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VOL. 57 · NO. 2 | April 2021
Damian C. Lettoof, Fabien Aubret, Francis Spilsbury, Philip W. Bateman, James Haberfield, Jordan Vos, Monique Marthe Gagnon
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 253-263, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: 8-oxo-dG, biomarkers, depuration, DNA damage, urbanization, wildlife health
Krysten Schuler, Michael Claymore, Hannah Schnitzler, Edward Dubovi, Tonie Rocke, Michael J. Perry, Dwight Bowman, Rachel C. Abbott
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 264-272, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: black-footed ferret, canine distemper virus, coyote, plague, serosurvey, West Nile virus
Maxine Zylberberg, Caroline Van Hemert, Colleen M. Handel, Rachel M. Liu, Joseph L. DeRisi
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 273-281, (25 March 2021) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Avian keratin disorder, beak, Bird, deformity, disease, epizootic, picornavirus, virus
Bjørnar Ytrehus, Mara Rocchi, Hege Brandsegg, Dylan Turnbull, Andrea Miller, Hans Christian Pedersen, John Atle Kålås, Erlend B. Nilsen
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 282-291, (25 March 2021) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Lagopus lagopus, Louping-ill virus, ptarmigan, serosurvey, tick-borne viruses
Maaike Vercauteren, Gert Van Hoey, Annemie Decostere, Filip Boyen, Bart Ampe, Lisa Devriese, Koen Chiers
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 292-302, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Belgium, common dab, ecosystem health, North Sea, skin ulceration, survey, Vibrio
Faith M. Walker, Colin J. Sobek, Camille E. Platts-McPharlin, Carol L. Chambers
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 303-312, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Arizona, Big Brown Bat, Chiroptera, Lyssavirus, microsatellite DNA, minimally invasive genetic sampling, rabies virus, sociality
Kayla M. Kauffman, Todd Cornish, Kevin Monteith, Brant Schumaker, Tayler LaSharr, Katey Huggler, Myrna Miller
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 313-320, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Adenovirus hemorrhagic disease, Cervus canadensis nelsoni, Deer atadenovirus A, Odocoileus hemionus, perinatal transmission, vaginal implant transmitter, viral detection
E. Alejandro Lozano-Cavazos, J. Vicente Velázquez-Morales, Marco A. Santillán-Flores, Luis A. Tarango-Arámbula, Genaro Olmos-Oropeza, J. Felipe Martínez-Montoya, César Cortez-Romero
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 321-326, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Asymptomatic, deer, paratuberculosis, seroprevalence, sex
Gaia Moore-Jones, Salome Dürr, Christian Willisch, Marie-Pierre Ryser-Degiorgis
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 327-337, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Dichelobacter nodosus, epidemiology, footrot, questionnaire survey, triangulation approach, wild Caprinae, wildlife-livestock interface
Karen A. Fox, Stefanie M. Muller, Terry R. Spraker, Mary E. Wood, Michael W. Miller
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 338-344, (25 March 2021) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bighorn Sheep, chronic wasting disease, immunohistochemistry, Ovis canadensis, scrapie, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy
Mei-Hsiu Hwang, Ting-Wei Chin, Pin-Huan Yu
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 345-356, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Acorn season, fecal examination, Formosan black bears, gastrointestinal parasite, Yushan National Park
Robin W. Radcliffe, Mark Jago, Peter vdB Morkel, Estelle Morkel, Pierre du Preez, Piet Beytell, Birgit Kotting, Bakker Manuel, Jan Hendrik du Preez, Michele A. Miller, Julia Felippe, Stephen A. Parry, Robin D. Gleed
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 357-367, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: dead space, helicopter, hypercapnia, hypoxemia, oxygenation, suspension by feet, translocation
Zoran Žlabravec, Tomi Trilar, Brigita Slavec, Uroš Krapež, Al Vrezec, Olga Zorman Rojs, Jožko Račnik
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 368-375, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: autumn migration, Avian, herpesvirus, passerine birds, PCR, Slovenia
Michael R. Allan, James P. Goltz, Paul Turmel, Tony Cole
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 376-379, (25 March 2021) Open Access
KEYWORDS: denning, Mephitis mephitis, oral rabies vaccination, population reduction, rabies, striped skunk, targeted surveillance
Kathryn Vivirito, Ellen Haynes, Laura Adamovicz, Allison Wright, Kennymac Durante, Kristin Stanford, Emma Scott, Matthew Allender
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 380-385, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Lake Erie watersnake, Ophidiomyces ophidiicola, ophidiomycosis, snake fungal disease, ultraviolet (UV) fluorescence, Wood's lamp
Jessica E. Jennings-Gaines, William H. Edwards, Timothy J. Robinson
