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VOL. 22 · NO. 3 | July 2008
Weed Technology
Weed Management - Major Crops
Gregory R. Armel, Henry P. Wilson, Robert J. Richardson, Cory M. Whaley, Thomas E. Hines
Weed Technology 22 (3), 391-396, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: ALS-inhibiting herbicides, HPPD-inhibiting herbicides, perennial weeds, photosystem II-inhibiting herbicides, postemergence, preemergence, tank mixtures, triketone herbicides
Caleb D. Dalley, Edward P. Richard
Weed Technology 22 (3), 397-401, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: herbicide, Perennial weed control, synergism, Weed interference
Curtis A. Jones, James L. Griffin
Weed Technology 22 (3), 402-407, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: Foliar-applied herbicides, herbicide combinations, layby weed control programs, soil-applied herbicides, sugarcane
Jason K. Norsworthy, Robert C. Scott, Kenneth L. Smith, Lawrence R. Oliver
Weed Technology 22 (3), 408-413, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: Glyphosate resistance, Herbicide resistance, herbicide tolerance, selection for resistance, weed
G.L. Steele, S.A. Senseman, A.S. Sciumbato, J.M. Chandler
Weed Technology 22 (3), 414-419, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: 14C-glyphosate, cotton, Herbicide interaction, perennial morningglory, short-term control, weed desiccation
Steven R. King, Josefina O. Garcia
Weed Technology 22 (3), 420-424, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: herbicide, PRE, Kochia, residual control, velvetleaf, wild buckwheat
Bradford W. Minton, Mark A. Matocha, Scott A. Senseman
Weed Technology 22 (3), 425-430, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: Carryover injury, herbicide persistence, herbicide residues, rotational crops
Andrew T. Ellis, Gaylon D. Morgan, Thomas C. Mueller
Weed Technology 22 (3), 431-434, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: ALS-inhibitor resistance, Herbicide mode of action, Herbicide resistance, resistance management
Eric D. Jemmett, Donald C. Thill, Traci A. Rauch, Daniel A. Ball, Sandra M. Frost, Larry H. Bennett, Joseph P. Yenish, Rodney J. Rood
Weed Technology 22 (3), 435-441, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: conservation tillage, direct seed, growth stage, fallow, herbicide, no-till
W James Grichar, Peter A. Dotray, Todd A. Baughman
Weed Technology 22 (3), 442-447, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: herbicide combinations, peanut injury, peanut yield, Weed competition
Randall S. Currie, Norman L. Klocke
Weed Technology 22 (3), 448-452, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: integrated weed management, Leaf Area Index (LAI), hail
Christopher A. Roider, James L. Griffin, Stephen A. Harrison, Curtis A. Jones
Weed Technology 22 (3), 453-458, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: Crop injury, herbicide drift, Off-target movement, water volume, wheat yield components
Andrew J. Price, Clifford H. Koger, John W. Wilcut, Donnie Miller, Edzard van Santen
Weed Technology 22 (3), 459-466, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: LAYBY herbicide application, weed control
Weed Management - Other Crops/Areas
Peter J. Dittmar, David W. Monks, Jonathan R. Schultheis, Katherine M. Jennings
Weed Technology 22 (3), 467-471, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: Crop injury, directed spray, herbicide, sulfonylurea, nutsedge control
Glenn Wehtje, James E. Altland, Charles H. Gilliam
Weed Technology 22 (3), 472-476, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: linear regression, nonlinear regression, synergism and antagonism
Timothy L. Grey, Andrew MacRae, A Stanley Culpepper
Weed Technology 22 (3), 477-480, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: Crop injury, herbicide persistence, multiple cropping, onion, simulated carryover, soil-applied herbicides
Patrick E. McCullough, Stephen E. Hart
Weed Technology 22 (3), 481-485, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: chlorosis, Efficacy, herbicide, injury, rooting, tolerance, turfgrass
Andrew W. Lenssen
Weed Technology 22 (3), 486-492, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: integrated weed management, integrated crop management, zero tillage, weed density, water-use efficiency
Bradley D. Hanson, Sally A. Schneider
Weed Technology 22 (3), 493-498, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: Bare root tree, herbicide screening, methyl bromide alternatives, selectivity, tolerance, tree Nursery
B. Wilder, J.A. Ferrell, B.A. Sellers, G.E. MacDonald
Weed Technology 22 (3), 499-501, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: crude protein, forage yield, injury, near infrared reflectance spectrometry
Diego J. Bentivegna, Reid J. Smeda
Weed Technology 22 (3), 502-506, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: emergence, herbicide combinations, invasive, residual herbicides, Roadside
Weed Management - Techniques
Timothy W. Miller, Laura Potash Martin, Craig B. MacConnell
Weed Technology 22 (3), 507-513, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: Arroyo willow, red alder, tree protectors
Wesley J. Everman, Case R. Medlin, Richard D. Dirks, Thomas T. Bauman, Larry Biehl
Weed Technology 22 (3), 514-522, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: precision agriculture, precision weed control, site-specific herbicide application
Ankush Joshi
Weed Technology 22 (3), 523-529, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: biocontrol, classical biocontrol, Combined practices, grass competition, insects, integrated weed management
Hugh J. Beckie, Julia Y. Leeson, A Gordon Thomas, Clark A. Brenzil, Linda M. Hall, Grant Holzgang, Chris Lozinski, Scott Shirriff
Weed Technology 22 (3), 530-543, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: ACCase inhibitor, ALS inhibitor, cross resistance, grower awareness, grower practices, Herbicide resistance, resistance management, survey
Andrew M. Westhoven, Vince M. Davis, Kevin D. Gibson, Stephen C. Weller, William G. Johnson
Weed Technology 22 (3), 544-548, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: correlation, discriminating dose, field history, indicator species, survey
Dirk V. Baker, K. George Beck
Weed Technology 22 (3), 549-552, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: dispersal, invasive species, tumbleweed, weed ecology, weed seed, wind tunnel design
Travis W. Gannon, Fred H. Yelverton
Weed Technology 22 (3), 553-557, (1 July 2008)
Brent A. Besler, W James Grichar, Scott A. Senseman, Robert G. Lemon, Todd A. Baughman
Weed Technology 22 (3), 558-562, (1 July 2008)
KEYWORDS: herbicides, integrated weed management, single row, twin row, yield
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