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VOL. 27 · NO. 4 | October 1991
John E. Blake, Bruce D. McLean, Anne Gunn
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 527-533, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, yersiniosis, muskox, Ovibos moschatus, pathology, bacteriology, epidemiology, Population biology, Canadian Arctic
Michael W. Miller, N. Thompson Hobbs, Elizabeth S. Williams
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 534-542, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis canadensis, pneumonia, Cortisol, stress, epizootiology, Pasteurellosis, Pasteurella haemolytica
Shawn M. Combs, Richard G. Botzler
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 543-550, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: American coots, Anas spp., avian cholera, behavioral ecology, Cygnus columbianus, epizootiology, Fulica americana, Tundra Swans
Barbara A. Kalvig, Lillian Maggio-Price, Joyce Tsuji, W. Ellis Giddens
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 551-556, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Salmonella spp., infection, pathology, standard metabolic rate, Sceloporus spp., Lizards, inapparent carriers
Larisa A. Ford, Ronald L. Thune
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 557-561, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: S-layer protein, motile aeromonads, motile aeromonad septicemia (MAS), channel catfish, Aeromonas sp.
Louis A. Magnarelli, James H. Oliver Jr., H. Joel Hutcheson, John F. Anderson
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 562-568, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Borrelia burgdorferi, Lyme borreliosis, antibodies, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, deer Odocoileus virginianus, raccoons Procyon lotor
Leila Sadi, Robert Joyal, Mario St-Georges, Lucie Lamontagne
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 569-577, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, prevalence, bovine herpesvirus 1, bovine viral diarrhea virus, parainfluenza 3 virus, serosurvey
Jennifer A. Spencer, Richard Burroughs
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 578-583, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Acinonyx jubatus, captive cheetahs, Antibody response, modified live virus vaccine, ELISA, feline panleukopenia, feline herpes virus, feline calici virus, experimental study
James F. Boggs, Scott T. McMurry, David M. Leslie Jr., David M. Engle, Robert L. Lochmiller
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 584-593, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: cotton rat, Sigmodon hispidus, habitat modification, parasitism, helminth community ecology, Brush management, Tebuthiuron, triclopyr, prescribed burning
Dale L. Garner, William F. Porter
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 594-598, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: meningeal worm, Parelaphostrongylus tenuis, white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, prevalence, survey
M. J. Pybus, D. K. Onderka, N. Cool
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 599-605, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Triclabendazole, Wapiti, Fascioloides magna, Cervus elaphus nelsoni, anthelmintic, treatment, drug trial, translocation
Lance A. Durden, Shirley Luckhart, Gary R. Mullen, Sheila Smith
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 606-614, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: ticks, Ixodidae, Amblyomma americanum, Amblyomma maculatum, Dermacentor albipictus, Ixodes scapularis, ectoparasites, white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, survey
David E. Swayne, David Getzy, Richard D. Slemons, Carol Bocetti, Lynn Kramer
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 615-620, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Nashville Warbler, Vermivora ruficapilla, lymphocytic enteritis, coccidiosis, lymphosarcoma
A. Poli, M. Nigro, D. Gallazzi, G. Sironi, A. Lavazza, D. Gelmetti
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 621-629, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Acute hepatosis, nephrosis, viral infection
Glenn D. DelGiudice, L. D. Mech, U. S. Seal
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 630-636, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Canis lupus, hematology, hemoglobin, wolf population density, wolf pups, wolf weights
Glenn D. DelGiudice, Lynn L. Rogers, Arthur W. Allen, U. S. Seal
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 637-642, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: black bear, body weight, hematology, hibernation, lactation, nutritional assessment, Ursus americanus
Dwayne A. W. Lepitzki, Alan Woolf
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 643-649, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: hematology, serum chemistry, cottontail rabbits, Sylvilagus floridanus, survey
C. E. Couvillion, J. R. Jackson, R. P. Ingram, L. W. Bennett, C. P. McCoy
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 650-656, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: aflatoxin B1, avian neoplasia, carcinogens, chufa, corn, Grus canadensis pulla, Mississippi sandhill crane, mycotoxins, neoplasia, tumors
