensitivity to fluazifop-P-butyl of 27 zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) lines was screened under greenhouse conditions to identify potential tolerant germplasm for breeding programs. The herbicide rate that caused 50% biomass reduction (GR50) and the rate that caused 50% injury (ID50) were calculated to select the three most-tolerant and the five most-susceptible lines for studying the physiological mechanisms responsible for fluazifop-P-butyl tolerance. The differences in GR50 and ID50 between susceptible and tolerant lines ranged from 4-fold to more than 10-fold. Cytochrome P450–mediated metabolism was not detected in fluazifop-P-butyl–tolerant lines. Sequencing of the ACCase gene confirmed that none of the seven previously reported mutations conferring resistance to acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase)-inhibiting herbicides in other species were present in any of the tolerant or susceptible zoysiagrass lines studied. An Ala-2073-Thr substitution was identified in two tolerant lines, but thismutation did not completely explain the tolerant phenotype. No clear differences in absorption and translocation rates of 14C-radiolabeled fluazifop-P-butyl were observed among most lines, with the exception of a susceptible line that exhibited greater translocation than two of the tolerant lines. Metabolite profiles did not differ between tolerant and susceptible lines. Our results suggest that the diversity in tolerance to fluazifop-P-butyl in zoysiagrass germplasmis most likely the result of a combination of different, minor, additive non–target site mechanisms such as translocation rate and compartmentation after absorption.
Herbicide resistance within key driver weeds, such as common waterhemp [Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer var. rudis (Sauer) Costea and Tardif ], constrains available management options for crop production. Routine surveillance for herbicide resistance provides a mechanism to monitor the development and spread of resistant populations over time. Furthermore, the identification and quantification of resistance mechanisms at the population level can provide information that helps growers develop effective management plans. Populations of Amaranthus spp., including A. tuberculatus, redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.), and Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson), were collected from 51 fields in Ohio during the 2016 growing season. Twenty-four A. tuberculatus populations were screened for resistance to the herbicides lactofen, atrazine, and glyphosate. Phenotypically resistant plants were further investigated to determine the frequency of known resistance mechanisms. Resistance to lactofen was infrequently observed throughout the populations, with 8 of 22 populations exhibiting resistant plants. Within those eight resistant populations, the ΔG210 resistance mechanism was observed in 17 of 30 phenotypically resistant plants, and the remainder lacked all known resistance mechanisms. Resistance to atrazine was observed in 12 of 15 populations; however, a target-site resistance mechanismwas not observed in these populations. Resistance to glyphosate was observed in all populations. Gene amplification was the predominant glyphosate-resistance mechanism (147 of 322 plants) in the evaluated populations. The Pro-106-Ser mutation was identified in 24 plants, half of which also possessed gene amplification. In this study, molecular screening generally underestimated the phenotypically observed resistance. Continued mechanism discovery and marker development is required for improved detection of herbicide resistance through molecular assays.
Weedy rice (Oryza spp.) is one of themost competitive weeds in rice (Oryza sativa L.) production. Rapid growth, high tillering, enhanced ability to uptake fertilizers, asynchronous maturation, seed shattering, and high seedbank longevity make Oryza spp. more competitive than cultivated rice and highly persistent. Oryza spp. may be a source of useful traits for crop improvement such as herbicide tolerance. Greenhouse studies were conducted to evaluate the response of 54 Oryza spp. accessions collected between 2008 and 2009 from Arkansas to glyphosate, glufosinate, and flumioxazin applied at field rates. Rice cultivars ‘CL163’ and ‘REX’ were included for comparison. Accessions B20, B2, and S11 and B49, B51, and S59 showed reduced sensitivity to glyphosate and flumioxazin, respectively. These accessions had less than 40% injury 5 wk after treatment (WAT). Rice cultivars (CL163 and REX) were sensitive to both glyphosate and flumioxazin, with more than 95%plant mortality at 5WAT.On average, blackhull accessions weremore tolerant to glyphosate and flumioxazin than strawhull accessions. Dose–response analysis of B20, B2, and S11 confirmed 3- to 8-fold higher tolerance of these accessions to glyphosate. All Oryza spp. and cultivated rice were not affected by glufosinate applied at 874 g ai ha-1 (1X) and were controlled 100% by 1,311 g ai ha-1 (1.5X). Oryza spp. lines with reduced sensitivity to glyphosate and flumioxazin will be studied further for use in rice crop improvement.
