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Nathan S. Boyd, Marcelo L. Moretti, Lynn M. Sosnoskie, Vijay Singh, Ramdas Kanissery, Shaun Sharpe, Thierry Besançon, Stanley Culpepper, Robert Nurse, Harlene Hatterman-Valenti, Elizabeth Mosqueda, Darren Robinson, Matthew Cutulle, Ravneet Sandhu
Herbicide resistance has been studied extensively in agronomic crops across North America but is rarely examined in vegetables. It is widely assumed that the limited number of registered herbicides combined with the adoption of diverse weed management strategies in most vegetable crops effectively inhibits the development of resistance. It is difficult to determine whether resistance is truly less common in vegetable crops or whether the lack of reported cases is due to the lack of resources focused on detection. This review highlights incidences of resistance that are thought to have arisen within vegetable crops. It also includes situations in which herbicide-resistant weeds were likely selected for within agronomic crops but became a problem when vegetables were grown in sequence or in adjacent fields. Occurrence of herbicide resistance can have severe consequences for vegetable growers, and resistance management plans should be adopted to limit selection pressure. This review also highlights resistance management techniques that should slow the development and spread of herbicide resistance in vegetable crops.
The control of multiple-resistant wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum L.) populations in no-till Australian wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crops has relied upon 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD)-inhibiting herbicides over the last decade. Two R. raphanistrum populations identified as putatively resistant to pyrasulfotole + bromoxynil in an initial large-scale screening trial were characterized and confirmed to be 5- to 8-fold (comparison of LD50 values) less sensitive than the susceptible control population to the HPPD inhibitor pyrasulfotole when plants were treated at the 4-leaf stage. The two pyrasulfotole-resistant populations exhibited up to 4-fold resistance to the coformulated herbicide mixture pyrasulfotole + bromoxynil and up to 9- and 11-fold cross-resistance to mesotrione and topramezone postemergence, respectively. A small-plot trial was conducted in the field from which of one of the populations suspected of resistance was originally collected. Pyrasulfotole + bromoxynil or topramezone + bromoxynil applied postemergence delivered reduced R. raphanistrum control (79% to 87%), whereas mesotrione applied preemergence was >99% effective. We report here the first case of field resistance to HPPD-inhibiting herbicides in R. raphanistrum, caused by 12 yr of continuous reliance on that mode of action. The mitigation of herbicide resistance in continuous no-till cropping requires a constant optimization of the herbicide technology via alternation and mixtures of multiple sites of action, use of preemergence herbicides, and ensuring postemergence herbicides are applied at the most sensitive plant growth stages.
Hydrilla [Hydrilla verticillata (L. f.) Royle] is often called the “perfect aquatic weed,” as it has numerous physiological adaptations that make it highly aggressive and competitive. Hydrilla verticillata has historically been managed effectively using fluridone; however, the overreliance on this single mechanism of action (MOA) resulted in evolved fluridone resistance in the late 1990s. Where fluridone-resistant H. verticillata populations evolved, endothall became widely used for H. verticillata control. In 2018, florpyrauxifen-benzyl, a highly active auxin-mimic herbicide, was registered for H. verticillata control, and its use has increased since its introduction. Endothall and florpyrauxifen-benzyl provide two effective MOAs for H. verticillata management, and combining these two MOAs would be an effective strategy to delay further resistance evolution. The objective of this research was to determine whether combining endothall and florpyrauxifen-benzyl would significantly impact the behavior of either herbicide in dioecious (DHV) or monoecious (MHV) H. verticillata compared with their behavior when applied alone. Endothall and florpyrauxifen-benzyl absorption and accumulation alone and in combination were measured over a 192-h time course. Translocation patterns were also determined. Herbicide accumulation in MHV and DHV was not impacted when these herbicides were applied in combination. Endothall translocation from shoots to roots in DHV was not impacted (alone = 18.7 ± 1.4%; combination = 23.2 ± 2.2%); however, endothall shoot-to-root translocation in MHV was reduced from 16.2 ± 1.3% applied alone to 2.2 ± 0.1% when applied in combination with florpyrauxifen-benzyl. Florpyrauxifen-benzyl shoot-to-root translocation was reduced in both MHV and DHV when applied in combination with endothall. Florpyrauxifen-benzyl translocation was reduced by 16- and 6-fold in DHV and MHV, respectively. These data do not suggest that there would be operational impacts from endothall and florpyrauxifen-benzyl mixtures. Still, there appear to be changes in herbicide behavior, primarily shoot-to-root translocation, when these two herbicides are applied in combination.