Paul J. Canfield
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 657-660, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: koala, Phascolarctos cinereus, motor vehicle accidents, specified injuries, underlying disease, survey
K. J. Stafford
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 661-667, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Kobus leche kafuensis, bovine tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis, endoparasites, Strobiloestrous vanzyli, ectoparasites, review
David E. Stallknecht, M. Lisa Kellogg, J. L. Blue, J. E. Pearson
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 668-674, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: bluetongue virus, epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus, hemorrhagic disease, white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, antibodies, serology
W. O. Fletcher, D. E. Stallknecht, M. T. Kearney, K. A. Eernisse
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 675-680, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: antibodies, Odocoileus virginianus, Ossabaw Island, prevalence, southeastern United States, vesicular stomatitis virus, white-tailed deer
Makonnen Fekadu, John H. Shaddock, John W. Sumner, Dane W. Sanderlin, Janice C. Knight, Joseph J. Esposito, George M. Baer
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 681-684, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Raccoon poxvirus, recombinant vaccine, rabies, skunk, Mephitis mephitis, vaccination
Luc A. Devriese, Magne Bisgaard, Jozef Hommez, Erik Uyttebroek, Rik Ducatelle, Freddy Haesebrouck
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 685-687, (1 October 1991) Open Access
D. A. Stoffregen, J. P. Dubey
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 688-692, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Sarcocystis sp.-like protozoan, schizonts, raccoon, Procyon lotor, necrotizing encephalitis, canine distemper virus, case report
Steven McOrist, Richard Boid, Tudor W. Jones, Nigel Easterbee, Alexandra L. Hubbard, Oswald Jarrett
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 693-696, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: feline leukemia virus, European wildcat, feline rhinotracheitis, Felis silvestris, survey
S. Hum, N. J. Barton, David Obendorf, Ian K. Barker
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 697-700, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: common wombat, Vombatus ursinus, coccidiosis, Eimeria arundeli, case reports
Jeffrey P. Hill, Gary L. Hendrickson
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 701-705, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Haemogregarina roelofsi sp. n., Haemogregarina leptocotti sp. n., haematozoa, marine fish, parasite, survey
Thomas J. O'Shea, Bruce L. Homer, Ellis C. Greiner, A. William Layton
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 706-709, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: brain, case history, encephalitis, Nasitrema sp., pathology, Stenella coeruleoalba, striped dolphin, Vibrio
Charles R. Bursey, Stephen R. Goldberg
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 710-715, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Nematoda, Physaloptera retusa, Yarrow's spiny lizard, Sceloporus jarrovii jarrovii, monthly prevalences, survey
William J. Foreyt, Bradley B. Compton
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 716-718, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: meningeal worm, brain worm, Parelaphostrongylus tenuis, mites, Psoroptes sp., white-tailed deer, survey
Stephen R. Goldberg, Charles R. Bursey
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 719-722, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Ixodes pacificus, Ixodidae, Neotrombicula californica, Trombiculidae, Geckobiella texana, Pterygosomatidae, Ophionyssus natricis, Macronyssidae, Sceloporus graciosus, Uta stansburiana, Iguanidae, infestation, prevalance, attachment
Daniel E. Snyder, Amir N. Hamir, Cathleen A. Hanlon, Charles E. Rupprecht
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 723-726, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Notoedres douglasi, porcupine, Erethizon dorsatum, Acariasis, skin lesions, case report
Dianne B. Brillhart, Richard D. McKown
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 727, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Ixodes brunneus, Common Grackle, Quiscalus quiscula, tick
Roman Lechowski, Jan Pisarski, Jerzy Goslawski, Maciej Lenarcik
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 728-730, (1 October 1991) Open Access
KEYWORDS: giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis, chronic diarrhea, pancreas, feces, Amylase, lipase, trypsin
Michael D. Kock
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 731-732, (1 October 1991) Open Access
No abstract available
Jon T. Jorgenson, Judith Samson, Marco Festa-Bianchet
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27 (4), 733-734, (1 October 1991) Open Access
No abstract available
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