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Climate change is already resulting in changes in cold desert ecosystems, lending urgency to the need to understand climate change effects and develop effective adaptation strategies. In this review, we synthesize information on changes in climate and hydrologic processes during the past century for the Great Basin and Columbia Plateau and discuss future projections for the 21st century. We develop midcentury projections of temperature and climate for the Great Basin and Columbia Plateau at timescales relevant to managers (2020 - 2050) and discuss concepts and strategies for adapting to the projected changes. For the instrumented record in the Great Basin and Columbia Plateau (1985 - 2011), a temperature increase of 0.7 - 1.4°C has been documented, but changes in precipitation have been relatively minor with no clear trends. Climate projections for 2020 - 2050 indicate that temperatures will continue to increase, especially in winter and during the night. Precipitation is more difficult to project, and estimates range from an 11% decrease to 25% increase depending on location. Recent records indicate that the Great Basin and Columbia Plateau are becoming more arid, a trend that is projected to continue. Droughts are likely to become more frequent and last longer, invasive annual grasses are likely to continue to expand, and the duration and severity of wildfire seasons are likely to increase. Climate projections can help in developing adaptive management strategies for actual or expected changes in climate. Strategies include reducing the risks of nonnative invasive plant spread and wildfires that result in undesirable transitions, planning for drought, and where necessary, facilitating the transition of populations, communities, and ecosystems to new climatic conditions. A proactive approach to planning for and adapting to climate change is needed, and publicly available Internet-based resources on climate data and planning strategies are available to help meet that need.
Conifer encroachment in sagebrush ecosystems reduces habitat heterogeneity, niche space, and resource availability, all of which negatively affect many wildlife populations. Sagebrush restoration is recommended as a management action to mitigate conifer encroachment and restore wildlife across millions of hectares in the Great Basin. Despite this recommendation, the effects of conifer encroachment and sagebrush restoration are unknown for most wildlife species. Small nonvolant mammal communities include keystone species, consumers and prey; facilitate energy flow and ecological function; and provide important ecological goods and services. We assessed causal relationships between conifer encroachment and sagebrush restoration (conifer removal and seeding native plants) on small mammal communities over 11 yr using a Before-After-Control–Impact design. Sagebrush habitat supported an additional small mammal species, twice the biomass, and nearly three times higher densities than conifer-encroached habitat. Sagebrush restoration increased shrub cover, decreased tree cover, and density but failed to increase native herbaceous plant density. Restoration caused a large increase in the non-native, invasive annual cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.). Counter to prediction, small mammal diversity did not increase in response to sagebrush restoration, but restoration maintained small mammal density in the face of ongoing conifer encroachment. Piñon mice (Peromyscus truei), woodland specialists with highest densities in conifer-encroached habitat, were negatively affected by sagebrush restoration. Increasing cheatgrass due to sagebrush restoration may not negatively impact small mammal diversity, provided cheatgrass density and cover do not progress to a monoculture and native vegetation is maintained. The consequences of conifer encroachment, a long-term, slow-acting impact, far outweigh the impacts of sagebrush restoration, a short-term, high-intensity impact, on small mammal diversity. Given the ecological importance of small mammals, maintenance of small mammal density is a desirable outcome for sagebrush restoration.
Stable bunchgrass populations are essential to resilience and restoration of sagebrush steppe rangelands, yet few studies have assessed long-term variation in plant abundance from a known starting point. We capitalized on a previous paddock study by reestablishing in 2011 nine replicate blocks consisting of 29 × 29 grid of cells, each planted in 1998 with a single individual of one of eight sagebrush steppe bunchgrasses, including the widely planted exotic, crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum). Plant species and numbers were determined in 2011 for each cell, which were classified as holds or cedes, with ceded cells used to determine species-specific gains. We hypothesized the competitive crested wheatgrass would proportionally occur more in gained cells compared with native grasses. While crested wheatgrass did proportionally hold and gain the greatest number of cells, the relative number of plants within holds and gains was constant across all species, with most plants (80 - 87%) occurring outside cells originally planted with them. Crested wheatgrass had greater proportions of holds and gains where it was the only species within the cell and showed even presence across all cells planted with other grass species in 1998. Native grasses were underrepresented in 1998 crested wheatgrass cells and sometimes overrepresented in other native species cells. The ratio of total crested wheatgrass to native bunchgrass plants followed a sigmoidal step increase with increasing crested wheatgrass density. These results show population changes in sagebrush steppe bunchgrasses are determined by seed production and emergent seedling survival, both of which are stronger in the exotic bunchgrass. This study also showed that native grasses can maintain presence via seed in areas depending on crested wheatgrass density. This information could help shape management strategies capitalizing on the utility of crested wheatgrass and sustaining desirable levels of native grass productivity and diversity.
