Publisher: CSIRO Publishing

Below are lists of this title's Most Read and Most Recently Cited articles. The Most Read articles are the articles which have been downloaded the most on the new platform. The Most Recently Cited articles list uses Crossref cited-by data (downloaded on the 1st and 15th of each month) to automatically identify papers which have received the most new citations over the last month. The articles that appear here are not those which have received the most citations in total, but rather the articles which have been cited most often most recently.
Evaluating scat surveys as a tool for population and community assessments
Alexandra J. Paton, et al. (2021)
Accuracies and biases of ageing white-tailed deer in semiarid environments
Aaron M. Foley, et al. (2021)
Developing a correction factor to apply to animal–vehicle collision data for improved road mitigation measures
Tracy S. Lee, et al. (2021)
An overview of the history, current contributions and future outlook of iNaturalist in Australia
Thomas Mesaglio, et al. (2021)
Human–wildlife interactions in urban areas: a review of conflicts, benefits and opportunities
Carl D. Soulsbury, et al. (2015)
Amplified predation after fire suppresses rodent populations in Australia’s tropical savannas
Lily Leahy, et al. (2016)
Applying mixture models to derive activity states of large herbivores from movement rates obtained using GPS telemetry
Norman Owen-Smith, et al. (2012)