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VOL. 50 · NO. 1 | March 2019

Articles (3)
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 1, (5 April 2019)
No abstract available
Mads F. Bertelsen, R. Eric Miller
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 2-4, (5 April 2019)
No abstract available
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 5, (5 April 2019)
No abstract available
Michele A. Miller, Peter Buss, Tashnica Taime Sylvester, Konstantin P. Lyashchenko, Lin-Mari deKlerk-Lorist, Roy Bengis, Markus Hofmeyr, Jennifer Hofmeyr, Nomkhosi Mathebula, Guy Hausler, Paul van Helden, Eliza Stout, Sven D.C. Parsons, Francisco Olea-Popelka
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 7-15, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: bovine tuberculosis, dual-path platform (DPP) assay, Mycobacterium bovis, Panthera leo, serological test, tuberculin skin test
Chantal Whitten, Larry Vogelnest, Rachael D'Arcy, Peter Thomson, David Phalen
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 16-22, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: bone, disorder, fracture, large felids, lodgment, oral cavity, tooth
Laura E. Rosen, Francisco Olea-Popelka, Sharon L. Deem, Ramiro Isaza, Dennis Schmitt, Michele Miller
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 23-32, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Adverse drug effects, anti-TB drugs, elephant, Elephas maximus, TB treatment, TUBERCULOSIS
Courtney C. Cocilova, Leanne J. Flewelling, April A. Granholm, Charles A. Manire, Sarah L. Milton
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 33-44, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Brevetoxin, cholestyramine, intravenous lipid emulsion, Trachemys scripta, Red Tide, sea turtle
Laura Adamovicz, John Griffioen, Anthony Cerreta, Gregory A. Lewbart, Matthew C. Allender
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 45-54, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: biochemistry enzyme activity, eastern box turtle Terrapene carolina carolina, reptile, tissue specificity
Lily Parkinson, Brian Gaines, Hendrik Nollens
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 55-61, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Chiloscyllium plagiosum, enema, fasting, Glucose, nutrition, white-spotted bamboo shark
Ashley Barratclough, Kathryn Tuxbury, Rita Hanel, Nicole I. Stacy, Laura Ruterbories, Emily Christiansen, Craig A. Harms
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 62-68, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Coagulation, Coagulopathy, cold stunned, sea turtle, thromboelastography
Jennifer C.G. Bloodgood, Terry M. Norton, Lisa A. Hoopes, Nicole I. Stacy, Sonia M. Hernandez
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 69-81, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Chelonia mydas, diet, green turtle, plasma biochemistry, trace minerals, vitamins
Isabel A. Jimenez, John W. Hermanson, Sara E. Childs-Sanford
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 82-88, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: celiotomy, Chelydra serpentina, fishhook, gastrotomy, prefemoral, snapping turtle
Julie A. Balko, Lysa P. Posner, Sathya K. Chinnadurai
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 89-95, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: animal welfare, euthanasia, Leptodactylus pentadactylus,, MS-222, Smokey Jungle Frog, tricaine methanesulfonate
Kate E. Archibald, Gregory N. Scott, Kate M. Bailey, Craig A. Harms
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 96-106, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: American horseshoe crab, Atlantic horseshoe crab, blood pressure, hemolymph gas, immersion anesthesia, Limulus polyphemus
Caitlin Hepps Keeney, Bryan Vorbach, Leigh Clayton, Kathryn Seeley
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 107-110, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Fish, intraocular pressure, ophthalmology, Salvelinus fontinalis, trout
Julie D. Sheldon, Laura Adamovicz, Peter Burvenich, Sathya K. Chinnadurai, Matthew C. Allender
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 111-122, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Asian forest scorpion, dictator scorpion, hemolymph, isoflurane, Heterometrus longimanus, Pandinus dictator
Mary Doerr, Michael K. Stoskopf
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 123-126, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Aurelia aurita, euthanasia, invertebrate, Jellyfish, MgCl2
Benjamin Kennedy, Anne-Sophie Warner, Steven A. Trim
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 127-136, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: biochemistry, grammastola, hemolymph, intervals, reference, rosea
Matt Marinkovich, Raymund F. Wack, Cara L. Field, Sophie T. Whoriskey, Philip H. Kass, Jenessa Gjeltema
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 137-146, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Lactate clearance, LactatePlus, Mirounga angustirostris, pinniped rehabilitation, Phoca vitulina richardsi, Zalophus californianus
Margaret E. Martinez, Dawn Zimmerman, Katie E. Seeley, Liwen Zhang, Priya Bapodra, Rachel E. Cianciolo
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 147-158, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: amyloid, Antilocapra americana, Haemonchus contortus, pronghorn
Sanna Sainmaa, Anna Mykkänen, Magdy Adam, Noora Jantunen, Outi Vainio, Marja Raekallio
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 159-166, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: blood pressure, Capra falconeri heptneri, markhor, medetomidine, MK-467, vatinoxan
Rozenn Le Net, Daniel M. Mulcahy, Ariane Santamaria-Bouvier, Scott G. Gilliland, Timothy D. Bowman, Christine Lepage, Stéphane Lair
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 167-175, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Avian sedation, Intracoelomic transmitter, Melanitta perspicillata, midazolam, satellite telemetry, Surf Scoter
