Débora da Silva, Mônica Cassel, Mahmoud Mehanna, Adelina Ferreira, Mary Anne Heidi Dolder
Zoological Science 35 (6), 553-563, (1 December 2018) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs180030
KEYWORDS: Tropiduridae, oogenesis, follicle growth, corpus luteum, atresia, sexual maturity
The follicular development and reproductive characteristics of four species of oviparous lizards in the Tropidurus torquatus group were anatomically and histologically evaluated. We measured specimens, recorded the number of follicles and eggs, and removed the right ovary of each individual, which we processed according to histological routine and photo-documented. For all species, ovaries were divided into a cortical germinal bed, where oogonia and stage I oocytes are located, and a medullar stroma, where the remaining follicular developmental stages occur. Microscopic analysis did not show differences in ovarian follicle development for the four species of the T. torquatus group. The only measurement that presented significant variation throughout follicular development was the thickness of the granulosa layer in stage VII follicles. Regarding snout-tovent length at sexual maturity, few variations were observed among the species, with the smallest length recorded for T. oreadicus. Clutch size was higher for T. itambere and T. torquatus species, with a maximum of five and six eggs in the oviducts, respectively. Tropidurus oreadicus and T. hispidus had a maximum of five and six follicles, respectively, but neither species presented eggs in the oviducts. In addition, the reproductive activity varied among the four lizard species of the T. torquatus group. Finally, besides the morphological characteristics observed among these species, this is the first study to report data on the germinal bed, number of ovarian follicles, corpus luteum, and follicular atresia in relation to reproductive activity.