Some parasitic plants are major pests in agriculture, but how this might be affected by climate change remains largely unknown. In this study, we assessed this question for five generalist holoparasitic Cuscuta species (smoothseed alfalfa dodder [Cuscuta approximata Bab.], alfalfa dodder [Cuscuta europaea L.], soybean dodder [Cuscuta chinensis C. Wright], Peruvian dodder [Cuscuta australis R. Br.], and Japanese dodder [Cuscuta japonica Choisy]) and two of their main Leguminosae host crop species (soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] and alfalfa [Medicago sativa L.]. For each of the five Cuscuta species and the two crop species, we ran MaxEnt models, using climatic and soil variables to predict their potential current distributions and potential future distributions for 2070. We ran species distribution models for all seven species for multiple climate change scenarios, and tested for changes in the overlap of suitable ranges of each crop with the five parasites. We found that annual mean temperature and isothermality are the main bioclimatic factors determining the suitable habitats of the Cuscuta species and their hosts. For both host species, the marginally to optimally suitable area will increase by 2070 for all four representative concentration pathway scenarios. For most of the Cuscuta species, the marginally to optimally suitable area will also increase. While the suitable areas for both the hosts and the parasites will increase overall, Schoener's D, indicating the relative overlap in suitable area, will change only marginally. However, the absolute area of potential niche overlap may increase up to 6-fold by 2070. Overall, our results indicate that larger parts of the globe will become suitable for both host species, but that they could also suffer from Cuscuta parasitism in larger parts of their suitable ranges.
Liverseedgrass (Urochloa panicoides P. Beauv.) is one of the most important summer grass weed species in the eastern cropping system of Australia. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of temperature, salt stress, water stress, burial depth, and sorghum crop residue load on germination and emergence of U. panicoides and the performance of postemergence herbicides on this weed species. The optimal germination temperature regimes for U. panicoides were 30/ 20 and 35/25 C (alternating day/night temperatures), but seeds also germinated at temperatures occurring in winter, spring, and autumn in Australia (15/5, 20/10, and 25/15 C). A concentration of 48 mM sodium chloride and –0.27 MPa osmotic potential inhibited germination of U. panicoides by 50%, indicating that this weed species is not salt and drought tolerant at germination. The maximum germination was obtained for the surface seeds; a burial depth of 1.9 cm inhibited emergence by 50%. No seedlings emerged from the 12-cm depth, but about 3% of seedlings emerged from the 8 cm depth. The addition of sorghum residue amounts up to 8,000 kg ha–1 to the soil surface stimulated U. panicoides' emergence compared with the no-residue treatment, suggesting that conservation agriculture will promote the emergence of U. panicoides. Several postemergence herbicides were found to be effective in controlling this weed species, especially when applied at an early stage. Information obtained from this study will help to develop effective and sustainable control measures for U. panicoides and other weed species with similar germination requirements.
Junglerice [Echinochloa colona (L.) Link.] is the most important grass weed species in Australian summer cropping systems. Although it is mainly a spring- and summer-emerging weed species, field observations suggest that E. colona is expanding its seasonality. A common garden experiment was conducted at the University of Queensland farm to examine the effect of planting dates on phenology, growth, and fecundity of eight populations of E. colona. All populations were planted every second month from September to July in 2019 to 2020 and 2020 to 2021. Echinochloa colona took the shortest time (4 to 6 d) to emerge when planted in November or January. However, the November population took the longest number of growing degree days to exhibit panicle emergence. In both years, populations differed in height and leaf, tiller, panicle, and seed production in response to planting times. Plants produced significantly greater biomass for the November planting (123 to 147 g plant–1) followed by the January planting and then the September planting. The March planting produced the lowest biomass. In the first year, the lowest number of seeds (3,500 seeds plant–1) was produced by the March planting; however, in the second year, similar numbers of seeds were produced by the March and July plantings. In the first year, seed production (51,000 seeds plant–1) was greatest for the November planting; however, some populations also produced a similar number of seeds for the January planting. In the second year, significantly greater seed production (111,000 seeds plant–1) was observed for the January planting compared with other planting dates. The aboveground biomass and seed production of E. colona were positively correlated. This study reveals variations among E. colona populations and suggests that although greater emphasis must be placed on controlling spring- and summer-emerging plants, management practices need to be extended throughout the year to control E. colona in southeastern Australia.