Western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis Hook.) has expanded into sagebrush steppe plant communities the past 130 - 150 yr in the northern Great Basin. The increase in juniper reduces herbage and browse for livestock and big game. Information on herbaceous yield response to juniper control with fire is limited. We measured herbaceous standing crop and yield by life form in two mountain big sagebrush communities (MTN1, MTN2) and a Wyoming/basin big sagebrush (WYOBAS) community for 6 yrs following prescribed fire treatments to control western juniper. MTN1 and WYOBAS communities were early-successional (phase 1) and MTN2 communities were midsuccessional (phase 2) woodlands before treatment. Prescribed fires killed all juniper and sagebrush in the burn units. Total herbaceous and perennial bunchgrass yields increased 2 to 2.5-fold in burn treatments compared with unburned controls. Total perennial forb yield did not differ between burns and controls in all three plant communities. However, tall perennial forb yield was 1.6- and 2.5-fold greater in the WYOBAS and MTN2 burned sites than controls. Mat-forming perennial forb yields declined by 80 - 90% after burning compared with controls. Cheatgrass yield increased in burned WYOBAS and MTN2 communities and at the end of the study represented 10% and 22% of total yield, respectively. Annual forbs increased with burning and were mainly composed of native species in MTN1 and MTN2 communities and non-natives in WYOBAS communities. Forage availability for livestock and wild ungulates more than doubled after burning. The additional forage provided on burned areas affords managers greater flexibility to rest and treat additional sagebrush steppe where juniper is expanding, as well as rest or defer critical seasonal habitat for wildlife.
The Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis [Beetle & A. Young] S.L. Welsh) alliance is the most extensive of the big sagebrush complex in the Intermountain West. There is a lack of information describing vegetation characteristics, diversity, and heterogeneity of the Wyoming big sagebrush alliance. We annually sampled 48 Wyoming big sagebrush plant communities over 10 yr to delineate major vegetation associations and describe their major vegetation characteristics including canopy cover, density, species richness, and yield. Six associations were identified on the basis of dominant or codominant perennial bunchgrass species, using MRPP analysis, and they included ARTRW8 (Wyoming big sagebrush)/PSSP6 (Pseudoroegneria spicata [Pursh] A. Löve, bluebunch wheatgrass), ARTRW8/ACTH7 (Achnatherum thurberianum [Piper] Barkworth, Thurber's needlegrass), ARTRW8/FEID (Festuca idahoensis Elmer, Idaho fescue), ARTRW8/HECO26 (Hesperostipa comata [Trin. & Rupr.] Barkworth, needle-and-thread), ARTRW8/PSSP6-ACTH7, and ARTRW8/PSSP6-FEID-ACTH7. On average, PSSP6 and FEID associations had the highest total herbaceous cover and annual yields and the HECO26 and ACTH7 associations had the lowest. Perennial forb cover averaged over 5% in PSSP6 and FEID associations and ranged from 0.3% to 3.5% in the other associations. Sagebrush cover was greatest in ACTH7 and PSSP6-ACTH7 and lowest in FEID and HECO26 associations. Habitat suitability criteria for sage-grouse indicated that Wyoming big sagebrush associations at the stand/site level will generally not meet breeding habitat requirements and only attain suitable habitat requirements for other life stages about 50% of the time.
