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VOL. 72 · NO. 1 | January 2019
Keirith A. Snyder, Louisa Evers, Jeanne C. Chambers, Jason Dunham, John B. Bradford, Michael E. Loik
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 1-12, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: changes in precipitation, Climate adaptation, increasing aridity, managing for transitions, temperature increases
Bryan T. Hamilton, Beverly L. Roeder, Margaret A. Horner
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 13-22, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: Bromus tectorum, cheatgrass, Great Basin National Park, rodent, spatially explicit capture recapture (SECR)
Erik P. Hamerlynck, Kirk W. Davies
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 23-27, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: competition, crested wheatgrass, population, restoration, sagebrush steppe, seeds
Jonathan D. Bates, Kirk W. Davies, Justin Bournoville, Chad Boyd, Rory O'Connor, Tony J. Svejcar
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 28-35, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: bunchgrass, cheatgrass, forbs, Great Basin, piñon-juniper, prescribed fire
Jonathan D. Bates, Kirk W. Davies
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 36-46, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: Great Basin, reference sites, sagebrush, sage-grouse, synecology
C. Jason Williams, Frederick B. Pierson, Patrick R. Kormos, Osama Z. Al-Hamdan, Sayjro K. Nouwakpo, Mark A. Weltz
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 47-68, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: cheatgrass invasion, erosion, Great Basin, hydrologic recovery, infiltration, juniper, mastication, mechanical treatments, pinyon, rainfall simulation, rangeland, runoff, sagebrush restoration, soil loss, tree cutting, tree shredding, woodland encroachment, woodland expansion
L.L. Larson, G.L. Kiemnec, D.E. Johnson
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 69-72, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: frost heaving, sagebrush steppe, Soil freezing, solifluction
B.P. Bell, T.A. Jones, T.A. Monaco
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 73-81, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: Elymus lanceolatus, Elymus wawawaiensis, functional traits, interspecific hybridization
Timothy L. Dickson, Barbara A. Hayes, Thomas B. Bragg
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 82-91, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: annual net primary production (ANPP), burning, fire, grassland, percent cover of forbs and C3 / C4 grasses, tallgrass prairie
Emily J. Lindsay, Douglas J. King, Andrew M. Davidson, Bahram Daneshfar
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 92-102, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: cropland, Landsat 8 OLI, RADARSAT-2, Random Forest classification, rangeland, seeded forage, vegetation indices
Mitchell B. Stephenson, Jerry D. Volesky, Walter H. Schacht, Nevin C. Lawrence, Jon Soper, Jessica Milby
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 103-111, (10 June 2019)
Garret A. Hecker, Miranda A. Meehan, Jack E. Norland
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 112-119, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: greenline, intermittent stream, riparian, plant species composition
Britt W. Smith, Brad C. Dabbert, Robin M. Verble
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 120-125, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: Arthropods, Canthon, disturbance, nutrient cycling, Texas, wildland fire
C.A. Sowers, G.A. Gatson, J.D. Wolf, W.H. Fick, K.C. Olson
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 126-135, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: Botanical composition, diet selection, mature ewe, tallgrass prairie, yearling steer
Maggi Sliwinski, Larkin Powell, Walter Schacht
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: grassland birds, grazing systems, habitat heterogeneity, private land, ranching, vegetation structure
Joshua P. Averett, Michael J. Wisdom, Bryan A. Endress
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 145-149, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: stubble height, streambank alteration, wild ungulate herbivory, riparian monitoring
Joaquín Aldabe, Richard B. Lanctot, Daniel Blanco, Pablo Rocca, Pablo Inchausti
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 150-159, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: grassland height, habitat management, livestock production, Shorebirds
A. Hu, J. Zhang, X. Chen, S. Chang, F. Hou
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 160-167, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: diversity, grassland, grazing, rainfall, similarity
Jeremy A. Baumgardt, Michael L. Morrison, Leonard A. Brennan, Brian L. Pierce, Tyler A. Campbell
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 168-181, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: monitoring, multispecies, power analysis, rodents, small mammals
Charlotte M. Reemts, W. Matt McCaw, Thomas A. Greene, Mark T. Simmons
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 182-188, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: King Ranch bluestem, KR bluestem, Old World bluestem, summer fire
Bouzid Nedjimi, Hassina Zemmiri
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 189-194, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: arid rangelands, Artemisia herba–alba, Asteraceae, germination tolerance index, salt stress
M. Igshaan Samuels, Nicky Allsopp, M. Timm Hoffman
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 195-203, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: climate change resilience, herd mobility, Namaqualand, rangeland use, semiarid rangelands, stockposts
Christopher L. Crawford, Zoe M. Volenec, Martin Sisanya, Robert Kibet, Daniel I. Rubenstein
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 204-209, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: cattle grazing behavior, forage palatability, grazing strategies, planned grazing, rangeland sustainability, savanna ecosystems
Jun Wang, Peter Damerell, Kun Shia, Philip Riordan, Kebiao Zhu, Xiaohu Wang, Peng Wang, Aishanjiang Reheman, Jianwei Yang
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (1), 210-216, (10 June 2019)
KEYWORDS: the Pamir Mountains, large carnivore, livestock depredation, conflict
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