Daniel C. Cutler, Heidi Bissell, Chengdong Wang, Sam Rivera
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 176-182, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, giant panda, nutrition, trace nutrients
Helle B. Hydeskov, Corinne F.L. Amar, Julia Rodriguez-Ramos Fernandez, Shinto K. John, Shaheed K. Macgregor, Andrew A. Cunningham, Becki Lawson
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 183-189, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Erinaceidae, Microbiology, United Kingdom, whole-genome sequencing, wildlife disease, zoonosis
Kathryn L. Perrin, Jakob L. Willesen, Jørgen Koch, Rebecca Langhorn, Anne K. Krogh, Søren Saxmose Nielsen, Mads F. Bertelsen
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 190-198, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: cardiac troponin I, cholesterol, echocardiography, stress, Threskiornithidae
Miúriel de Aquino Goulart, Rosangela Locatelli-Dittrich, Frederico Fontanelli Vaz, Rogério Ribas Lange, Marília de Oliveira Koch, Bruno de Queiroz Castilhos
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 199-204, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: avian hematology, Cracidae, endangered species, health assessment, wild birds
Janine Meuffels, Cyrillus Ververs, Jason Pootoolal, Martine van Zijll Langhout, Jan Govaere
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 205-218, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Giraffa, growth measurements, hand-rearing, maternal rejection, nutrition
Andrew C. Cushing, Edward C. Ramsay, Shelley J. Newman, Adrien M. Hespel, Mee-Ja M. Sula
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 219-224, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Hypergammaglobulinemia, myeloma, neoplasia, Panthera tigris, tiger
Andrew G. Hill, Jeanine R. Sandy, Angela Begg
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 225-230, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Crocodylus johnstoni, dermatitis, enilconazole, freshwater crocodile, fungal, Nannizziopsis crocodili
Rod B. Suepaul, Janine F.R. Seetahal, Christopher Oura, Lana Gyan, Varsha V. Ramoutar, Vernie Ramkissoon, Nikita Sahadeo, Christine V.F. Carrington
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 231-237, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: finches, 4b core protein, poxvirus, sequence analysis, Trinidad
Shemi L. Benge, Timothy H. Hyndman, Richard S. Funk, Rachel E. Marschang, Renata Schneider, April L. Childress, James F.X. Wellehan
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 238-242, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Adenovirus, Agamidae, Atadenovirus, Helodermatidae, provenance
Christian Wenker, Stefan Hoby, Fabia Wyss, Bernard Mengiardi, Renate Vögtli, Horst Posthaus, Peter Deplazes, Bruno Gottstein
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 243-253, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Albendazole, alveolar echinococcosis, Echinococcus multilocularis, Gorilla gorilla gorilla, western lowland gorilla
Peter M. DiGeronimo, Colin Hansen, La'Toya V. Latney, Laura A. Adamovicz, Matthew C. Allender
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 254-257, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Bourret's box turtle, Cuora bourreti, Emydidae, Geoemydidae, Indochinese box turtle, Mycoplasma sp
Margot Stuchin, Khursheed R. Mama, Jeffrey R. Zuba, James E. Oosterhuis, Nadine Lamberski, Francisco Olea-Popelka
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 258-261, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Equus grevyi, etorphine, Grevy's zebra, immobilization, thiafentanil
Gustavo Henrique Pereira Dutra, Giuliano Souza Araujo, André Nicolai Elias da Silva, Cristiane Lassalvia Nascimento, Adriano Bonfim Carregaro
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 262-265, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Acid-base profileAcid-base profile, Avian, Bird, Blood gas analysis, electrolytes, penguin
Kay Fountain, Larry Roberts, Victoria Young, Alberto Barbon, Sian-Marie Frosini, David H. Lloyd, Anette Loeffler
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 266-269, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Livingstone's fruit bat, MALDI-TOF, skin lesion, staphylococci, S. simiae
Gheorghe Dărăbuş, Florin S. Hora, Narcisa Mederle, Sorin Morariu, Marius Ilie, Tiana Suici, Mirela Imre
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 270-273, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Hunting grounds, parasite, Romania, wild boar, wildlife
Matthew E. Kinney, Dean Hendrickson, Parker Pennington, Jeffery R. Zuba, Meredith M. Clancy, Lauren L. Howard, Rebecca Papendick, Barbara Durrant
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 274-277, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Ceratotherium simum simum, cervix, endoscope, Hymen, Southern white rhinoceros, Vertical vaginal septum
Barbara Linnehan, Heindrich Snyman, Josepha DeLay, Augustin Mareschal, Chevonne Jackson, Sophie Dennison, Martin Haulena
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 278-281, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Carcinomatosis, Choloepus didactylus, immunohistochemistry, neoplasia, Transitional cell carcinoma, two-toed sloth
Patrick M. Burns, Isabelle Langlois, Marilyn Dunn
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 282-286, (5 April 2019)
KEYWORDS: Ambystoma mexicanum, axolotl, immersion anesthesia, MS222, tricaine methanesulfonate
Christine M. Molter, Judilee C. Marrow, Joseph P. Flanagan, Laura J. Baseler
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 287-290, (5 April 2019)
No abstract available
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 291-292, (5 April 2019)
No abstract available
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1), 293, (5 April 2019)
No abstract available
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