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Alegro, A., Šegota, V. & Rimac, A. 2021. A catalogue of the hornworts and liverworts of Croatia. – Herzogia 34: 227–254.
The amount of information on the hornwort and liverwort flora of Croatia has increased in the last decade due to new field records and detailed literature reviews. Based on these data, an updated list of the hornwort and liverwort taxa present in Croatia has been compiled and is presented here. Considering recent taxonomic and nomenclatural changes, five hornwort species, 156 liverwort species and seven infraspecific taxa are reported for the country. Additionally, 16 taxa are rejected with explanatory annotations. For each taxon, all the publications in which it is cited are listed in chronological order, along with the nomenclature originally used.
Rimac, A., Alegro, A., Šegota, V., Koletić, N. & Papp, B. 2021. Bryum klinggraeffii and Philonotis marchica – new to the bryoflora of Croatia. – Herzogia 34: 255 –266.
Two new records for the still quite underexplored Croatian bryophyte flora are presented. The ephemeral colonist Bryum klinggraeffii was recorded in pioneer dwarf-cyperaceous vegetation along sandy banks of two lowland watercourses of Central and Eastern Croatia (Continental Biogeographical Region), while turfs of Philonotis marchica were found on submerged and exposed carbonate rocks in a fast-flowing karstic river in the mountainous region of Gorski Kotar (Alpine Biogeographical Region). Here we provide a detailed description of ecological conditions and a vegetation account for all sites of occurrence of these species in Croatia. These findings of quite rare species, especially P. marchica, which is listed as endangered on European level, also represent a valuable contribution to the bryoflora of Southeast Europe, the European region with the greatest deficit in knowledge of bryophytes.
Guerra, J., Gallego, M. T., Jiménez, J. A., Lüth, M. & Pedrocchi-Rius, C. 2021. The rare moss Cinclidotus vivesii Ederra, a case of interspecific hybridization. – Herzogia 34: 267–278.
Cinclidotus vivesii Ederra was described as a new species, although it has not subsequently been collected outside of the type locality. A study based on specimens morphologically close to this species, from the north of the Iberian Peninsula, and samples of the known European species of Cinclidotus, using the sequences of the plastid rps4 and ITS2 of rDNA regions, has shown that C. vivesii is an interspecific hybrid between C. aquaticus (male parent) and C. riparius (female parent). Cinclidotus ×vivesii nothosp. & stat. nov. is proposed for specimens from the only known population, previously described as a species.
Yin, X.-B., Lamara, M., Liyanage, N. S., Zhu, R.-L. & Fenton, N. J. 2021. Riccardia vitrea (Aneuraceae), a liverwort species new to China and North America. – Herzogia 34: 279 –285.
The liverwort species Riccardia vitrea Furuki (Aneuraceae) is reported for the first time for China and North America (Canada). This report is primarily focused on its occurrence in Canada.. Riccardia vitrea is characterized by numerous small oil bodies in both epidermal and inner cells, and by prostrate, wide and poorly developed ultimate pinnules, and is thus easily distinguished from other Canadian species of the genus. This constitutes a significant extension of its known range from East Asia to North America. This species could be overlooked owing to the fact that dry specimens without oil bodies are often used in identification, and it is probably more widespread than currently known in the boreal forests of Canada. Illustrations and descriptions based on the Canadian specimens are provided with a key for Canadian species of the genus.
Eckstein, J., Sochorová, Z. & Janošík, L. 2021. Octospora oscarii spec. nov. (Pezizales), a bryophilous ascomycete on the pleurocarpous moss Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans (Hypnales). – Herzogia 34: 286 –298.
The bryophilous ascomycete Octospora oscarii is described as a new species based on collections from Central Germany and the Czech Republic. It grows on the pleurocarpous moss Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans and is characterised by smooth ascospores and an infection on the rhizoids of its host. This is the first account of P. elegans as a host of bryophilous ascomycetes. Phylogenetic analyses of concatenated LSU, SSU and EF1-α gene sequences showed that the studied collections of this species form a well-supported monophyletic lineage differing from all previously studied species of bryophilous Pezizales. Macroscopic and microscopic features of the new species are illustrated by colour photographs and drawings, and are compared to those of the other species of bryophilous Pezizales similarly growing on pleurocarpous mosses.
Sündhofer, R., Mayrhofer, H., Werth, S., Dragićević, S. & Berg, C. 2021. Epiphytic bryophytes and lichens in Graz and Podgorica (Austria and Montenegro). – Herzogia 34: 299 –326.