Land managers across the western United States are faced with selecting and applying tree-removal treatments on pinyon (Pinus spp.) and juniper (Juniperus spp.) woodland-encroached sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) rangelands, but current understanding of long-term vegetation and hydrological responses of sagebrush sites to tree removal is inadequate for guiding management. This study applied a suite of vegetation and soil measures (0.5 - 990 m2), small-plot rainfall simulations (0.5 m2), and overland flow experiments (9 m2) to quantify the effects of mechanical tree removal (tree cutting and mastication) on vegetation, runoff, and erosion at two mid- to late-succession woodland-encroached sagebrush sites in the Great Basin, United States, 9 yr after treatment. Low amounts of hillslope-scale shrub (3 - 15%) and grass (7 - 12%) canopy cover and extensive intercanopy (area between tree canopies) bare ground (69 - 88% bare, 75% of area) in untreated areas at both sites facilitated high levels of runoff and sediment from high-intensity (102 mm • h- 1, 45 min) rainfall simulations in interspaces (- 45 mm runoff, 59 - 381 g • m- 2 sediment) between trees and shrubs and from concentrated overland flow experiments (15, 30, and 45 L • min- 1, 8 min each) in the intercanopy (371 - 501 L runoff, 2 342 - 3 015 g sediment). Tree cutting increased hillslope-scale density of sagebrush by 5% and perennial grass cover by twofold at one site while tree cutting and mastication increased hillslope-scale sagebrush density by 36% and 16%, respectively, and perennial grass cover by threefold at a second more-degraded (initially more sparsely vegetated) site over nine growing seasons. Cover of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) was < 1% at the sites pretreatment and 1 - 7% 9 yr after treatment. Bare ground remained high across both sites 9 yr after tree removal and was reduced by treatments solely at the more degraded site. Increases in hillslope-scale vegetation following tree removal had limited impact on runoff and erosion for rainfall simulations and concentrated flow experiments at both sites due to persistent high bare ground. The one exception was reduced runoff and erosion within the cut treatments for intercanopy plots with cut-downed-trees. The cut-downed-trees provided ample litter cover and tree debris at the ground surface to reduce the amount and erosive energy of concentrated overland flow. Trends in hillslope-scale vegetation responses to tree removal in this study demonstrate the effectiveness of mechanical treatments to reestablish sagebrush steppe vegetation without increasing cheatgrass for mid- to late-succession woodland-encroached sites along the warm-dry to cool-moist soil temperature - moisture threshold in the Great Basin. Our results indicate improved hydrologic function through sagebrush steppe vegetation recruitment after mechanical tree removal on mid- to late-succession woodlands can require more than 9 yr. We anticipate intercanopy runoff and erosion rates will decrease over time at both sites as shrub and grass cover continue to increase, but follow-up tree removal will be needed to prevent pinyon and juniper recolonization. The low intercanopy runoff and erosion measured underneath isolated cut-downed-trees in this study clearly demonstrate that tree debris following mechanical treatments can effectively limit microsite-scale runoff and erosion over time where tree debris settles in good contact with the soil surface.
Soil freeze-thaw cycles can result in soil surface crusting, pedestaling, and movement. This study was undertaken to quantify the amount of heaving and soil moisture migration in a silt loam soil from the sagebrush steppe. Soil columns containing silt loam soil with moisture treatments of 26%, 34%, 42%, or 50% water content and initial temperatures of 9° C or 20° C were exposed to – 7° C for 18 h, which did not completely freeze the soil to full depth. Moisture redistribution amounts of 10% to 20% were observed in treatments above field capacity. Surface saturation was observed after freezing with treatments of 42% and 50% water volume. Soil heaving of up to 0.5 cm was observed after one freezing event.
Many rangeland restoration sites in the Intermountain West are environmentally challenging due to low precipitation and invasive species competition; thus, more effective native plant materials are needed. We aim to develop improved Snake River wheatgrass (Elymus wawawaiensis) germplasm through hybridization of this widely used bunchgrass with its nearest relative, the rhizomatous thickspike wheatgrass (E. lanceolatus), followed by backcrossing to Snake River wheatgrass. This approach can potentially introduce desirable adaptive traits from thickspike wheatgrass into Snake River wheatgrass. We measured shoot and root dry matter per plant (DMPP), specific leaf area, C:N ratio, and specific root length (SRL) of nine Elymus populations at two planting densities (25 and 7.8 plants m-2) in two repeated field experiments established from transplants in May 2005 and 2006, both at Millville, Utah. Populations included “Bannock” thickspike wheatgrass; “Secar,” “Discovery,” and three experimental Snake River wheatgrass populations; and three interspecific backcross hybrid populations. Compared with Snake River wheatgrass, the backcross hybrids displayed 10.4 - 33.7% greater shoot DMPP (P < 0.0001) but 12.5 - 16.5% lower root dry matter (DM) density (P < 0.05) across 6 and 2 comparisons, respectively, resulting in reduced root-to-shoot ratio. Compared with Snake River wheatgrass, Bannock displayed 38.6 - 158.2% greater shoot DMPP (P < 0.0001) across six comparisons. In addition, Bannock displayed 22.4% lower SLA (P < 0.01) and 11.1% higher C:N ratio (P < 0.05) than Snake River wheatgrass and the backcross hybrids, traits suggestive of a low-nutrient growth strategy. These data suggest that Bannock achieved its consistently greater shoot DMPP during each growth period despite such a strategy. Hence, its greater productivity likely relates to a superior temporal and/or spatial ability to sequester resources that fuel growth. In this regard, Bannock displayed similar (P > 0.05) or 17% greater (P < 0.05) root DM density and 13.4% greater (P < 0.05) SRL than Snake River wheatgrass, as well as rhizomes.