Southern threecornerjack (Emex australis Steinh.) produces both aerial seeds on the branches and subterranean seeds at the base of the plant crown approximately 1 to 2 cm underground. Prior research indicated that seeds buried at a depth of 1 cm have a much higher probability of germinating in the following season compared with seeds on the soil surface. The current research investigated the number of subterranean seeds produced per plant, timing of subterranean seed production, and germination requirements of subterranean seeds compared with aerial seeds. This research demonstrated that E. australis plants from multiple populations produced subterranean seeds beginning at the 4-leaf development stage, before the production of aerial seeds. Individual plants produced a maximum of 30 subterranean seeds. Germination of subterranean and aerial seeds following afterripening over the summer to autumn (December to May) fallow was similar, demonstrating that the different seed types had no differences in dormancy. Further, the subterranean seeds did not have the light requirement for germination observed in aerial seeds. Subterranean seeds had 22.2% and 24.3% germination in light and dark conditions, respectively, compared with aerial seeds, which had 26.9% germination in light conditions and 12.3% germination in the dark. Production of subterranean seeds was low, given that a mature E. australis plant may produce more than 1,100 aerial seeds, but the subterranean seeds formed earlier in plant development. Recommendations for postemergence herbicides are to spray E. australis at the 2- to 4-leaf stage of growth, yet some plants may have already produced mature subterranean seeds by this stage. Further research is required to determine the impact of subterranean seeds on population ecology.
Hairy galinsoga (Galinsoga quadriradiata Cav.) is a troublesome weed in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and other low-growing crops. Many troublesome weed species are more responsive to fertilizer than major crops, and hence potentially more competitive under fertile conditions. This study examined the responses of G. quadriradiata and lettuce, in monoculture or competition with each other, to nitrogen and phosphorus. A greenhouse experiment assessed the biomass and flower production of G. quadriradiata grown in 16 nutrient treatments. The nutrient treatments were arranged in a phosphorus series, in which phosphorus varied, while nitrogen was either low or high, and a nitrogen series, in which nitrogen varied, while phosphorus was either low or high. A field experiment examined G. quadriradiata biomass, flower production, and competition with lettuce using the same nutrient treatments as the greenhouse experiment. Galinsoga quadriradiata dry biomass increased with phosphorus addition, especially when nitrogen was abundant. In the phosphorus series at high nitrogen, G. quadriradiata produced more biomass when competing with lettuce than in monoculture. Nutrient addition generally increased flower production per unit mass. Lettuce fresh biomass increased with phosphorus, but lettuce dry biomass was largely unaffected by fertility. Lettuce fresh and dry biomass were sometimes decreased by competition from G. quadriradiata, relative to intraspecific competition. We conclude that high phosphorus rates increase the productivity of G. quadriradiata and may increase its competitiveness. Therefore, high phosphorus rates should be avoided unless good weed control can be assured.
The adoption of dicamba-resistant cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars allows using dicamba to reduce weed populations across growing seasons. However, the overuse of this tool risks selecting new herbicide-resistant biotypes. The objectives of this research were to determine the population trajectories of several weed species and track the frequency of glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson) over 8 yr in dicamba-resistant cotton. An experiment was established in North Carolina in 2011, and during the first 4 yr, different herbicide programs were applied. These programs included postemergence applications of glyphosate, alone or with dicamba, with or without residual herbicides. During the last 4 yr, all programs received glyphosate plus dicamba. Biennial rotations of postemergence applications of glyphosate only and glyphosate plus dicamba postemergence with and without preemergence herbicides were also included. Sequential applications of glyphosate plus dicamba were applied to the entire test area for the final 4 yr of the study. No herbicide program was entirely successful in controlling the weed community. Weed population trajectories were different according to species and herbicide program, creating all possible outcomes; some increased, others decreased, and others remained stable. Density of resistant A. palmeri increased during the first 4 yr with glyphosate-only programs (up to 11,739 plants m–2) and decreased a 96% during the final 4 yr, when glyphosate plus dicamba was implemented. This species had a strong influence on population levels of other weed species in the community. Goosegrass [Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.] was not affected by A. palmeri population levels and even increased its density in some herbicide programs, indicating that not only herbicide resistance but also reproductive rates and competitive dynamics are critical for determining weed population trajectories under intensive herbicide-based control programs. Frequency of glyphosate resistance reached a maximum of 62% after 4 yr, and those levels were maintained until the end of the experiment.