In Graz (Austria) and Podgorica (Montenegro), epiphytic lichens and bryophytes were studied in 2017 based on a standardized approach. On 165 trees in Graz, 27 bryophyte and 38 lichen species were determined. In Podgorica, on 161 trees, 29 bryophyte and 52 lichen species were found. The mean epiphytic cover in Graz was significantly higher. Mean bryophyte cover was higher in Podgorica, mean lichen cover was significantly higher in Graz. Many species occurred in both cities. The mean species number per plot was nearly the same in both cities. Five urban habitat types were distinguished: parks, garden city, residential area, industrial area, and areas along rivers. Mean species numbers of lichens and bryophytes differed significantly between phorophyte species. The tree trunk circumference had no significant impact on the species number. Bryophytes preferred a northern and western exposition on the tree trunk. For lichens, this pattern could not be confirmed. Agonimia opuntiella, Caloplaca cerinelloides, Candelariella viae-lacteae, Catapyrenium psoromoides, and Mycobilimbia epixanthoides were reported for the first time in Montenegro.
Knudsen, K., Kocourková, J., Hodková, E. & Schiefelbein, U. 2021. A new species of Myriospora (Acarosporaceae) and a report of Myriospora rufescens from Central Europe. – Herzogia 34: 327–338.
Myriospora bullata is described from Germany. It is similar to M. scabrida in having apothecia in a parathecial ring but differs in becoming bullate, in often being orange, and in being a lichenicolous lichen. It is probably restricted to copper-rich rock. Myriospora himalayensis is not considered a member of the genus but a regional lineage in either Acarospora or Sarcogyne. Myriospora rufescens is reported new for the Czech Republic.
Wirth, V., Hauck, M. & Sipman, H. 2021. Anmerkungen zu flechtenfloristischen Angaben für Thüringen und Umgebung. – Herzogia 34: 339 –353.
In einer Publikation über die Flechten Thüringens (L. Meinunger: Kommentierte Checkliste der Flechten Thüringens, 2011) erschienen zahlreiche Angaben fraglich und wurden daher nicht in die Flechtenflora von Deutschland aus dem Jahr 2013 übernommen. Im Jahr 2019 wurde posthum Meinungers Florenatlas der Flechten des Thüringer Waldes, der Rhön und angrenzender Gebiete veröffentlicht. In dieser Publikation wurden die problematischen Angaben teils wiederholt, für eine substanzielle Zahl von Arten (61 Arten) jedoch auch revidiert. Zudem wurden neue offensichtlich überprüfenswerte Arten aufgeführt. In vorliegendem Beitrag werden stichprobenhaft die Bestimmungen von 40 der Flechten überprüft, bei denen wir Meinungers Artzuordnungen anzweifelten. Davon erwiesen sich nicht weniger als 35 Arten als falsch bestimmt, eine als teilweise falsch bestimmt und nur vier als richtig angesprochen. Lecanora chlorophaeodes wird als neu für Deutschland nachgewiesen.
Litterski, B., Dolnik, C., Neumann, P., Schiefelbein, U. & Schultz, M. 2021: Veränderungen der Flechtenflora auf dem Darß im Nationalpark Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft. – Herzogia 34: 354 –381.
Die aktuelle Flechtenflora auf drei Monitoringflächen auf dem Darß wird dargestellt und mit der Ersterfassung vor 25 Jahren verglichen, außerdem werden weitere Nachweise ergänzend erbracht. Insgesamt umfasst die Zusammenstellung 194 Flechten und 20 lichenicole Pilze, wobei die Vorkommen von sieben Arten (Bryoria fuscescens, Cladonia zopfii, Diplotomma alboatrum, Mycobilimbia sphaeroides, Scoliciosporum chlorococcum, Sphinctrina turbinata, Stereocaulon condensatum) 2019 nicht bestätigt und etwa 85 Taxa erstmals für die Halbinsel Darß-Zingst nachgewiesen werden. Dies ist auf Veränderungen der Luftgüte, Klimawandel, Sukzession und Waldentwicklung im Schutzgebiet sowie den besseren Kenntnisstand zurückzuführen. Die Untersuchung ist zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis von FFH-Lebensraumtypen im Küstenraum, insbesondere der bewaldeten Küstendünen (Code 2180). Der lichenicole Pilz Lichenosticta lecanorae wird erstmals für Deutschland nachgewiesen. Erstnachweise von vier weiteren lichenicolen Pilzen (Abrothallus bertianus, Ellisembia lichenicola, Stigmidium eucline, Tremella wirthii) sowie von sechs Flechten (Absconditella delutula, Alyxoria viridipruinosa, Fuscidea arboricola, Lepraria leuckertiana, Loxospora elatina, Strigula taylorii) werden für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern erbracht.