Historically, tallgrass prairie burns occurred at many seasons and frequencies. Currently, tallgrass prescribed burns often occur annually in the spring, usually for cattle forage production. Altering burning season and frequency is known to affect plant composition and biomass production, but researchers are still uncertain how burning season and frequency interact. We present the long-term effects of a factorial combination of different burn seasons (spring, summer, autumn, or variable [rotated through seasons]) and frequencies (annual or quadrennial) on the plant composition and biomass production of an ungrazed, restored tallgrass prairie in eastern Nebraska, United States. The experimental plots were established in 1978 and visually surveyed for baseline data in 1979 and 1981. Experimental burn treatments were begun in 1982. Plots were visually surveyed until 2011 with the following results: 1) annual spring and summer burns increased C4 graminoid abundance; 2) annual autumn burns increased forb abundance; 3) burn season had little effect on plant composition for quadrennial burns; and 4) variable season burns generally led to plant composition that was intermediate between annual spring/summer and annual autumn burns. We also clipped biomass to estimate aboveground annual net primary production (ANPP) in 2015, a year in which both annual and quadrennial burns occurred. Total ANPP did not differ significantly between burn frequencies nor between spring and autumn burns (772 g m-2 average) but was lower in summer burns (541 g m- 2). ANPP results were similar to visual surveys, with significantly higher C4 graminoid ANPP in spring than autumn burns and significantly lower forb and C3 graminoid ANPP in spring than autumn burns. Overall, these results suggest autumn burns can increase forb and C3 graminoid abundance, without strongly affecting total ANPP relative to spring burns. Future studies should compare plant and livestock production between spring and autumn burns in grazed fields.
Rangeland and seeded forage in Canada's Prairie provinces represent productive landscapes that provide multiple ecosystem services. Past efforts to map these resources at regional scales have not achieved consistently high accuracies as they are spatially variable in both ecology and management. In particular, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada needs to distinguish these land use classes from each other and from cropland in its annual national agricultural land cover inventory. Given the potential to distinguish these classes based on seasonal phenological differences, this study used multi-season Landsat 8 top-of-atmosphere reflectance data and derived vegetation and phenological indices, as well as mid-summer RADARSAT-2 data in random forest classification of two ecoregions in Alberta and Manitoba. Classification accuracy was compared for single and multi-date Landsat 8 variables, the vegetation index and phenological variable groups, RADARSAT-2 VV and VH backscatter intensity, and combined datasets. Variable importance analysis showed that spring Landsat 8 reflectance generally contributed most to class discrimination, but accuracy improved with the addition of Landsat 8 data from the other seasons. Vegetation indices and phenological variables produced similar accuracies and were deemed to not warrant the additional processing effort to derive them. RADARSAT-2 VH backscatter was the most important variable for the Manitoba study area, which is wetter with more vegetation structure variability than the Alberta study area. Backscatter intensity significantly increased overall accuracy when it was combined with one or two-season Landsat 8 data. The best overall accuracy was achieved using the three seasons of Landsat 8 and mid-summer RADARSAT-2 data, but it was not significantly better than that for two season Landsat 8 + RADARSAT-2. The methods presented in this paper provide a process for accurate and efficient classification of seeded forage, rangeland and cropland that can be applied over large areas in operational agricultural land cover inventory.
Several studies have evaluated the spatial distribution of cool- and warm-season grasses across different topographic positions in the Nebraska Sandhills, but limited research has explored topographic differences in total plant production or production of plant functional groups in relation to variable amounts of precipitation. This study evaluated how spring and growing season precipitation influenced plant production at four topographic positions common in the eastern Nebraska Sandhills. Plant production data were collected from annually moved grazing exclosures in mid-June (peak cool-season grass production) and mid-August (peak warm-season grass production) during a 17-yr period from 2001 to 2017. Total plant production and precipitation use efficiency were 35 - 58% greater on interdune positions, and precipitation marginal response for total plant production was more sensitive to increases in spring and growing season precipitation on interdune compared with dune positions in both mid-June and mid-August. The greater precipitation marginal response of total plant production on interdune positions was driven primarily by greater increases in cool-season grass production with increasing spring or growing season precipitation. Warm-season grass precipitation marginal response was not different among the topographic positions, but production was 23 - 70% greater on interdune compared with dune topographic positions in mid-August. When differences in the amount of each topographic position at the study location were accounted for, growing season precipitation explained 49% of the variation for total plant production in mid-August, but spring precipitation only explained 23% of the variation for total plant production in mid-June. Because of the differential response of plant production at dune and interdune positions, incorporating the relative amount of each topographic position into estimates of plant production at the pasture or ranch scale will provide better information for adjusting stocking rates to more accurately match animal demand with forage availability.