Field and greenhouse experiments were conducted from 2013 to 2015 at the University of Wyoming to evaluate the response of Beta vulgaris (L.) to reflected-light quality. Large-pail field studies included a factorial arrangement of three varieties of B. vulgaris (sugar beet, table beet, and Swiss chard) and reflected-light treatments (using either colored plastic mulch, grass, or bare-soil controls). Greenhouse studies included sugar beet as influenced by either grass or soil surroundings. In all studies, grass was grown in separate containers from B. vulgaris, so there was no root interaction. Grass was clipped regularly to prevent shading and competition for sunlight. Reflected light fromdifferent-colored plasticmulches (red, blue, green, black, clear) did not affect B. vulgaris growth. However, reflected light from the grass reduced the number of leaves in all B. vulgaris varieties such that there were 10 to 14 fewer leaves in B. vulgaris surrounded by grass compared with the soil treatment at 90 d after planting in the field study. Shade avoidance cues from surrounding grass reduced B. vulgaris total leaf area by 49% to 66%, leaf biomass by 21% to 30%, and root biomass by 70% to 72%. Similar results were observed in greenhouse experiments, where the grass treatment reduced sugar beet leaf biomass by 48% to 57% and root biomass by 35% to 64%. Shade avoidance cues have the potential to significantly reduce B. vulgaris yield, even in the absence of direct resource competition from weeds.
In a rice (Oryza sativa L.)-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotation system, a study was conducted to determine the effects of different fertilization regimens (no fertilization, replacement of a portion of chemical fertilizer with composted pig manure, chemical fertilizer only, and straw return combined with chemical fertilizer) on the weed communities and wheat yields after 4 and 5 yr. The impact of the long-term recurrent fertilization regimen initiated in 2010 on the composition and diversity of weed communities and the impact of the components and total amount of fertilizer on wheat yields were assessed in 2014 and 2015. Totals of 19 and 16 weed species were identified in experimental wheat fields in 2014 and 2015, respectively, but the occurrence of weed species varied according to the fertilization regimen. American sloughgrass [Beckmannia syzigachne (Steud.) Fernald], water starwort [Myosoton aquaticum (L.) Moench], and lyrate hemistepta (Hemistepta lyrata Bunge.) were adapted to all fertilization treatments and were the dominant weed species in the experimental wheat fields. The greatest number of weed species were observed under the no-fertilization treatment, in which 40% of the weed community was composed of broadleaf weeds and the lowest wheat yields were obtained. With fertilizer application, the number of weed species was reduced, the height of weeds increased significantly, the density of broadleaf weeds was significantly reduced, the biodiversity indices of weed communities decreased significantly, and higher wheat yields were obtained. Only the chemical fertilizer plus composted pig manure treatment and the chemical fertilizer-only treatment increased the density of grassy weeds and the total weed community density. The treatment with chemical fertilizer only also resulted in the highest density of B. syzigachne. Rice straw return combined with chemical fertilizer yielded the lowest total weed density, which suggests that it inhibited occurrence of weeds. The different fertilizer regimens not only affected the weed species composition, distribution, and diversity, but also the weed density. Our study provides new information from a rice-wheat rotation system on the relationship between soil amendments and agricultural weed infestation.
Proactive integrated weedmanagement (IWM) is critically needed in no-till production to reduce the intensity of selection pressure for herbicide-resistant weeds. Reducing the density of emerged weed populations and the number of larger individuals within the population at the time of herbicide application are two practical management objectives when integrating cover crops as a complementary tactic in herbicide-based production systems. We examined the following demographic questions related to the effects of alternative cover-cropping tactics following small grain harvest on preplant, burndownmanagement of horseweed (Erigeron canadensis L.) in no-till commodity-grain production: (1) Do cover crops differentially affect E. canadensis density and size inequality at the time of herbicide exposure? (2)Which cover crop response traits are drivers of E. canadensis suppression at time of herbicide exposure? Interannual variation in growing conditions (study year) and intra-annual variation in soil fertility (low vs. high nitrogen) were the primary drivers of cover crop response traits and significantly affected E. canadensis density at the time of herbicide exposure. In comparison to the fallow control, cover crop treatments reduced E. canadensis density 52% to 86% at the time of a preplant, burndown application. Cereal rye (Secale cereale L.) alone or in combination with forage radish (Raphanus sativus L.) provided the most consistent E. canadensis suppression. Fall and spring cover crop biomass production was negatively correlated with E. canadensis density at the preplant burndown application timing. Our results also show that winter-hardy cover crops reduce the size inequality of E. canadensis populations at the time of herbicide exposure by reducing the number of large individuals within the population. Finally, we advocate for advancement in our understanding of complementarity between cover crop– and herbicide-based management tactics in no-till systems to facilitate development of proactive, herbicide-resistant management strategies.