Kukwa, M. & Ossowska, E. A. 2021. New localities of two rare Ochrolechia species: O. azorica and O. dalmatica. – Herzogia 34: 382–386.
The first records of Ochrolechia azorica from Madeira and O. dalmatica from Syria are presented. Ochrolechia azorica was previously known only from the Azores and O. dalmatica from Europe (Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Spain) and Asia (Turkey) in the Mediterranean region.
Ismailov, A. 2021. Diversity and peculiarities of lichens in subnival habitats of Shalbuzdag Mountain (East Caucasus, Dagestan, Russia). – Herzogia 34: 387–399.
One hundred and four species of lichenized fungi and three species of lichenicolous fungi have been revealed in habitats above 3000 m a.s.l of Shalbuzdag Mountain. Some species are reported from these altitudes for the first time. Gyalolechia klementii is new for Russia and the Greater Caucasus. Heteroplacidium fusculum and Calvitimela aglaea are reported for the Greater Caucasus for the first time. Tetramelas papillatus, Toninia taurica and Rhizocarpon atroflavescens are new records for the East Caucasus. All of these species and Placidium rufescens are new for Dagestan. Habitats at an altitudinal range of 3000 –3200 m are characterized by the highest species richness. Lichens of the family Teloschistaceae are the core of the lichen flora with the highest number of recorded species (26) and genera (11). The lichen communities at mount Shalbuzdag are dominated by species preferring arid habitats, but there are also arctic-alpine species. For the first time, detailed data are provided on the lichen diversity in arid calcareous habitats above 3000 m in the Caucasus and Russia.
Seaward, M. R. D., Khadhri, A. & Amrani, S. 2021. Checklist of the lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Tunisia. – Herzogia 34: 400 – 427.
Although lichens have been the subject of renewed interest for many countries worldwide, this has not been the case for Tunisia where much of the territory continues to be largely under-explored. In order to promote lichenological research in Tunisia, a checklist was published in 1996 together with an historical overview and a bibliography compiled from a wide range of published sources. As a result of more recent field and herbarium work, a revised checklist containing 644 taxa (628 lichens and 16 lichenicolous and allied fungi) is provided, of which 230 taxa are additional to the previous checklist; it also takes into account the large number of changes to the nomenclature in recent years.
Berger, F. & Zimmermann, E. 2021: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der lichenicolen Mycobiota der Alpen I. – Weitere Funde aus Tirol und der Schweiz. – Herzogia 34: 428 – 460.
Neu beschrieben wird Cryptodiscus tirolensis. Von Spirographa ciliata wird das sexuelle Stadium beschrieben. Erstnachweise für die Alpen sind Bryoscyphus lichenicola, Cryptodiscus galaninae, Endococcus hafellneri, Hyphodiscus ucrainicus, Lichenodiplis lecanoricola, Nesolechia cetrariicola, Polycoccum evae, Pseudopyrenidium tartaricola, Rhizocarpon advenulum, Sphaerellothecium epilecanora, Stigmidium mitchelii, Zhurbenkoa epicladonia und Zwackhiomyces kiszkianus. Erstfunde für Österreich sind Epithamnolia longicladoniae, Gyrophthorus perforans, Monodictys cladoniae, Neoburgoa freyi, Polycoccum clauzadei, Pronectria rolfiana, Sclerococcum montagnei, Sphaerellothecium cladoniicola und Spirographa triangularis. Erstfunde für die Schweiz sind Abrothallus peyritschii, Arthonia excentrica, Cercidospora stereocaulorum, C. trypetheliza, Lasiosphaeriopsis stereocaulicola, Lichenopeltella uncialicola, Monodictys cladoniae, Phacographa protoparmeliae, Polycoccum cladoniae, Pronectria tincta, Protothelenella santessonii, Rhymbocarpus neglectus, Rosellinula haplospora, Sclerococcum lobariellum, S. montagnei, Sphaerellothecium cladoniicola, S. icmadophilae, S. minutum, Stigmidium croceae, S. leucophlebiae, Tremella christiansenii und Zwackhiomyces martinatianus. Sphaerellothecium icmadophilae ist ein Neufund für Italien. Insgesamt werden 48 Taxa erstmals für Tirol angegeben.