The composition of the greenline plant community is linked to the stability of riparian ecosystems. Cool season exotic grasses are invading native plant communities across the northern Great Plains, potentially compromising streambank stability and increasing the risk of erosion within riparian ecosystems. To determine how the species composition of the greenline community impacts stream type and the risk of streambank erosion, thirty five reaches across five watersheds were sampled to determine the dominant greenline vegetation. At each reach, a cross-section was sampled to determine stream type, greenline vegetation, and risk of streambank erosion. Channel types were delineated using Rosgen's classification of natural rivers. Canopy cover and composition was assessed using the line point intercept method along a 30.5 m transect in the greenline community. Plants recorded were grouped by their wetland indicator status for the central Great Plains. The Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) was used to assess the streams risk of erosion by calculating the difference between the bank height and bank full height, average plant rooting depth and density, bank angle degree, and the dominant texture of the bank material. Bank height ratio (BHR) was assessed as a measure of streambank stability and floodplain connectivity. A Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling ordination was performed to analyze plant community influences. Analysis of the data determined that the most stable stream types (E and C channels), lower BEHI scores, and stable bank height ratios were associated with high amounts of litter and facultative wet species. In comparison, unstable F channels were associated with early successional species and bare ground. Sites with the higher BEHI scores were associated with greenlines comprised of upland and facultative upland and saline tolerant species. Late successional facultative wetland species were found to provide the most protection to intermittent streambanks.
Rangeland dung beetles represent an important assemblage of insects for the Great Plains. In this study, we examine the effects of a postfire rangeland environment on a dung beetle assemblage in north-central Texas. We deployed baited pitfall traps to examine spring prescribed fire treatment, differences in vegetation visual obstruction, and dung density influence on dung beetle abundance and community composition. Using model-based multivariate methods, we did not find an influence of prescribed burning on the dung beetle assemblage. We report a negative influence of vegetation visual obstruction and no significant influence of dung density on dung beetle assemblages. These results suggest that prescribed fire may not negatively affect dung beetle species within the North American Great Plains; however, vegetation structure correlated to postfire rangeland environments may influence local beetle abundance.
Awareness of herbivore diet composition is an essential element of rangeland stewardship. Objectives of our experiment were to characterize diet selection by yearling steers and mature ewes grazing native tallgrass prairie, changes in dietary preferences that occurred with advancing season, and overlap in selection patterns between ewes and steers. Eight contiguous native tallgrass pastures (31 ± 3.3 ha) were grazed by yearling beef steers (n = 279 per yr) from 15 April to 15 July for two grazing seasons. Mature ewes (n = 813 per yr) subsequently grazed four of the eight pastures (0.15 ha per ewe) from 1 August to 1 October each year. Beginning 1 May, five fresh fecal pats were collected along four permanent transects per pasture at 2-wk intervals until steers were removed on 15 July. Subsequently, fecal grab samples were collected from 25 designated ewes per pasture on 15 August and 15 September. Microhistological analyses were conducted on fecal samples to estimate dietary botanical composition, using 17 grass, forb, and browse species from the experimental site as reference standards. Botanical composition of pastures was estimated annually in October. Diet selection was evaluated using Kulcyznski's Similarity Index. The proportions of total graminoids and total forbs in steer diets were not different (P = 0.37) among sampling periods. Steer diets were dominated by graminoids (≥ 88.4% of diets) throughout the experiment. Steers and ewes exhibited strong preference for Bouteloua gracilis, Buchloe dactyloides, Dalea purpurea, and Liatris punctata. Ewes also demonstrated strong preferences for Vernonia baldwinii and Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Steers avoided Lespedeza cuneata and Symphyotrichum ericoides, whereas ewes did not avoid any of the reference standards. Ewes selected approximately equal proportions of graminoids and forbs (58% and 42% of diets, respectively), and proportions did not differ (P = 0.67) between sampling periods. Diet selection by mature ewes and yearling steers overlapped by 65% under the conditions of our experiment.
