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17 November 1997 The identity of Aeonium ciliatum (Willd.) Webb & Berth. (Crassulaceae)
Ángel Bañares Baudet, M. Catalina León
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Aeonium ciliatum, a local endemic of Tenerife, Canary Islands, has long been merged with a different species from the island of La Palma. Based on an analysis of the type and other material, its actual identity is clarified, and a revised description, an illustration and a comparison with related and easily confused species is provided.

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Ángel Bañares Baudet and M. Catalina León "The identity of Aeonium ciliatum (Willd.) Webb & Berth. (Crassulaceae)," Willdenowia 27(1/2), 143-146, (17 November 1997).
Published: 17 November 1997
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