Zimmermann, E. & Berger, F. 2021. Lichenicole Pilze auf Thamnolia in den Alpen. – Herzogia 34: 461– 492.
Ziel dieser Studie war eine Übersicht über die lichenicolen Pilze auf Thamnolia vermicularis in den europäischen Alpen. Insgesamt konnten wir 23 Arten nachweisen, das entspricht genau der Zahl der auf Thamnolia bekannten Arten aus der Arktis. In beiden Biomen zusammen sind nun 31 Arten bekannt, wobei sich 17 Arten in beiden Arealen fanden (ca. 55 %). Neu beschrieben werden Polycoccum alpinum und Scleroccoccum zhurbenkoi. Neufunde auf Thamnolia für die Alpen sind Capronia thamnoliae, Cercidospora thamnoliicola, Phaeospora arctica, Sphaerellothecium taimyricum, S. thamnoliae, Sphaeropeziza intermedia, S. santessonii, S. thamnoliae und Taeniolella sp. Erstfunde für die Schweiz sind Merismatium thamnoliicola, Polycoccum vermicularium und Stigmidium frigidum; neu für Österreich sind: Cercidospora thamnoliae, Corticium silviae, Merismatium thamnoliicola; neu für Italien: Corticium silviae, Polycoccum vermicularium und Stigmidium frigidum.
Zhurbenko, M. P. 2021. Studies on lichenicolous fungi in the Uppsala (UPS) collection curated by the late Rolf Santesson. – Herzogia 34: 493 –507.
A new genus and species, Stromatoneolamya ugandensis, is described for a lichenicolous ascomycete growing on Canoparmelia nairobiensis that mainly differs from Neolamya peltigerae in its well-developed clypeus, completely immersed ascomata clustered in stromatic warts on the host thallus, and the absence of external periphyses. Three additional new species are described: Lichenopeltella mobergii (on Hypogymnia kiboensis), Llimoniella bryonthae (on Pertusaria bryontha), and Plectocarpon santessonii (on Parmotrema pseudonilgherrense). Polycoccum laursenii is reported as new to the southern hemisphere from Australia, Lettauia hypotrachynae new to Uganda, Merismatium corae new to Guatemala, Scutula miliaris new to China, and Stigmidium triebeliae new to Portugal from Madeira. Lettauia hypotrachynae is first reported from Hypotrachyna densirhizinata and Muellerella lichenicola from Pertusaria papillulata.
Baumann, M., Müller, F. & Kučera, J. 2021. Wiederfund von Ulota drummondii für Deutschland. – Herzogia 34: 508 –514.
Ulota drummondii konnte für Deutschland nach über 130 Jahren wiederentdeckt und für das Bundesland Sachsen erstmals nachgewiesen werden. Es wird über die Fundumstände und den Fundort berichtet und in einer Diskussion auf den Wiederfund eingegangen. Die Identität der Probe wurde molekular anhand der ITS-Sequenz überprüft.
Otte, V. 2021. Leptodon smithii an Polens Westgrenze, ein Neufund für Polen. – Herzogia 34: 515 –518.
Das atlantisch-mediterran verbreitete Moos Leptodon smithii wurde einige Hundert Kilometer nördlich/nordöstlich von seinen bisher bekannten mitteleuropäischen Vorposten in Bielawa Dolna in der Niederschlesischen Wojewodschaft in Polen gefunden. Das Habitat ist eine NW-exponierte Betonmauer unter Laubbäumen. Der Fundpunkt befindet sich in einem Dorf am Rande des Neißetales, das nach 1945 weitgehend verlassen wurde.
van den Boom, P. P. G. 2021 New records of Bacidina (Ramalinaceae) and Xenonectriella (Nectriaceae) from the Netherlands with special notes on some smaller Bacidina species. – Herzogia 34: 519 –523
Four easily overlooked species of Bacidina, B. chloroticula, B. etayana, B. mendax and B. saxenii, are treated from The Netherlands. Newly recorded from the Netherlands is B. mendax. Details of the ecology are given and morphology has been compared. Xenonectriella physciacearum is new to the Netherlands.
Oset, M. & Otte, V.: Flavoparmelia soredians new to Poland – Herzogia 34: 524 –527.
A total of nearly 700 Flavoparmelia specimens from Poland were checked, complemented by recent field observations. Among them, nine specimens of F. soredians were revealed. Most of them were found in the last few years, but the oldest collections date back to the year 1964. These observations indicate a recent spread which may represent the effect of long-term climate change, with a considerable delay in the colonisation process due to persistent air pollution.
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