Grassland birds are declining faster than any other guild of birds in North America, in part because of degradation of their breeding habitat. Rangeland managers recommend increasing heterogeneity to improve biodiversity; however, on privately owned rangelands, beef production likely decreases heterogeneity on the landscape. One suggestion has been to use multiple grazing systems across a landscape to increase heterogeneity and provide benefits for avian biodiversity, but there is little research to support this recommendation. Thus, our goal was to examine heterogeneity and songbird abundance in relation to grazing systems used by private producers in a large, intact rangeland region. We measured vegetation structure and conducted avian surveys in the Nebraska Sandhills on 11 management units with five different grazing systems, including season-long continuous, deferred rotation, management intensive, dormant season only, and a fixed rotation. On each management unit we assessed the relationship between vegetation structure or songbird abundance and potential management effects, such as grazing system, stocking rate, and management intensity. Season of use and stocking rate were the most common sources of variation in vegetation structure and songbird abundance. Grazing system did not explain variation in vegetation structure or bird abundance, except for heterogeneity in live grass cover, litter cover, shrub cover, and abundance of field sparrows. Vegetation structure varied across the landscape we sampled, but the range of heterogeneity was narrow. Thus, managers should not assume that using a variety of grazing systems across a landscape will inevitably result in heterogeneity of vegetation structure. Rather, managers should focus on creating contrasting vegetation structure in large areas to increase large-scale heterogeneity. This may be achieved through the application of more extreme management practices (e.g., long-term heavy grazing and long-term rest or patch-burn grazing) so that a wider variety of vegetation composition and structure is available to support biodiversity.
Stubble height, streambank alteration, and woody species use are indicators used to monitor livestock impacts on riparian areas in the western United States. Effects of wild ungulates on riparian conditions are often not monitored and assumed to be represented by indicators developed for livestock. We tested this assumption by evaluating effects of elk (Cervus canadensis) and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) on grazing indicators along Meadow Creek, a salmonid-bearing stream in northeastern Oregon. Wild ungulates reduced stubble height by 20% to 30%. Mean streambank alteration was 1.1% (ranged from 0.3–8%). Woody species use was negatively related to stubble height and positively related to streambank alteration (P < 0.05). Despite maintenance of stubble height and streambank alteration within regulatory guidelines, wild ungulate use of preferred woody species was moderate to high (> 50%). Adherence to guidelines developed for livestock may not result in desired riparian conditions where wild ungulate populations are high.
Grasslands are important to domestic and wild animals. Migratory shorebirds are important components of coastal rangeland ecosystems. Buff-breasted Sandpiper (BBSA, Calidris subruficollis) and American golden-plover (AMGP, Pluvialis dominica) are two insectivorous, migrant shorebirds that rely on livestock-grazed grasslands in the Southern Cone of South America during their nonbreeding season, as well as on migration in North America. We studied habitat selection of these species and contrasted their needs with livestock requirements needed to develop recommendations for grazing management that benefit wildlife and livestock production. Short grass height was positively related to BBSA and AMGP abundance, with ideal grass heights from 2 to 5 cm. However, maximum livestock production is associated with grass height over 6 cm. The amount of forest cover, which is used to provide shade to livestock, was negatively related to the occurrence of both shorebird species, likely due to higher risks of predation. Grassland improvement did not affect BBSA but negatively affected AMGP abundance. Short grass habitat was selected by both shorebird species in spite of the higher arthropod biomass in taller grasslands, suggesting that other factors besides food abundance, such as the ability to detect prey and predators, are driving habitat selection. To enhance shorebird (and other wildlife) conservation and livestock production, we recommend managers adjust grazing intensity so that grass height is > 6 cm from mid-February to September, when the Nearctic migrant shorebirds are absent, and from 2 to 5 cm from October to early February when shorebirds are present. These austral summer adjustments should be restricted to paddocks with low forest cover so that livestock production in paddocks with high forest cover remains maximized. All adjustments should be evaluated by each farmer to ensure adequate economic returns are met.
The soil seed bank is an important ecological component of grassland restoration and renewal. In semiarid regions, grassland restoration and renewal are highly affected by annual variations in precipitation and grazing activity because these variations can affect the composition, density, richness, and diversity of seeds in the soil. This study aimed to characterize and compare these parameters of the germinable seed bank under different stocking rates in a winter grazing system in a semiarid area of China in 2015 and 2016 (dry and near-average rainfall condition, respectively). The composition, density, richness, and diversity of seeds were determined by the method of seedling emergence. The results showed that a total of 18 species belonging to nine families germinated from the soil. Drought significantly reduced the density, richness, and diversity of the soil seed bank, but grazing was able to significantly increase the richness and diversity of the soil seed bank by increasing the richness and diversity of the aboveground vegetation. The similarity between the soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation was influenced by the rainfall conditions: in the dry year, it was higher at the lower stocking rates (0 and 0.4 animal unit months [AUM] ha–1), and in the near-average rainfall condition year, it was higher at the higher stocking rates (0.8 and 1.3 AUM ha–1).