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 386-392, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Brucella abortus, fluorescence polarization assay, FPA, hemolysis, Nobuto, Rocky Mountain elk, serology, wildlife disease diagnostic assays
Deborah McCauley, Virginia Stout, Kamal P. Gairhe, Amir Sadaula, Edward Dubovi, Suraj Subedi, Gretchen E. Kaufman
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 393-398, (25 March 2021) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bengal tiger, Canine parvovirus, feline coronavirus, feline herpes virus, leptospirosis, Nepal, Panthera tigris tigri, Toxoplasma
Caroline Van Hemert, Robert J. Dusek, Matthew M. Smith, Robert Kaler, Gay Sheffield, Lauren M. Divine, Kathy J. Kuletz, Susan Knowles, Julia S. Lankton, D. Ransom Hardison, R. Wayne Litaker, Timothy Jones, Hillary K. Burgess, Julia K. Parrish
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 399-407, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, domoic acid, Harmful Algal Bloom, Northern Fulmar, saxitoxin, seabird die-off, Short-tailed Shearwater
Brendan Dorion, Wendy Black, Peregrine Wolff, Lance Murray, Kylie Nomi, Rob Bildfell
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 408-412, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: black bear, ELISA, Nevada, Protein A/G, serology, Toxoplasma, toxoplasmosis, Ursus americanus
Alexandra Leijon, Karin Maria Olofsson, Jonas Malmsten
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 413-417, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Atrial septal defect, cor triatriatum, heart, pathology, raptor, wildlife
Kathy Burek-Huntington, Myrna M. Miller, Kimberlee Beckmen
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 418-422, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Adenovirus hemorrhagic disease, Alces americanus gigas, Deer atadenovirus A, moose
Sergio García-Pereira, David González-Barrio, José Luis Fernández-García, Ana Gómez-Martín, Miguel Ángel Habela, Ignacio García-Bocanegra, Rafael Calero-Bernal
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 423-428, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: ixodid ticks, Lepus granatensis, mutation, myxoma virus, Oryctolagus cuniculus
N. Jane Harms, Meghan Larivee, Brad Scandrett, Don Russell
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 429-433, (25 March 2021) Open Access
KEYWORDS: American black bear, grizzly bear, Trichinella, Ursidae, Ursus americanus, Ursus arctos, Yukon
David A. Eads, Travis M. Livieri, Phillip Dobesh, Eddie Childers, Lauren E. Noble, Michele C. Vasquez, Dean E. Biggins
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 434-438, (25 March 2021)
KEYWORDS: Cynomys, Mustela nigripes, pulicide, Siphonaptera, Yersinia pestis
Durlav P. Bora, Jahan Ahmed, Sorang Tadap, Armanda O. Pariat, Puja Mech, Shyama P. Panda, Thupten Tashi, Parikshit Kakati, Sabnam Ingtipi, Abdul Qayum, Lakshya J. Dutta, Nagendra N. Barman
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 439-442, (25 March 2021)
Renata Carolina Fernandes-Santos, Elaine Raniero Fernandes, Fernanda Guedes Luiz, Luciana Botelho Chaves, Sandriana dos Ramos Silva, Emília Patrícia Medici
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 443-446, (25 March 2021)
Nicholas Shirkey, Annette Roug, Thomas Besser, Vernon C. Bleich, Neal Darby, Daniella Dekelaita, Nathan L. Galloway, Ben Gonzales, Debra Hughson, Lora Konde, Ryan Monello, Paige R. Prentice, Regina Vu, John Wehausen, Brandon Munk, Jenny Powers, Clinton W. Epps
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 447-452, (25 March 2021)
Meredith Anderson, Julie Melotti, Emily Dinh, Scott D. Fitzgerald, Thomas M. Cooley, Steven Bolin, Elizabeth J. Elsmo, Nancy Businga, Arno Wünschmann, Michelle Carstensen
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 453-456, (25 March 2021)
Saskia Keller, Jeffrey M. Lorch, Brenda M. Berlowski-Zier, Anne Ballman, David S. Blehert
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 457-460, (25 March 2021)
Erik O. Ågren, Kaisa Sörén, Dolores Gavier-Widén, Sylvie L. Benestad, Linh Tran, Karolina Wall, Gustav Averhed, Neele Doose, Jørn Våge, Maria Nöremark
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 461-463, (25 March 2021) Open Access
Bongot Huaso Mulia, Silmi Mariya, Jessica Bodgener, Diah Iskandriati, Setyaningsih Rambu Liwa, Tony Sumampau, Jansen Manansang, Huda S. Darusman, Steven A. Osofsky, Navapon Techakriengkrai, Martin Gilbert
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 464-466, (25 March 2021) Open Access
Katharina Seilern-Moy, Joseph P. Heaver, Julia Rodriguez-Ramos Fernandez, Shaheed K. Macgregor, Shinto K. John, Andrew A. Cunningham, Becki Lawson
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 467-470, (25 March 2021)
Michelle Sutherland, David N. Phalen, Sibylle Herzog, Kristina Maier-Sam, Michael Lierz
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 471-473, (25 March 2021)
Ivan V. Kuzmin
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2), 474-476, (25 March 2021)
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