Cover crops enhance the biodiversity of cropping systems and can support a variety of useful ecosystem services, including weed suppression. In California orchards, cover crops are typically implemented as annual plants that can replace resident vegetation in orchard alleyways during the rainy winter season. Our research objective was to evaluate cover crop management factors that support a competitive, weed-suppressing cover crop in the unique orchard systems of central California. We conducted two experiments: an experiment evaluating cover crop management intensification in walnuts (Juglans regia L.) and an experiment evaluating multispecies cover crop mixes and planting date in almonds [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb]. These experiments demonstrate that timely cover crop planting is important for producing an abundant cover crop, and a variety of cover crop management programs can produce weed-suppressing cover crops. However, cover crops do not result in weed-free orchards and should be considered within the context of integrated management programs. The apparent flexibility of orchard cover crop management provides an opportunity to promote other agroecosystem services, with vegetation management and weed suppression as complementary management goals.
There is zero tolerance for dicamba and dicamba metabolite residue in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit following exposure to dicamba. Field trials were conducted in 2020 and 2021 to determine the persistence of dicamba and metabolite (5-hydroxy dicamba and 3,6-dichlor-osalicylic acid [DCSA]) residue in processing tomato shoots and fruits. Dicamba was applied 49 d after transplanting at 0, 0.53, 5.3, and 53 g ae ha–1. Tomato plants were harvested 5, 10, 20, 40, and 61 d after treatment (DAT). No 5-hydroxy dicamba was recovered from any sample. In 2020, the DCSA metabolite was detected from tomato shoot tissue when dicamba was applied at the 53 g ha–1 rate at 0 (14 µg kg–1), 5 (3 µg kg–1), and 20 DAT (5 µg kg–1) and from tomato fruit tissue at 53 g ha–1 at 20 (2 µg kg–1) and 61 DAT (2 µg kg–1). In 2021, DCSA was not detected from tomato shoot or fruit tissues at any harvest date. By 5 DAT, dicamba was only detected from tomato shoot tissues treated with 53 g ha–1. At 0 DAT, dicamba residue was detectable only from tomato fruit on plants treated with 53 g ha–1. Tomato fruit dicamba residue from plants treated with 5.3 g ha–1 had a predicted peak of 19 µg kg–1 at 11.3 DAT. Tomato fruit dicamba residue from plants treated with 53 g ha–1 decreased from 164 to 8 µg kg–1 from 5 to 61 DAT. Furthermore, this study confirms that dicamba is detectable from tomato fruits at 61 DAT following exposure to 5.3 or 53 g ha–1 dicamba. Growers who suspect dicamba exposure should include tomato fruit tissue with their collected sample or sample tomato fruits separately.
Dicamba was labeled in dicamba-resistant cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] in 2017, resulting in a record number of off-target complaints. To address off-target movement via volatilization, experiments were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of potassium tetraborate tetrahydrate (KBo) as a volatility-reducing agent (VRA) with dicamba. Low-tunnel experiments examined: (1) whether KBo functions as a dicamba VRA, (2) the relationship between KBo concentration and dicamba volatilization, (3) the effectiveness of KBo compared with potassium acetate as a VRA, and (4) the impact of KBo on dicamba volatilization with and without glufosinate. In a large-scale trial (0.4-ha plots), the effectiveness of KBo in reducing dicamba volatilization was quantified relative to a commercial dicamba application labeled for use in 2020. The addition of KBo to dicamba reduced volatility over dicamba alone and a dicamba plus potassium acetate premix. As KBo concentration increased in the dicamba spray solution, volatilization was exponentially reduced. Dicamba volatilization with the addition of KBo at 0.01 M was comparable to dicamba plus potassium acetate at 0.05 M. Potassium tetraborate tetrahydrate was more effective than potassium acetate at reducing volatility of a dicamba plus glufosinate mixture. In large-scale experiments over a 30-h period, the addition of KBo to a diglycolamine plus glyphosate mixture lowered dicamba volatilization 82% to 89% over the herbicide mixture alone. Overall, the addition of KBo to dicamba appears promising as a VRA compared with what is commercially available.
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