There is growing interest among resource managers in implementing long-term wildlife monitoring. The process to develop such a program may seem daunting, however, because it requires determining the species, metrics, sampling methods, experimental design, and level of effort necessary to achieve the desired power for detecting meaningful changes. Failure to give these decisions proper attention often leads to suboptimal information for decisions and planning objectives. Our primary objectives were to develop alternative scenarios for a monitoring program, including power estimates and sampling effort required to detect population changes for small mammals on rangelands in southern Texas. Our secondary objective was to present a framework for developing customized monitoring programs for tracking wildlife populations over time. We trapped small mammals using ∼ 28 000 trap nights each year from 2014 to 2016 resulting in 13 183 captures of nine species. We estimated abundances and occupancy in each year for each species and conducted power analyses using simulations. We used these results to develop four multispecies monitoring scenarios: two with distinctly different levels of effort with abundance as the focal metric and two for monitoring occupancy. The most effort-intensive scenario required trapping 40 grids for 6 consecutive nights each yr. With this effort, we predicted it would be possible to detect annual changes in abundance of ≤ 10% after 10 yr for four species and net declines in occupancy of ≤ 50% after 10 yr for five species with a power of 0.90. The least effort-intensive scenario required trapping 30 transects for 4 consecutive nights each yr. We predicted this effort would allow for the detection of annual changes in occupancy rates between 35% and 55% after 10 yr for five species. Our study is an example for land managers, providing general guidelines for developing rigorous, long-term monitoring programs specific to their objectives.
Yellow bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum [L.] Keng var. songarica [Rupr. ex Fisch & C.A. Mey] Celarier & Harlan) is a non-native, invasive C4 grass common in southern Great Plains rangelands. We measured the effects of a single late-summer (September 2006) fire on yellow bluestem at two sites in central Texas (Fort Hood and Onion Creek). At Fort Hood, relative frequency of yellow bluestem in burned plots decreased from 74 ± 4% (preburn; mean ± standard error) to 9 ± 2% (2007) and remained significantly lower compared with unburned plots through 2009 (burned: 14 ± 2%; unburned: 70 ± 14%). At Onion Creek, yellow bluestem initially decreased from 74 ± 5% (2006) to 32 ± 7% (2007). Yellow bluestem recovered substantially by 2009 (67 ± 10%) but was still significantly lower than in unburned transects (96 ± 1%). Relative frequency of other graminoids increased significantly in burned plots (compared with preburn values) at Fort Hood (preburn: 11 ± 4%; 2009: 29 ± 7%) but not at Onion Creek (preburn: 24 ± 6%; 2009: 22 ± 7%). Frequency of forbs increased dramatically in the first growing season after fire (Fort Hood: 15 ± 2% to 76 ± 3%; Onion Creek: 2 ± 2% to 45 ± 5%), then decreased through the third growing season (Fort Hood: 57 ± 6%; Onion Creek: 11 ± 4%). Key differences between the sites include much higher biomass at Fort Hood than at Onion Creek (8 130 kg · ha-1 vs. 2 873 kg · ha-1), more recent grazing at Onion Creek (ending in 2000 vs. before 1996 at Fort Hood), and higher rainfall after the Onion Creek burn (214 mm in 20 days vs. 14 mm). Late-summer fire can temporarily decrease yellow bluestem frequency, but effects vary with site conditions and precipitation. Restoring dominance by native grasses may require additional management.
Artemisia herba–alba Asso (known in Arabic as Shih) is an evergreen aromatic shrub endemic in North African rangelands with high pastoral and medicinal relevance. The present work was designed to determine the effect of four soluble salts (NaCl, Na2SO4, MgCl2, and CaCl2) on germination of A. herba–alba seeds. Four concentrations (0, 50, 10, and 150 mM) of each salt were used to test the influence of salinities on germination percentage (GP), rate of germination (RG), and germination tolerance index (GTI %). The experiment was conducted in a controlled incubator with a 12h–photoperiod under 15°C dark/25°C light. The results showed that both GP and (RG) decreased significantly with salinity, and the highest GP was observed in the distilled water control (∼ 80%). The germination tolerance index (GTI %) revealed that A. herba–alba seeds were more tolerant to CaCl2 than other soluble salts. Comparatively, at high salt concentrations, MgCl2 and Na2SO4 were generally the most toxic salts followed by NaCl and CaCl2. The germination of A. herba–alba over a wide range of soluble salts suggests that this species can establish in salt-degraded soils. Therefore, this species appears a promising candidate for the rehabilitation of rangeland with saline soils.