Nitrogen (N) inputs have been found to exert strong influence on leaf stoichiometry in natural ecosystems, but there are few studies investigating the effects of N in agroecosystems. Using a 5-yr fertilization experiment in rice fields, we examined the effects of N inputs on leaf stoichiometry of one crop, rice (Oryza sativa L.), and its four common weeds, barnyardgrass [Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.], Monochoria korsakowii Regel and Mack, alligatorweed [Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.], and Japanese mazus [Mazus pumilus (Burm. f.) Steenis], and further evaluated whether and how straw return mediates these effects. We found that rice and weed leaf nitrogen:phosphorus:potassium (N:P:K) stoichiometry exhibited divergent responses to N fertilizer. Weed leaf N:P:K stoichiometry was not sensitive to low (120 kg N ha-1) and regular (240 kg N ha-1) N inputs, but rice plants were, with significantly increased leaf N concentration and N:P and N:K ratios. The opposite trend was found for high N inputs (360 kg N ha-1). Rice leaf N concentration [N] did not increase further, and N:P ratios even decreased, whereas E. crus-galli and M. korsakowii had significantly increased [N] and N-related stoichiometry. We also found that the positive effects of regular N inputs on rice leaf N:P and N:K ratios were significantly dampened by straw return, but the positive effects on N:P ratios in M. pumilus leaves were enhanced by straw return. Compared with weeds, rice leaves contained low elemental concentrations across fertilization levels at grain-filling stages. These results indicate that rice has a lower N requirement than weeds at grain-filling stages, and the N supply should be managed at a relative low level to reduce the nutrient acquisition and competitive abilities of weeds. From a stoichiometric perspective, this study highlights the importance of N management in combination with straw return in controlling weeds and increasing the nutrient-use efficiency of crops.
The success of dicamba-tolerant soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] has revived concerns about plant growth regulator (PGR) herbicide exposure to conventional soybean. In laboratory studies, soybean root nodulation is inhibited by excess auxin, which is the mechanism of action of PGR herbicides. Soybean exposed to PGRs in a field environment may have a similar response, and if nodulation is compromised, nitrogen (N) fixation may be reduced, with subsequent seed yield or protein content decreases. Many soybean–N studies report minimal impact to soybean yield. However, if soybeans show foliar PGR injury symptoms, could N application compensate for a potential nodulation inhibition response? This study examined the response of non–PGR tolerant soybean to N after exposure to low doses of 2,4-D and dicamba applied once (at soybean growth stages V1, V3, and early reproduction [R1 or R2]) or twice (V1 + V3 or V3 + R). N was either foliar or soil applied at early (∼5 d after PGR application) or late (10 d after PGR application) timings. Nodulation and plant growth were evaluated at R3, and grain yield and seed protein and oil content were quantified at maturity. Plant biomass and nodulation were reduced by 10% with some PGR treatments, and early foliar N application after PGR injury resulted in reduction up to 25%. N applications to non–PGR treated soybean did not increase yield. Soybean treated with PGR at V1 or V3, with or without N, had yields similar to control treatments. However, yield reductions of up to 20% were observed when PGRs were applied at V5 or R stages or when double PGR applications were followed by early foliar N application. Seed protein and oil content were not affected by PGR or N treatment.
While much research has focused on crop damage following foliar exposure to auxin herbicides, reports documenting the risk posed by exposure via root uptake of irrigation water are lacking. Herbicide residues circulated in tailwater recovery systems may pose threats of cross-crop impacts to nonresistant cultivars with known sensitivity to auxins. An auxin-susceptible soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivar was grown in a controlled growth chamber environment and exposed to dicamba dissolved in irrigation water applied to the soil surface, simulating furrow irrigation. Five herbicide treatment concentrations, ranging from 0.05 to 5.0 mg L-1 and encompassing estimated field doses of 3.1 to 310g ha-1, were applied to the soil of potted soybean plants at V3/V4 or R1 growth stages. Plant injury (0% to 100%), dry mass, height, number of pods, and number of pod-bearing nodes were measured. Kruskal-Wallis and logistic regression analyses were performed to determine treatment differences and examine dose effects. Yield losses were projected using (1) 14 d after treatment plant injury assessments based on injury–yield relationships described for foliar exposures and (2) pod counts. Dicamba concentration was the main significant factor affecting all growth response metrics, and growth stage was a significant explanatory variable only for the height response metric. A nonlinear response to dicamba dose was observed, with the threshold response dose required to affect 50% of plants being three times greater for 40% crop injury compared with 20% injury. Yield projections derived from plant response to root uptake compared with foliar exposure indicate that soybean may express both magnitude of injury and specific symptomology differently when exposure occurs via root uptake. Drift exposure–based models may be incompatible to predict soybean yield loss when injury results from irrigation. Data are needed to develop correlations for predicting yield losses based on field-scale exposure to dicamba in irrigation water, as well as assessment of real-world concentrations of herbicide residues in tailwater recovery systems.
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