Pastoral systems are regarded as complex social-ecological systems with components that interact and change over a range of spatial and temporal scales. As such, herd mobility has traditionally been used to respond to the dynamic nature of these systems. However, mobile pastoral systems around the world are becoming more constrained and increasingly fragmented with important implications for herd mobility. This study assessed the spatial distribution of 256 herds and their mobility patterns over a decade in the 10 villages that comprise the spatially constrained Leliefontein pastoral area in South Africa. We developed a hierarchical model of rangeland use, which showed that several stratified and connected socioeconomic, climatic, and environmental factors determined the spatial and temporal use of grazing areas in this 192 000-ha semiarid environment. At the highest level of use, access to the Leliefontein pastoral area is formally regulated. At the next level, the place of residence of herd owners largely defined which village commons was used by their livestock. At the third level of rangeland use, the wealth status of owners determined where in relation to human settlements their herds were located. At the lowest level in the hierarchy, the locations of water and croplands delineated seasonal grazing areas and the movement of stockposts. These stratified factors, together with the overall variability in grazing resource availability and the different decision making processes involved, resulted in high flexibility and diversity of herd mobility patterns at the lowest level of rangeland use. This, in turn, ensured heterogeneity in resource use over a range of spatial and temporal scales. It was concluded that policies should embrace the complexity of the pastoral system and enable the adaptive management of herds. This could reduce the level of vulnerability experienced by pastoralists to climate variability and wider societal change.
Rangelands and the wildlife and livestock they support are critical to human livelihoods, but rangeland ecosystems increasingly suffer from overgrazing and degradation. Planned grazing, a strategy that commonly involves time-controlled rotations of high-density (bunched) groups of cattle across a pasture, is marketed as a method to enhance rangeland health and lessen livestock impacts. However, the behavioral mechanisms underlying any potential rangeland improvements resulting from rotational, high-density planned grazing have rarely been examined. To investigate these mechanisms, we compared planned grazing with conventional continuous grazing management in a savanna ecosystem in Kenya. We surveyed cattle grazing behavior, measured changes in vegetation characteristics through surveys conducted before and after cattle grazing, and measured native ungulate abundance following grazing using camera traps. Stocking rates were held constant across treatments, resulting in a commensurate decline in total foliar hits per pin (a proxy for vegetative biomass) across treatments. Planned grazing management altered cattle behavior and reduced grazing selectivity by restricting movements, causing cattle to walk more slowly while grazing and to take more bites per step. Vegetation survey results supported this finding: cattle in the planned grazing treatment ate significantly more Pennisetum grasses (typically avoided because of their unpalatability), creating the opportunity for regrowth of more palatable species after seasonal rains. We also documented significantly higher zebra presence in planned grazing plots after cattle grazing, likely due to increased relative abundance of more palatable grass species. This investigation of grazing behavior, and specifically decreased grazing selectivity as a mechanism underpinning the benefits of planned grazing, shows that when conducted at appropriate stocking densities, planned grazing has the potential to help mitigate rangeland degradation and improve rangeland sustainability for both livestock and wildlife in pastoral African savanna ecosystems.
Predation of livestock by wildlife and the retribution responses it elicits can have strong negative impacts on both people and carnivores. A questionnaire survey designed to investigate human-carnivore conflicts was completed by 66 herders from local communities within Taxkorgan Nature Reserve, located in the Pamir and Karkorum mountains of Northwestern China. A total of 127 livestock predation events with associated predator identification were reported and 583 livestock were killed. Wolves (315 livestock) and dholes (129 livestock) were responsible for the largest number of livestock losses. Livestock depredation significantly differed between guarded and unguarded management strategies. Positive relationships between loss and the total amount of the major livestock species, as well as the total loss and total amount of livestock, were detected. Use of guard dogs did not affect the likelihood of carnivore attacks, whereas keeping livestock in pens at night or all day did reduce the number of depredation events. Depredation showed significant seasonal variation (month of occurrence) for large carnivores. Numbers of goat, sheep, and cattle predated also varied by month, but did not for yak because of different husbandry practices. No compensation policy has yet been established in this area, but if it were to be developed in the future, 83% of interviewed herders would require compensation in cash, whereas 14% of herders would prefer replacement livestock. Our study offers suggestions to mitigate livestock depredation in this region of China. To prevent livestock depredations, local herders should mainly prevent wolves and dholes because they cause most livestock killings, and employ guarded grazing practice. Managers could make herders keep a reasonable number of livestock to raise grazing efficiency, introduce suitable sheepdog breeds, and provide essential dog training as useful aids to herders to increase livestock-guarding effectiveness.
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